similar to: Is it possible to vectorize/accelerate this?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Is it possible to vectorize/accelerate this?"

2011 Mar 15
Element by element mean of a list of matrices
Hi All, is there any effiective and dense/compact method to calculate the mean of a list of - of course coincident - matrices on an element by element basis? The resulting matrix' [i, j]-th element is the mean of the list's matrices' [i, j]-th elements respectively... Iterating by for statement is quite straightforward, but I am seeking for a more elegant solution, and my attempt with
2009 Feb 16
solve.QP with box and equality constraints
Dear list, I am trying to follow an example that estimates a 2x2 markov transition matrix across several periods from aggregate data using restricted least squares. I seem to be making headway using solve.QP(quadprog) as the unrestricted solution matches the example I am following, and I can specify simple equality and inequality constraints. However, I cannot correctly specify a constraint
2013 Jan 24
ifelse to speed up loop?
Hello, I'm not sure how to explain what I'm looking for but essentially I have a test dataset that looks like this: test: V1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 2 5 2 6 2 7 1 8 1 9 1 10 2 11 2 12 2 And what I want to be able to do is create another column that captures a "grouping" variable that looks like this: test V1 group 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 4 2 2 5 2
2016 Jan 29
Validate Ids Multiple DC
Lol... I dont know.. and i did learn know most from you :-P And you have reset the idmap? Greetz, .. hihi... Louis > -----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- > Van: samba [mailto:samba-bounces at] Namens Rowland penny > Verzonden: vrijdag 29 januari 2016 16:22 > Aan: samba at > Onderwerp: Re: [Samba] Validate Ids Multiple DC > > On 29/01/16
2016 Aug 01
Centos 7 & ntlm
Hihi So I have a really strange problem. I am running Centos 7 with Samba purely for ntlm_auth against winbind services (squid/radius auth etc). Its been working fine till we found a strange bug with the ntlm_auth executable. If the username has a "w" at the end it throws out a syntax error see below test: # ./ntlm_auth --username=lblaauw username must be specified! Usage:
2009 Jul 07
vectorizing a function
I'm sure I'm missing something obvious but I'm not seeing how to simply "vectorize" a function of two or more variables. Say I have f <- function(x,y) if (x>0) y else -y Now I have vectors x and y of equal length and I'd like to apply f element-wise. I.e. conceptually z <- f(x,y) where x, y, z are vectors of the same length Some magic involving apply?
2004 Aug 18
labeled break statements in R?
Hi, Are there labeled break statements in R? i.e., something along the lines of TOPLOOP: for(i in 1:m) { for(j in 1:n) { ... if(condition) { break TOPLOOP } } } Thanks, Roger
2005 Jun 16
Greetings, Can anyone suggest me if we can vectorize the following problem effectively? I have two datasets, one dataset is portfolio of stocks returns on a historical basis and another dataset consist of a bunch of factors (again on a historical basis). I intend to compute a rolling n-day sensitivitiesfor each stock for each factor, so the output will be a data frame with
2012 Feb 07
Vectorizing a loop
Hello Folks, I'm trying to vectorize a loop that processes rows of a dataframe. It involves lots of conditionals, such as "If column 10 == 3, and if column 3 is True, and both column 5 and 6 are False, then set column 4 to True". So, for example, any ideas about vectorizing the following? df = data.frame( list(a=c(1,2,3,4),
2011 Mar 29
new syntax: bash-like pipe operator
Dear R Community, One thing that always bugged me about R is the abundance of multi-level nested statements, like: cumsum(ifelse(c(1,diff(v)),1,0)) because: a) you have to read them inside out as opposed to left-to-right b) in the console you always have to go back and type the parenthesis if you want to nest your statement I kind of like the UNIX pipe operator as a very good abstraction of a
2011 Aug 03
slow computation of functions over large datasets
Hello there, I’m computing the total value of an order from the price of the order items using a “for” loop and the “ifelse” function. I do this on a large dataframe (close to 1m lines). The computation of this function is painfully slow: in 1min only about 90 rows are calculated. The computation time taken for a given number of rows increases with the size of the dataset, see the example with
2012 Mar 19
Issue with asin()
Hello everyone, I am working for a few days already on a basic algorithm, very common in applied agronomy, that aims to determine the degree-days necessary for a given individual to reach a given growth stade. The algorithm (and context) is explained here: , and so I implemented my function in R as follows: DD <- function(Tmin, Tmax, Tseuil,
2010 Nov 01
how to save this result in a vector
HI, Dear R community, I have the following codes to calculate the commulative coverage. I want to save the output in a vector, How to do this? test<-seq(10, 342, by=2) #cover is a vector cover_per<-function (cover) { for (i in min(cover):max(cover)) {print(100*sum(ifelse(cover >= i, 1, 0))/length(cover))} } result<-cover_per(test) > result NULL Can anyone help me this this?
2013 May 07
how to calculate the mean in a period of time?
Hi, Your question is still not clear. May be this helps: dat2<- read.table(text=" patient_id????? t???????? scores 1????????????????????? 0??????????????? 1.6 1????????????????????? 1??????????????? 2.6 1????????????????????? 2???????????????? 2.2 1????????????????????? 3???????????????? 1.8 2????????????????????? 0????????????????? 2.3 2?????????????????????? 2???????????????? 2.5
2001 Nov 16
R BATCH mode
hihi easy! i would like run r in batch mode. how could i pass through arguments for my r.script. for example: r batch my_script.R arg1 arg2 and how must i modify the r script. wolfgang -- Wolfgang Mueller Phone +41 1 256-9203, MeteoSwiss Kraehbuehlstr. 58, mailto:muw at CH-8044 Zuerich, Switzerland
2001 Nov 15
hihi i've a matrix say a(30,10,5). how can a function (for example histogram) be used to calculate along the first axis, or to create a 10x5 matrix of histograms? wolfgang -- Wolfgang Mueller Phone +41 1 256-9203, MeteoSwiss Kraehbuehlstr. 58, mailto:muw at CH-8044 Zuerich, Switzerland
2010 Nov 25
Cumsum with a max and min value
I have a vector of values -1, 0, 1, say a <- c(0, 1, 0, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1, 0, -1, -1) I want to create a vector of the cumulative sum of this, but I need to set a maximum and minimum value for the cumsum, for example: max_value <- 2 min_value <- -2 the expected result would be (0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 0, -1, -1, -2, -2) The only way I managed to do It, was res <-
2009 Sep 30
Condition to factor (easy to remember)
Dear List, creating factors in a given non-default orders is notoriously difficult to explain in a course. Students love the ifelse construct given below most, but I remember some comment from Martin M?chler (?) that ifelse should be banned from courses. Any better idea? Not necessarily short, easy to remember is important. Dieter data = c(1,7,10,50,70) levs =
2007 May 21
sequentially process a list
Hi dear R users, I'm a R beginner and I have a basic question about sequential treatments of lists. I have a time based (i.e. events are consecutive) list of values of a biological property. Like : time value 1 5 2 10 3 7 4 10 5 19 6 21 7 20 8 18 9 10 10 7 11 8 12 12 13 17 14 19 15 24 16 18 17 15 18
2007 Aug 22
Help with vector gymnastics
Hello, What is the best way of solving this problem? answer <- ifelse(tf=TRUE, i * 5, previous answer) where as an initial condition tf[1] <- TRUE For example if, tf <- c(T,F,F,F,T,T,F) over i = 1 to 7 then the output of the function will be answer = 5 5 5 5 25 30 30 Thank you. Phil,