similar to: Creating 3D plot

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "Creating 3D plot"

2010 Oct 09
Loss of precision in read.csv.
Given a csv file from this location Airports<-"" download.file(Airports,basename(Airports)) airports <-read.csv("airports.csv",encoding="UTF-8") > airports[1,] id ident type name latitude_deg longitude_deg elevation_ft continent iso_country iso_region municipality scheduled_service 1 6523
2012 Nov 25
Error : Error in if (antipodal(p1, p2))
Hey, I'm trying to build something like this but with my own data in csv files. The code runs well if I use the same csv files as the author, but with mine , this is what I get *Code* library(maps) library(geosphere) map("world") xlim <- c(-180.00, 180.00) ylim <- c(-90.00, 90.00)
2013 Feb 09
R maps Help
I am fairly new to R and am plotting flight data on a map. Everything is working well except the size of the map is really too small to show the data effectively and I can't seem to figure out how to make the output map larger. Do I need to change the device characteristics or is it a map.??? call. Here is the code: library(maps) library(geosphere) airports <-
2010 Nov 09
Undefined method
I am very new to ROR. (Ruby 1.8.7, rails 2.1.1, rack 0.8.7, mysql 5.1.41) I has my_app/lib/migration_helpers.rb file: module MigrationHelpers def self.foreign_key(from_table, from_column, to_table) constraint_name = "fk_#{from_table}_#{to_table}" execute %{alter table #{from_table} add constraint #{constraint_name} foreign key (#{from_column})
2006 Feb 02
uninitialized constant
Ok, I searched but couldn''t find anything and I even tried the RoR IRC channel with no help. I get this error: uninitialized constant Airport I used this code which I got from the RoR site. helper :sorting def list @sorter = self, %w(icao host_id name), @params[''sort''], @params[''order''], ''icao'',
2011 Apr 12
How to set the dimension of a matrix correctly?
Hi all, I use kriging to interpolate the precipitation from stations, but the map of this results show lots of stripes. (please see the attachment)I think there's something wrong with the setting of the dimension of this matrix, however, I have no idea how to know or test to see if this setting is correct or not.I've tried to switch the latitude and longitude, but still got the same
2005 Apr 17
Minimum distance
G'day, I have a matrix 20000 x 500 populated with all the distances between a list of airports and a list of towers. What I'm having trouble doing is finding the closest airport to each tower, Any help would be greatly appreciated. Regards, Michael Williams [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2007 Jan 18
Clusterer generating javascript syntax error
Hi all, I''m using Ym4r with the Clusterer. The GMaps code in my controller looks something like this: # geo is an array of lon/lat points session[:gmap] =''map_div'') session[:gmap].control_init(:large_map => true,:map_type => true) session[:gmap].center_zoom_init([38.134557,-95.537109],4) markers =
2017 Jan 15
[SERVER UPDATE] Moving clang, clang-analyzer, libcxxabi, libcxx ... websites to new server
On Fri, Jan 13, 2017 at 04:07:48PM -0500, James Y Knight via llvm-dev wrote: > But beyond that: there's no downside. Why should *anyone* continue to serve > http traffic? It's just all around better and safer to require https, for > everything, always. I take you haven't tried to use WiFi at UK airports or coaches recently? There are a lot of other places with completely
2011 Aug 27
Am having trouble calling a function
In my main R program, I have source("retaanalysis/Functions/doAirport.R") .... stuff to read data and calculate ads sapply(ads, function(x) {doAirport(x, base)} ) And doAirport has # analyze the flights for a given airport doAirport = function(df, base) { # Get rid of unused runway factor levels (from other airports) df$lrw <- drop.levels(df$lrw) # In gdata package #
2018 Aug 12
ligthdm shutdown without a mouse
I have set up a computer that's going to be hand-carried through several airports on the way to its final destination. This is the Lenovo laptop that I asked about earlier, where everything works well except for the touchpad that isn't recognized at all. (For the touchpad I'm just kind of hoping that a future kernel update will make it magically start working; for the time being the
2005 Jun 09
hello, to use the function plot3d, i should use the package R.basic! plot3d {R.basic} If people know exactly a site to load this package, please give me the URL! Thanks Sabine --------------------------------- [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2017 Jan 15
[SERVER UPDATE] Moving clang, clang-analyzer, libcxxabi, libcxx ... websites to new server
On Sun, Jan 15, 2017 at 04:25:16PM -0500, James Knight wrote: > On Jan 15, 2017, at 9:19 AM, Joerg Sonnenberger via llvm-dev <llvm-dev at> wrote: > > On Fri, Jan 13, 2017 at 04:07:48PM -0500, James Y Knight via llvm-dev wrote: > >> But beyond that: there's no downside. Why should *anyone* continue to serve > >> http traffic? It's just all
2013 Aug 24
Correct NAMESPACE approach when writing an S3 method for a generic in another package
Dear List, In one of my packages I have an S3 method for the plot3d generic function from package rgl. I am trying to streamline my Depends entries but don't know how to have plot3d(foo) in the examples section for the plot3d method in my package, without rgl being in Depends. Note that I importFrom(rgl, plotd3d) and register my S3 method via S3Method() in the NAMESPACE. If rgl is not in
2008 Dec 16
surface contour plot help
I am trying to do a surface profile plot. data is X                  Y(1)             Z(1) 1-jan-02       2002        number 2-jan-02       2002        number . . . 1-jan-03       2003 (Y2)     number Z(2) 2-jan-03       2003 (Y2)     number Z(2) . . . until dec 31 2007.   I used the plot3d funtions to build a scatter point plot. Call rinterface.rrun("library(rgl)") Call
2012 Aug 09
How to find data in a map according to coordinates?
Hello, I have created a spatial map of temperature over an area thanks to interpolation. So I have temperature data everywhere on my map. My question is: how can I find temperature data on my map for a specific location according to coordinates? For this, I have a data frame containing 4 columns: "x" for longitude, "y" for latitude, "z" for altitude" and
2019 Jan 18
plot3d con library(rgl)
Buenas tardes. ¿Sabe alguno de vosotros cómo indicar la variable con la que identificar los puntos con plot3d? library(rgl) plot3d(Data$RTLML,Data$JD,Data$SB) Las muestras pertenecen a una de dos categorías, según la variable "Family", pero no sé cómo hacer que me las represente de diferente color. Gracias, Manuel . -- Dr Manuel
2007 Apr 04
how to image.plot a XY grid file into a lat-lon map
Hi All, I have a netcdf gridded file with LCC projection. I can easily use image.plot to visualize it. However, as the axises are in X,Y, not Lat and Lon, I could not add state or country maps onto it (or lat lon information). I do have a grid2d file that describes the lat and lon for each (X,Y) grid, but the lat and lon are not regularly spaced, so I could not use image.plot. Does anyone know
2010 Apr 28
What is the best way to plots surfaces in 3 dimensions?
Hi R help, What is the best way to plots surfaces in 3 dimensions? I also have the following availability problem with "plot3d" and "scatterplot3d", and "wireframe": install.packages("scatterplot3d") Warning: unable to access index for repository Warning message: In getDependencies(pkgs,
2012 Nov 20
[lattice] how to overlay a geographical map on a levelplot?
r-help lattice adepts: I have a question which is somewhat geospatial, so I posted to r-sig-geo rather than here: > summary: How to overlay a geographical map on each panel in a lattice > (or Trellis), e.g., of levelplot's? Note I am not inquiring about > creating choropleth maps[,] which Sarkar 2008 covers quite