similar to: unable to load Hmisc in R 2.14.0

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 600 matches similar to: "unable to load Hmisc in R 2.14.0"

2011 Dec 23
error from character NAs in indexing array
The help page for ?Extract says: "When extracting, a numerical, logical or character NA index picks an unknown element and so returns NA in the corresponding element of a logical, integer, numeric, complex or character result, and NULL for a list. (It returns 00 for a raw result.] " However, I seem to be getting different behavior when converting NA's to character indices
2011 Dec 17
odfWeave error
I am new to using odfWeave but I have encountered a problem running both the example in the help file as well as another file.? I am not sure how to correct the error. First example: library(odfWeave) filein <- 'c:\\my documents\\example01_in.odt' fileout <- 'c:\\my documents\\example01.odt' odfWeave(filein, fileout, control = odfWeaveControl(cleanup = T)) error:
2011 Dec 16
I am new to using odfWeave but I have encountered a problem running both the example in the help file as well as another file. I am not sure how to correct the error. First example: library(odfWeave) filein <- 'c:\\my documents\\example01_in.odt' fileout <- 'c:\\my documents\\example01.odt' odfWeave(filein, fileout, control = odfWeaveControl(cleanup = T)) error:
2011 Dec 07
bug in rank(), order(), is.unsorted() on character vector
Hi, This looks OK: > x <- c("_1_", "1_9", "2_9") > rank(x) [1] 1 2 3 But this does not: > xa <- paste(x, "a", sep="") > xa [1] "_1_a" "1_9a" "2_9a" > rank(xa) [1] 2 1 3 Cheers, H. > sessionInfo() R version 2.14.0 (2011-10-31) Platform: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu (64-bit) locale: [1]
2012 Jan 10
importing S3 methods with importFrom
In my own package, I want to use the default S3 method of the generic function lrtest() from the lmtest package. Since I need only one function from lmtest, I tried to use importFrom in my NAMESPACE: importFrom(lmtest, lrtest) However, this fails R CMD check in the examples: Error in UseMethod("lrtest") : no applicable method for 'lrtest' applied to an object of class
2012 Mar 28
Grafico en 3D
Buenas tardes, Podria por favor alguien ayudarme a descifrar por que no es posible ver la grafica 3D cuando se utiliza lattice? Ya se que algunas veces los duendes hacen de las suyas, pero no estoy seguro de que este sea el caso. He reiniciado R, cambiado a RStudio y utilizado XP, pero no pasa "nada". Mi sessionInfo() es: R version 2.14.0 Patched (2011-11-12 r57642) Platform:
2011 Nov 18
libpng warning: Application built with libpng-1.2.26 but running with 1.5.2
Hi, I have a problem on my mac when trying in R to produce png images. I am getting this warnings with the ArrayQualityMetrics package: > arrayQualityMetrics(rma_fatBody, outdir="normData", force =T) The report will be written into directory 'normData'. KernSmooth 2.23 loaded Copyright M. P. Wand 1997-2009 (loaded the KernSmooth namespace) libpng warning: Application built
2009 Oct 12
xyplot does not find variable in data
When we call a lattice function such as xyplot, to what extent does the "data" designation cause the function to look inside the "data" for variables? In the examples below, the "subset" argument understands that "Variety" is a variable in the data. But the "scales" argument does not understand that "nitro" is a variable in the data.
