similar to: 3D Graph Surface and single points (eg wireframe with points)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "3D Graph Surface and single points (eg wireframe with points)"

2012 Mar 26
Drape 3D scatterplot
Hi, *Warning: R newb here. * I've got a 3D scatterplot ( which I want to drape in color, with the draped plane corresponding to the mean z values on the plot (similar to: Does anyone know what package will allow me to do this? I used * scatterplot3d()* for my first plot. I've
2011 Dec 29
3d plotting alternatives. I like persp, but regret the lack of plotmath.
I have been making simple functions to display regressions in a new package called "rockchalk". For 3d illustrations, my functions use persp, and I've grown to like working with it. As an example of the kind of things I like to do, you might consult my lecture on multicollinearity, which is by far the most detailed illustration I've prepared.
2010 Apr 28
What is the best way to plots surfaces in 3 dimensions?
Hi R help, What is the best way to plots surfaces in 3 dimensions? I also have the following availability problem with "plot3d" and "scatterplot3d", and "wireframe": install.packages("scatterplot3d") Warning: unable to access index for repository Warning message: In getDependencies(pkgs,
2008 Nov 13
Surface plotting
Hi, I would like to plot a matrix which comprises 3 columns. So first column should be the x-axis. Second the y-axis and the third one should be the z-axis. I know that I can plot such data using the scatterplot3d, but I would like to have a surface plot like you can do with wireframe and persp. But both, persp and wireframe, want to have x and y as descending data, at least persp. I am not sure
2010 Apr 30
3D Surface plot
Dear All, I want to create a surface plot from the data. My data set is consists of x, y and z data. I plotted in very easy way by Excel worksheet as shown in the attached picture. I did some steps in R, but I cannot have the same plot as in Excel worksheet's figure. the R code is x <- c(-1,-0.75,-0.5,-0.25,0,0.25,0.5,0.75,1) y<- c(-1,-0.75,-0.5,-0.25,0,0.25,0.5,0.75,1) z<-
2008 Sep 30
adding planes/lines to 3d surface plots? (persp, wireframe)
Dear helplist members, I have been using 'wireframe()' to make 3d plots using the following call: wireframe (temp ~ xc2 * mc2, screen = list(z = 230, x = -70, y = 0), scales = list (arrows = FALSE)) and these three vectors: xc2 mc2 temp [1,] 0.1 0.04 0.049797615 [2,] 0.2 0.04 0.049161159 [3,] 0.3 0.04 0.048006702 [4,] 0.4 0.04 0.046208311 [5,] 0.5 0.04
2009 Mar 19
two plots side-by-side with persp3d(rgl)
Dear R-users, I would like to place two 3D plots side-by-side in a rgl-setting. It would nice to have something like "par(mfrow=c(1,2))" for basic plots, or an array framework for wireframe(lattice) (see example below). I only managed to overlap two persp3d plots. My final idea would be to animate both surfaces using play3d(rgl). Thanks in advance for any help. Best, Carlo Giovanni
2012 Mar 28
Grafico en 3D
Buenas tardes, Podria por favor alguien ayudarme a descifrar por que no es posible ver la grafica 3D cuando se utiliza lattice? Ya se que algunas veces los duendes hacen de las suyas, pero no estoy seguro de que este sea el caso. He reiniciado R, cambiado a RStudio y utilizado XP, pero no pasa "nada". Mi sessionInfo() es: R version 2.14.0 Patched (2011-11-12 r57642) Platform:
2008 Nov 26
Smoothed 3D plots
DeaR list, I'm trying to represent some information via 3D plots. My data and session info are at the end of this message. So far, I have tried scatterplot3d (scatterplot3d), persp3d (rgl), persp (graphics) and scatter3d (Rmcdr) but any of them gave me what I'd like to have as final result (please see [1] for a similar 3D plot changing PF by ypred, pdn by h4 and pup by h11). In general
2007 Aug 13
help with scatterplot3d
Hello, I am having a bit of trouble with scatterplot3d(). I was able to plot a 3d cloud of points using the following code: >my.3dplot<-scatterplot3d(my.coords, pch=19, zlim=c(0,1), scale.y=0.5, angle=30, box=FALSE) where my.coords is a data frame that contains x, y, and z coordinates for grid points whose elevation we sampled. The problem occurs when I try to add points using points3d.
