similar to: testing significance of axis loadings from multivariate dudi.mix

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 500 matches similar to: "testing significance of axis loadings from multivariate dudi.mix"

2009 Jan 24
Help with dudi.pca
Dear R-helpers, I have two data frames, op and em4: > str(op) 'data.frame': 37 obs. of 5 variables: $ m : num 0.202 0.336 0.122 0.139 0.14 ... $ lln : num 0.798 0.643 0.863 0.835 0.823 ... $ rrn : num 0.789 0.702 0.894 0.895 0.923 ... $ asym2: num 0.177 0.304 0.108 0.187 0.274 ... $ asym3: num 0.0755 0.0975 0.0818 0.0651 0.13 ... > str(rownames(op)) chr
2009 Jan 19
bootstrapped eigenvector method following prcomp
G'Day R users! Following an ordination using prcomp, I'd like to test which variables singnificantly contribute to a principal component. There is a method suggested by Peres-Neto and al. 2003. Ecology 84:2347-2363 called "bootstrapped eigenvector". It was asked for that in this forum in January 2005 by J?r?me Lema?tre: "1) Resample 1000 times with replacement entire
2004 Jul 31
dudi.pca behaviour and discrimin
Hello, I not have attached in this e-mail the zipped list of matrices I am using because it has 1 meg once zipped and anyway we cannot send attached files on r-help mailling list. First, after running the code that is written bellow, I realized that the printout of dudi.pca gives me for both of my matrices $cw length that are unequal to either respective $rank or $eig lengths. Is that
2005 Nov 11
Snow parLapply
Dear R-user, I am trying to use the function 'parLapply' from the 'snow' package which is supposed to work the same wys as 'lapply' but for a parallelized cluster of computers. The function I am trying to call in parallel is 'dudi.pca' (from the 'ade4' package) which performs principal component analyses. When I call this function on a list of
2006 May 03
mca id numbers
Is it possible to make disappear the id numbers from scatter.dudi (mc analysis) ? a <- as.factor(c(1, 2, 3, 2, 1)) b <- as.factor(c(3, 2, 3, 1, 1)) x <- as.factor(c(1, 2, 2, 1, 3)) y <- as.factor(c(2, 2, 3, 1, 1)) dat <- data.frame(a=a, b=b,x=x,y=y) summary(dat) dat require(ade4) dat.acm <- dudi.acm(dat, scann = FALSE, nf = 2) scatter.dudi(dat.acm) Thank you very much !
2013 Aug 27
Encontrar las variables más importantes en componentes principales
Hola compañeros de la lista. Qué tal. Tengo un análisis de componentes principales, en el que se evalúan aproximadamente 1000 variables. Usando la función dudi.pca e inertia.dudi obtengo una cantidad de información sobre la influencia de las variables sobre los dos componentes principales. Me gustaría saber si existe alguna función que sobre esta información me arrojara la lista de
2004 Jan 01
Dear All, I am using the scatter.dudi finction in the 'ade4' package to produce correspondence analysis (nice) plots. I do not seem to figure out how to plot the raw coordinates only -- or column coordinates only. I would appreciate any help in doing that. Here is the example I am following -- from the package. data(banque) > banque.acm <- dudi.acm(banque, scann = FALSE, nf =
2006 Jul 20
Correspondence analysis with R -follow up
Hi all, thank you for your answers; i've tried both cca from vegan library, and dudi.coa from ade4 library; one last question: my deal is mainly with contingency tables, like the one i'm posting here acciaieria<-c(.41,.02,.44,.04,.09) laminatoio<-c(.34,.28,.26,.01,.11) fonderia<-c(.48,.05,.34,.08,.05) leghe<-c(.45,.19,.25,.03,.08)
2013 Aug 29
Resumen de R-help-es, Vol 54, Envío 22
Hola! No he podido consultar la doc. del paquete ade4, algo debe estar caído en CRAN ahora mismo. Dos cosas sobre la metodología -aun desconociendo los detalles de cómo lo hace ade4: El output de un PCA, los "pesos" de cada variable en las dimensiones de los componentes se interpretan como correlaciones, a mayor valor absoluto mayor asociación variable-componente. Ahora, como tales
2013 Oct 01
Análisis de componentes principales con ade4 y FactoMineR
Hola compañeros de la lista, qué tal. Estoy haciendo un análisis de componentes principales utilizando las funciones "dudi.pca" (paquete "ade4") y "PCA" (paquete "FactoMineR"). Sucede que al comparar las coordenadas de cada individuo que obtiene cada función, las que corresponden al segundo componente principal tienen idéntica magnitud pero con