2009 Jul 26
obtain names of variables and data from glm object
Suppose we have some glm object such as: myglm <- glm( y ~ x, data=DAT) Is there an elegant way--or the "right way" within the R way of thinking--to obtain the names of the response variable, the predictor variables, and the dataset, as character strings? For instance, suppose the "right way" was to use the (currently fictitious) functions theresponse(), thepredictors(),
2009 Aug 03
session logging
Consider all the text that one sees on the console during an R session. Is there a way, within R, to make all this text--both the "output" and the "messages"--automatically get copied to a single text file, in addition to seeing it on the console? If I remember to save the console to a file at the end of my R session, that does it. But (1) That requires pointing and
2009 Oct 10
lattice auto.key drop unused levels
The following code produces a legend ("key") that mentions the unused levels of Block. library(MEMSS) xyplot(yield~nitro, subset=(Block=="I" | Block=="II"), data=Oats, group=Block, auto.key=T) and adding "drop.unused.levels=T" does not fix it. And in fact even the following does not solve the problem: xyplot(yield~nitro,
2010 Mar 04
fisher.test gives p>1
The purpose of this email is to (1) report an example where fisher.test returns p > 1 (2) ask if there is a reliable way to avoid p>1 with fisher.test. If one has designed one's code to return an error when it finds a "nonsensical" probability, of course a value of p>1 can cause havoc. Example: > junk<-data.frame(score=c(rep(0,14), rep(1,29), rep(2, 16))) >
2012 Apr 11
unexpectedly high memory use in R 2.14.0
I recently started using R 2.14.0 on a new machine and i am experiencing what seems like unusually greedy memory use. It happens all the time, but to give a specific example, let's say i run the following code -------- for(j in 1:length(files)){ load(file.path(dump.dir, files[j]))[[j]]<-data } save(abind(, along=2), file.path(dump.dir, filename)) ---------
2013 Dec 02
plus/minus +/- in factor; not plotmath not expression
I want to put the "plus or minus" symbol into a character variable, so that this can be turned into a factor and be displayed in the "strip" of a faceted ggplot2 plot. A very nice solution, thanks to Professor Ripley's post of Nov 16, 2008; 3:13pm, visible at and subsequently
2012 Dec 06
scope, lme, ns, nlme, splines
I want to fit a series of lme() regression models that differ only in the degrees of freedom of a ns() spline. I want to use a wrapper function to do this. The models will be of the form y ~ ns(x, df=splineDF) where splineDF is passed as an argument to a wrapper function. This works fine if the regression function is lm(). But with lme(), I get an error. fitfunction() below demonstrates this.
2009 Oct 28
variable labels to accompany data.frame
Often it is useful to keep a "codebook" to document the contents of a dataset. (By "dataset" I mean a rectangular structure such as a dataframe.) The codebook has as many rows as the dataset has columns (variables, fields). The columns (fields) of the codebook may include: ? variable name ? type (character, factor, integer, etc) ? variable label
2008 Jul 17
nested calls, variable scope
Below is an example of a problem I encounter repeatedly when I write functions. A call works at the command line, but it does not work inside a function, even when I have made sure that all required variables are available within the function. The only way I know to solve it is to make the required variable global, which of course is dangerous. What is the elegant or appropriate way to solve
2010 Jun 18
ggplot2 boxplot: horizontal, univariate
In ggplot2, I would like to make a boxplot that has the following properties: (1) Contrary to default, the meaningful axis should be the horizontal axis. Lattice does this, for instance, by library(lattice);bwplot(~mtcars$mpg) (2) It is *univariate*, i.e., of a single vector, say mtcars$mpg. I do not wish to make separate plots for the different values of mtcars$cyl. (3) Nothing on the
2011 Nov 10
Package build/check OK, install looking for irrelevant function
Hello R Users: I have 3 packages that I authored and they build and check just fine locally. However, when I try to install the local source packages (from the .tar.gz), I get the following message: Error in `+.POSIXt`(as.POSIXct(origin, tz = tz, ...), x) : could not find function "%is.a%" In addition: Warning message: In install.packages(file.choose(), .libPaths()[1], NULL, type =
2010 Feb 04
xyplot 3 panels 3 different Y variables
Often, when exploring a dataset, I'd like to plot several very different Y variables against the same X variable, in panels stacked one over the other. Is there an easy way to do this? I'd like to achieve an elegant look similar to the look achieved by lattice in conditioned plots--for instance no space between panels. But unlike in straightforward conditioned plot, each panel may be on a