similar to: optimising a loop

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1200 matches similar to: "optimising a loop"

2013 May 22
column width in .dbf files using write.dbf ... to be continued
Hello Arnaud, You posted this question a long long time ago, however I found your answer so I decided to post it anyway in case somebody else have the same problem as you and me. You were actually very close in finding your solution. The function DoWritedbf is an internal function from the foreign package. To access it outside of the package just do: foreign:::DoWritedbf so in your line:
2010 Oct 06
R getting slower until it breaks...
Hello R-users, I'm currently facing a pretty hard problem which I'm hopping you'll be able to help me with. I'm using R to create images. That alone is not the problem, the problem is that I'm using R to create 168 000 images... My code (which is given below) use different package (raster and rgdal) to import a image (size 20gig) and divide it into 168 000 pictures that are
2010 Sep 17
grouping dataframe entries using a categorical variable
DearR Users, I have a problem which I think you might be able to help. I have a dataframe which I'm trying to "filter" following different groups I specified. It's a little hard to explain, so here is an example: My dataframe: ESS DHP 1 EPB 22 2 SAB 10 3 SAB 20 4 BOJ 14 5 ERS 28 11 SAB 10 12 SAB 22 13 BOJ 26 20 SAB 10 21 SAB 22 22 BOJ 32 29 SAB 14 30 SAB
2008 Oct 28
Fitting weibull and exponential distributions to left censoring data
Dear R-users I have some datasets, all left-censoring, and I would like to fit distributions to (weibull,exponential, etc..). I read one solution using the function survreg in the survival package. i.e survreg(Surv(...)~1, dist="weibull") but it returns only the scale parameter. Does anyone know how to successfully fit the exponential, weibull etc... distributions to left-censoring
2008 Feb 11
Hello Flac Boys! I've a little thing, without consequences, I try to understand since last evening; I will try to resume it clearly : You must know that I create an NTFS partition, for only coding my CD's in FLAC (for home using) and in MP3 (for car using). My partition inculudes some directories called WAV, FLAC and MP3, amongst others, for personal and paranoiac purposes (double
2004 Jul 08
Problem with the grep function
Let me present to you my problem : I have a character vector x and I would like to obtain the indices of the elements of this vector that yielded exactly a match. For example, x=nom, pattern="b", I would to obtain 2 because "b" is on the second position. First program : nom <- c("a","b","ab") grep("b",nom) 2 3 Then I try the
2013 Jul 24
Change values in a dateframe
Hello I have the following problem : The dataframe TEST has multiple lines for a same person because : there are differents values of Nom or differents values of Prenom but the values of Matricule or Sexe or are the same. TEST <- structure(list(Matricule = c(66L, 67L, 67L, 68L, 89L, 90L, 90L, 91L, 108L, 108L, 108L), Nom = structure(c(1L, 2L, 2L, 4L, 8L, 5L, 6L, 9L, 3L, 3L,
2005 Jun 06
How to vectorize
Dear R-List, I would like to write nicely the names of some isotopes on a plot. The code bellow works fine. plot(1:10,1:10) text(c(2,4,8),c(2,4,8),labels=c(expression(italic(phantom(0)^{78}*Ge)), expression(italic(phantom(0)^{137}*Cs)), expression(italic(phantom(0)^{129*m}*Te))), cex=3 ) But, since I have a lot of
2005 Jun 06
How to vectorize
Dear R-List, I would like to write nicely the names of some isotopes on a plot. The code bellow works fine. plot(1:10,1:10) text(c(2,4,8),c(2,4,8),labels=c(expression(italic(phantom(0)^{78}*Ge)), expression(italic(phantom(0)^{137}*Cs)), expression(italic(phantom(0)^{129*m}*Te))), cex=3 ) But, since I have a lot of
2015 Oct 09
reverse object creation
Dear all, this is my first message to this mailing list - please advise if it is not the right place for the subject I've been using R very intensively the last 3-4 years and one of the most tedious tasks is modification of lookup or conversion tables So far, I have not found functions that create the commands for creating objects (vectors, data frames) based on the objects themselves -