2017 Jun 24
Limit IMAP/IMAPS listening IPs
Hello list. I am running dovecot v2.2.13 on debian 8.8; I tried to add a "address =" statement for only localhost and one private IP, but then I got a complaint from system: dovecot[20515]: Error: systemd listens on port 143, but it's not configured in Dovecot. Closing. What is the proper way to resolve this? TIA & Regards, Dudi
2007 Oct 16
Canberra distance
Hi, I misunderstand the definition of Canberra distance in R. On Internet and in function description pages of dist() from stats and Dist() from amap, Canberra distance between vectors x and y, d(x,y), is : d(x,y) = sum(abs(x-y)/(x+y)) But in use, through simple examples, we find that the formula is : d(x,y) = (NZ + 1)/NZ * sum(abs(x-y)/(x+y)) with NZ = nb of pairs of coordinates that are
2013 Oct 01
Análisis de componentes principales con ade4 y FactoMineR
Instalo ade4 correctamente y no me abren los datos como por ejemplo data(bsetal97) ¿Qué piensan de eso? De: r-help-es-bounces en [mailto:r-help-es-bounces en] En nombre de Francesc Carmona Enviado el: Tuesday, October 01, 2013 7:30 AM Para: r-help-es en Asunto: Re: [R-es] Análisis de componentes principales con ade4 y FactoMineR Por definición
2004 Jul 01
Hello, I'm new with R. I need some help; I have a matrix of data to wich i want to apply the function dudi.acm to perform multiple correspondence analysis. However to use it all variables must be factors, so how can i turn each column of the matrix into a factor? I've tried as.factor. It works isolated for each column, but when I form the matrix of all factors it doesnt work. Please
2012 Jul 25
Obtain residuals from a Principal Component Analysis
Hi everyone, I am relatively new to R, and I need to perform the principal components analysis of a data matrix. I know that there are a bunch of methods to do it (dudi.pca, princomp, prcomp...) but I have not managed to find a method that can return the residuals obtained by retaining X principal components of the original data, as this MATLAB function can do: Suggestions?
2012 Nov 18
help interpreting dudi.pco
I am working on morphometry of hairs and want to see if selected variables are giving significantly distinct groups. I am new to both R and principal coordinate analysis. Scatter plot is showing distinct groups but i dont know how to refine the analysis and interprete it. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2004 Oct 15
edit plots from the ADE4 package
Dear R-Help i have a newbie question, how edit size fonts and colors in the plots (scatter.acm or dudi.acm function) of multiple correspondence analysis in the ADE4 Package? thanks? Rafael Gutierrez Estad??stico Unidad de Tecnolog??a Cerro Matoso S.A. Tel. 4-7723350 Fax. 4-7723236 ************************************************************************************************* Este correo
2005 Sep 26
calculating distances using Gower's coefficient on mixed variables.
I want to compute the distances in a mixed variable matrix using the Gower coefficient. I understand it is possible to calculate distances in a matrix with mixed variables using the dudi.pco command. How would this work? Jorine
2017 Jun 25
Limit IMAP/IMAPS listening IPs
Hi, >> What is the proper way to resolve this? > >$ mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/dovecot.socket.d >$ vim /etc/systemd/system/dovecot.socket.d/ports.conf > >content: > >[Socket] ># unset all ports defined in the global file ListenStream= # add our new ports >ListenStream=[]:143 > >$ systemctl daemon-reload >$ systemctl restart dovecot.socket
2005 Jul 07
About ade4 and overlaying points
Dear R-users, Is there an easy way to avoid points one upon another when ploting rows and columns of 'dudi' objects ? Maybe there is a function in ade4 or in an other package, or maybe someone has his or her own function to do this (for example to automatically modify a little the coordinates of these points to get a readable plot ?). Thanks in advance. Best regards, Jacques VESLOT