2006 Feb 08
empty wireframe
Perhaps I am missing something incredibly basic, but I can't get the wireframe function to plot anything other than an empty graph with axes (and the correct scale). Cloud() works just fine, as does scatterplot3d(), and wireframe() works fine for other data sets I have. Are there some data sets that can't be plotted with wireframe()? If so, what are the characteristics that prevent
2012 Apr 09
how to add 3d-points to bplot {rms} figure?
Hello! I have created a bplot-figure using this code: *file <- "2dcali_red.ttt" ux<-as.matrix(read.table(file, dec = ",")) mode(ux)<-'numeric' vel<-ux[,1] ang<-ux[,2] x<-ux[,3] y<-ux[,4] dat<- data.frame(ang=ang, x=x,y=y) require(rms) ddist2 <- datadist(dat) options(datadist="ddist2") fitn <- lrm(ang ~ rcs(x,4) +
2007 Apr 13
graphics - wireframe
Hi, I would like to know about graphics for response surface in R. What are arguments for a best graphics? thanks, Bruno y <- c(66,39,43,49,58,17,-5,-40,65,7,43,-22,-31,-35,-26) x1 <- c(-1,1,-1,1,-1,1,-1,1,rep(0,7)) x2 <- c(-1,-1,1,1,0,0,0,0,-1,1,-1,1,0,0,0) wireframe( y ~ x1*x2 , scales = list(arrows = FALSE), drape = TRUE, colorkey = TRUE, screen = list(z = 30, x = -60),
2007 May 25
3D plots with data.frame
Dear all, Thank you for any help. I have a data.frame and would like to plot it in 3D. I have tried wireframe() and cloud(), I got scatterplot3d(xs) Error: could not find function "scatterplot3d" > wireframe(xs) Error in wireframe(xs) : no applicable method for "wireframe" > persp(x=x, y=y, z=xs) Error in persp.default(x = x, y = y, z = xs) : (list)
2011 Dec 13
How to add points to two plots parallelly ?
I am looking for ways to add points to three different plots in parallel. I generate three scatter plots and name them as s3d1, s3d2 and s3d3 s3d1<-scatterplot3d(mtcars[,3],mtcars[,4],mtcars[,5],main="common",pch=20) s3d2<-scatterplot3d(mtcars[,3],mtcars[,4],mtcars[,5],main="common",pch=20)
2008 Apr 11
polygons on scatterplot3d
Does anyone have any experience plotting complex polygons on a scatterplot3d display? I would like to present some spatially binned data in a 3-d type plot with background polygons (i.e.. a filled coastline map). I can get the coastline onto the plot window as a line type but cannot figure out how to fill the shape. I'm certain it may be possible but might require a bit of digging
2002 Jul 03
grouping in scatterplot3d
Hi all, I've been using the scatterplot3d function (from the scatterplot3d library) to create 3D plots. I was wondering whether there is anyway to group the points according to a particular group variable. For example I used the plot function as plot( factor( <GROUPINGVAR> ) , <PLOTVARS> ) to organise the results in a according to the grouping variable. I was wondering
2017 Oct 19
overlaying points and lines on a surface3d rgl plot with axes
Hi R users and experts, I am interested in learning more about the use of 3D plots. Specifically, I want to add points and lines to a surface plot. And get the axes and labels plotted also. Here is what I have tried with an example data set : library(rgl) vol2 <- 2*volcano # Exaggerate the relief library(reshape) mvol2 <- melt(vol2) str(mvol2) # First, persp and persp3d plots do not succeed
2010 Nov 26
3D-surface colour based on the values of X or Y data points
Dear R-experts, Using persp3d(), I plotted a 3d surface. I would like to colour this surface based on the result values (dependent variable) grouped in, say, three to five different ranges. Later, I would also like to paint the same surface based on the range-values of one of the independent variables. Please help. Thank you. Regards, Suresh -- View this message in context:
2010 Jan 26
add points to 3D plot using p3d {onion}
Hi, Can anyone guide me as to how I can add points to a p3d() plot from the onion package?? I want to plot points with different colors on the same 3D plot.? Perhaps I can do this without adding points but somehow directing the 'h' parameter to give different color to points based on a factor I assign to them? FYI, I can do this using using scatterplot3d() and points3d(), but these plots