2013 Jul 17
Dovecot 2.2.4/sendmail with sql user and aliases
Hi, We are currently moving from linuxconf/dovecot to a dovecot setup with sql support, the problem we currently facing is having a message sent to a aliase delivered to the user email inbox with dovecot-lda, i have created cedrict at mail.vdl and a alias test at mail.vdl, when i send to cedrict at mail.vdl the message is included in the user inbox file, but when i send to test at mail.vdl
2006 May 16
variable row names
Hy all, I wish to use a variable as rownames for a set of datas. By example : > nom<-"toto" > prenom<-"tutu" > res<-c(1,2) > res<-t(res) > res [,1] [,2] [1,] 1 2 > colnames(res)<-c(nom,prenom) > res toto tutu [1,] 1 2 > nom [1] "toto" > I wish to call the rowname by the
2005 Jun 22
How to use expression in label with xYplot
Dear R-List, I want to use the label function (from Hmisc library) to allow for the names of my isotopes. library(Hmisc) library(lattice) library(grid) num <- c("78","137","129m") nom <- c("Ge","Cs","Te") df <- data.frame(GE78=seq(nom),CS137=seq(nom),TE129m=seq(nom)) if I use this function to create the labels : lab <-
2006 Apr 25
select boxe
yop, ici j''ai vu qu''on pouvait g?n?rer des ?l?ment d''un formulaire gr?ce des m?thodes. Apres quelque petite recherches j''ai trouv? comment g?n?rer un select <%= select(''category'', '''', Category.find_all.collect {|category| category.nom})
2012 May 02
Problem with 'nls' fitting logistic model (5PL)
Dear R-Helpers, I'm working with immunoassay data and 5PL logistic model. I wanted to experiment with different forms of weighting and parameter selection, which is not possible in instrument software, so I turned to R. I am using R 2.14.2 under Win7 64bit, and the 'nls' library to fit the model - I started with the same model and weighting type (1/y) as in the instrument to see
2002 May 11
RODBC sqlFetch
Hi, Thanks for showing me how to use RODBC and odbcConnect. Now works nicely. The question I've got now is: noms <- list.files(pattern=".DBF") # removing extension names: noms <- sapply(noms, function(x) as.character(strsplit(x,".DBF")) , USE.NAMES=F) for (i in 1:length(noms)) { s <- sqlFetch(bdades, noms[i]) # etc. } But it seems that sqlFetch()
2007 Jun 06
names not inherited in functions
Dear all, I 'd like to keep the names of variables when calling them in a function. An example might help to understand my problem : The following function puts in a new data frame counts and percent of a data.frame called as "tablo" the step " nom.chiffr[1] <- names(vari) " is useless as names from the original data.frame aren't kept in the function environement.
2011 May 15
Question on approximations of full logistic regression model
Hi, I am trying to construct a logistic regression model from my data (104 patients and 25 events). I build a full model consisting of five predictors with the use of penalization by rms package (lrm, pentrace etc) because of events per variable issue. Then, I tried to approximate the full model by step-down technique predicting L from all of the componet variables using ordinary least squares
2013 Jul 12
simplify a dataframe
Hello I have the following problem : group the lines of a dataframe when no information change (Matricule, Nom, Sexe, DateNaissance, Contrat, Pays) and when the value of Debut of lines i = value Fin of lines i-1 I can obtain it with a do loop. Is it possible to avoid the loop ? The dataframe initial is df1 dput(df1) structure(list(Matricule = c(1L, 1L, 1L, 6L, 6L, 6L, 6L, 6L, 6L, 8L, 8L, 8L,
2002 May 18
can't connect from windows
Hello all, I've setup samba Version 2.2.0a on Slackware 8.0 # uname -a Linux slackware 2.4.5 #6 Fri Jun 22 01:38:20 PDT 2001 i686 unknown I start samba as root from a console as: /usr/sbin/smbd -D -d10 -l /var/adm/smblogs/log -s /etc/samba/smb.conf /usr/sbin/nmbd -D -d1 -s /etc/samba/smb.conf In smb.conf I have: [files] comment = mystuff valid users = nigels path = /usr1 read