similar to: program never enters browser mode when I add browser()

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "program never enters browser mode when I add browser()"

2006 Aug 05
formating for dist function
Hi there I have a list that looks like this object1 object1 78 object1 object2 45 object1 object3 34 object1 object4 45 object2 object2 89 object2 object3 32 object2 object4 13 but i want to create a matrix like this in order to use the dist function of R object1 object2 object3 object4 object1 78 45 34 45 object2 45
2009 Mar 23
Confusion regarding environments invoked by "source" command
Colleagues, R version 2.8.1 in OS X Within a function (which is already within a function), I am sourcing a file. The syntax of the command is something like (this is just an example; the actual code is much more complicated): BIGFUNCTION <- function() { DATAFRAME <- [some commands to create a dataframe] MYFUNCTION(DATAFRAME) } MYFUNCTION <- function(DATAFRAME) { print(ls())
2006 Jan 10
Transactions with multiple databases
hi, i have problem with transactions and multiple databases. Object1 and Object2 are two different models/databases with different connections, when i use only one model: Object1.transaction do object1.value1 = "123456" do_some_error end it''s ok, error is produced, nothing is commited and database is unchanged. when i use 2 models, described at
2009 Jul 30
Looping through R objects with $ operator and tags
Hi all, Suppose I want to set the values in a column to the log of the values of another column like so: object$LogDist <- log10(object$Distance) How do I loop through the objects if I have object1, object2, etc to perform this function? object1$LogDist <- log10(object1$Distance) object2$LogDist <- log10(object2$Distance) object3$LogDist <- log10(object3$Distance) I was trying to
2018 Mar 20
Struggling to compute marginal effects !
In that case, I can't work out why the first model fails but not the second. I would start looking at "Data" to see what it contains. if: object2 <- polr(Inc ~ Training ,Data,Hess = T,method = "logistic" ) works, the problem may be with the "Adopt" variable. Jim On Tue, Mar 20, 2018 at 10:55 AM, Willy Byamungu <wmulimbi at> wrote: >
2002 Apr 12
Problems with memory
Dear all, I've started working with R (vs 1041) a few weeks ago, and now I'm having problems with the amount of memory. I'm working on the windows-me, my computer has 128 Mb of memory. I'm using the R under the emacs (ESS-5.1.20) and it is started by the command: Rterm --min-vsize=10M --max-vsize=100M --min-nsize=500k --max-nsize=1M I've been had problems when executing a
2010 Mar 18
Rcmdr plugins produce error
I recently updated all my plugins, and for the fun of it, I added ALL the Rcmdr Plugins to my collection to see what functionality might exist. I started Rcmdr and loaded ALL the available Plugins from to the Rcdmdr Tools menu. To my suprise Rcmdr produced a number of warnings and finally an error. The error suggests that some of the extensions are incompatable with each other because of menu
2003 Feb 17
returning argument names
Dear r-list folks, I have a problem which has been bugging me for a while now and I was hoping someone out there might be able to help. If I have a user-defined function with an indeterminate number of arguments, using the well-known "..." construct, how can I get the function to return the names of the items which were the arguments of the function as part of the function's
2009 Jun 15
Create R object
Dear R users, I have two simple questions here, and hope someone can help me on this. Thanks in advance. 1. I have a list object lst=list(a1=matrix(rnorm(4),2,2), a2=matrix(rnorm(4),2,2),a3=matrix(rnorm(4),2,2)). Here I only use three elements for illustration, and in fact the length of lst, n, is unknown in advance. I want to define an object for each element of this lst, and the objects have
2008 Sep 09
write dataframes
Hi, After manipulate my data I have ended up with 5 different data frames with different number of observations but the same number of variables (columns) An example, if I write str(object1), I see this, data.frame': 47 obs. of 3 variables: $ ORF : Factor w/ 245 levels "YAL038W","YAL054C",..: 10 19 38 39 44 45 50 51 59 60 ... $ mRNA : num 0.891 1.148 1.202
2007 Mar 09
How to create a list that grows automatically
Dear R users I would like to know if there is a way to create a list or an array (or anything) which grows automatically as more elements are put into it. What I want to find is something equivalent to an ArrayList object of Java language. In Java, I can do the following thing: // Java code ArrayList myArray = new ArrayList(); myArray.add("object1"); myArray.add("object2");
2007 Mar 09
How to create a list that grows automatically
Dear R users I would like to know if there is a way to create a list or an array (or anything) which grows automatically as more elements are put into it. What I want to find is something equivalent to an ArrayList object of Java language. In Java, I can do the following thing: // Java code ArrayList myArray = new ArrayList(); myArray.add("object1"); myArray.add("object2");
2008 Sep 16
casting a character vector as an object
Greetings, I need to compare the ratios of vector sizes like this: length(object1) / length(object2) I have many vector objects to compare, so I would like to do it in a loop. I created a loop like this: mat1 <- matrix() for (i in 1:6) { for (j in 1:6) { mat1[i,j] <- length( paste("object",i,sep="")) /
2019 Nov 14
samba-tool ldapcmp without --filter errors out.
Hai, ? I've just upgrade samba on my DC's from 4.10.10 to 4.11.2. Which went fine offcourse ;-) but when i checking my replications i noticed the following. ? If people have problems upgrading, the steps to take are : ( Debian buster, samba upgrade 4.10=> 4.11 van-belle repo. ) # update 4.10 to 4.11 sed 's/410/411/g'? /etc/apt/sources.list.d/van-belle.list apt update apt
2008 Apr 08
Problem with NA data when computing standard error
Hey, I want to compute means and standard errors as two tables like this: se<-function(x)sqrt(var(x)/length(x)) object1<[Year=="1999"],na.rm=T,list(Group[Year=="1999"],Season[Year=="1999"]),mean))
2010 Aug 03
multiple R sessions from one working directory using GNU screen
Dear all, I am using GNU screen to run multiple R sessions from one working directory in order to split task, however I noticed that dataset is not synchronized e.g. if I have two sessions R1 and R2, and I remove an object from R1, R2 doesn't change as expected or change at random. I have tried to save.image(), q() and then restart both sessions, but it does not help. Any suggestions?
2011 Feb 17
calling pairs of variables into a function
Hi, I have imported three text files into R using read.table. Their variables are called d, e and f. I want to run a function on all the possible combinations of these three files. The only way I know how to do that is like this: bigfunction(d,e) bigfunction(d,f) bigfunction(e,d) bigfunction(e,f) bigfunction(f,e) bigfunction(f,d) Is there an easier way? I will have five files later on, so
2006 Mar 09
How do I get an array of object ids?
If a = object, then a[:id] => 11 (ie, the primary key value of object. But if bs = [ object1, object2], then bs.each { |b| = b[:id] } => bs What I want is an array of the object ids? Suggestions?
2011 Jun 17
Rcmdr Plugin error
Dear R People: (particularly those who have build Rcmdr Plugin packages): I'm building a new Plugin and keep getting the following error: Error in if (is.null(where) || where >= n) rbind(object1, object2) else if (where < : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed Error in library(RcmdrPlugin Have any of you run into this, please? I feel like I've seen it before but can't
2012 Feb 24
remove multiple objects starting with same name
Hi, I'm trying to figure out syntax R function rm() needs to remove all objects starting with same name. For example, if I have object1, object2, object3, i want to do an operation similar to UNIX rm object* Thanks. -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list