similar to: Multiple factorial comparison LSD

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Multiple factorial comparison LSD"

2017 Dec 25
LSD-test produces error for this code; code <- as.factor(Rotationdata_R$`Rot/code`) #factor in the main Nitrogen <- as.factor(Rotationdata_R$Nitrogen) #factor in the sub Rep <- as.factor(Rotationdata_R$REP) #blocks Year <- as.factor(Rotationdata_R$YEAR) #years model <- aov(Rotationdata_R$`GY(Mg/ha)`~Rep+code*as.factor(Nitrogen)+Error(Rep/Year/code),data=Rotationdata_R)
2017 Dec 25
> On Dec 25, 2017, at 2:09 PM, Ahmed Attia <ahmedatia80 at> wrote: > > The model should be class aov or lm and my model class is aovlist. > tried tidy from broom library but did not work. To make it class aov, > I had to remove the error term; > > model <- aov(Rotationdata_R$`GY(Mg/ha)`~Rep+code*as.factor(Nitrogen),data=Rotationdata_R) You seemed to have
2017 Dec 25
> On Dec 25, 2017, at 10:21 AM, Ahmed Attia <ahmedatia80 at> wrote: > > LSD.test ?LSD.test No documentation for ?LSD.test? in specified packages and libraries: you could try ???LSD.test? -- David Winsemius Alameda, CA, USA 'Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.' -Gehm's Corollary to Clarke's Third Law
2017 Dec 25
The model should be class aov or lm and my model class is aovlist. tried tidy from broom library but did not work. To make it class aov, I had to remove the error term; model <- aov(Rotationdata_R$`GY(Mg/ha)`~Rep+code*as.factor(Nitrogen),data=Rotationdata_R) Ahmed Attia, Ph.D. Agronomist & Soil Scientist On Mon, Dec 25, 2017 at 7:38 PM, David Winsemius <dwinsemius at
2008 Aug 26
Do I need a special package to run LSD tests?
Hi there, I am trying to run LSD.test(model) I used the following commands: attach(model) m1<- glm(ttl.m ~ site+year, family=quasipoisson, data= model) df<-df.residual(m1) MSerror<-deviance(m1)/df The following command did not work: comparison<- LSD.test (ttl.m, site+year, df, MSerror, alpha = 0.05, group=FALSE) I get an error message: Error: could not find function
2010 Mar 06
Fisher's LSD and tukey output thing
Hi there, ============================= x=c(145,40,40,120,180, 140,155,90,160,95, 195,150,205,110,160, 45,40,195,65,145, 195,230,115,235,225, 120,55,50,80,45 ) y2=c( rep(as.character(1),5), rep(as.character(2),5), rep(as.character(3),5), rep(as.character(4),5), rep(as.character(5),5), rep(as.character(6),5) ) crd2=data.frame(x,y2) model1=aov(x~y2,data=crd2) TukeyHSD(model1)
2012 Apr 03
Fisher's LSD multiple comparisons in a two-way ANOVA
Hi there, Is there a function that can do a Fisher's LSD multiple comparisons in a two-way ANOVA? I hope to get a result similar with TukeyHSD(). Especially, I hope to know the significance of comparisons between the interactions of two factors. In the following example: x <- c(76, 84, 78, 80, 82, 70, 62, 72, 71, 69, 72, 74, 66, 74, 68, 66, 69, 72, 72, 78, 74, 71, 73, 67, 86, 67, 72,
2007 Jan 29
Fwd: Re: LSD multiple comparison test
I am returning this to the R-help list. Please keep followups on the list. Yes, it can be done. It is not currently easy because multcomp doesn't have the syntax yet. Making this easy is on Torsten's to-do list for the multcomp package. See the MMC.WoodEnergy example in the HH package. The current version on CRAN is HH_1.17. Please see the discussion of this example in R-help:
2011 Jul 08
Efectos aleatorios, interaccions y SNK, LSD o Tukey a claración de las datos
Hola de nuevo R-Users, me he dejado cosas para aclara. Primero de todo tengo cinco repeticiones y 20 missings, así que mi n es de 5×10×3×5-20= 730 datos en total, todos los grupos tienen al menos 3 representantes. Segundo: Las variables estudiadas son Producción neta, Peso de 100 semillas y Proteína. Tercero: Observo los mismos genotipos (G) en varios años (A) en las misma localidades
2007 Jul 16
LSD, HSD,...
Hi, I'm designing a experiment in order to compare the growing of several clones of a tree specie. It will be a complete randomized block design. How can I decide what model of mean comparision to choose? LSD, HSD,TukeyHSD, Duncan,...? Thanks in advance
2011 Jul 08
Efectos aleatorios, interaccions y SNK, LSD o Tukey
Queridos R-users: Tengo una duda que hace mucho tiempo que estoy intentando resolver, os explico a modo de ejemplo: Tengo estos efectos: Año(5 niveles),Localidad (10 niveles) y genotipo (3 niveles), año y localidad son aleatorios y genotipo es fijo (los he escogido yo). Me gustaría hacer obtener una tabla parecida a la Tabla Anova donde aparezca cada factor y sus interacciones y
2005 Jul 04
R emacs and ess
Hi all, I want to apologise first for being a beginner with linux/emacs/ess; I am pretty good with R ;). I have R-1.9.1 installed on my directory of a linux server, I also have ess 5.2.8 installed there as well. When I call R using (C-u M-x R) in emacs, i receive the following error [no match]. I was wondering if emacs is not looking for ess in the right place (if there is something i have to
2000 May 15
Non linear regression using Levenberg-Marquardt method
Hello, I want to fit some non linear models with the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm. It doesn''t seem to exist any function to do this in R ( well, maybe one does, but I''m a new user, and the only documentation I have is "An introduction to R"). I''d like to know if this function exists, maybe throught an additionnal package. I''d also like to know if if
2011 Apr 11
multiple comparisons with generalised least squares
Dear R users, I have used the following model: M1 <- gls(Nblad ~ Concentration+Season + Concentration:Season, data=DDD, weights=varIdent(form=~ 1 | Season*Concentration)) to assess the effect of Concentration and Season on nitrogen uptake by leaves (Nblad). I accounted for the difference in variance across the factor levels by using the varIdent function. Then I wanted to perform multiple
2010 Sep 14
rnorm using vector of means and SDs
Hi, I want to sample from a distribution (say a normal distribution, for example) using vectors of the different parameters (i.e. the mean and standard deviation). That is, I have a list/vector of say 100 means and another of the corresponding 100 SD's, and I want a matrix of 100 rows (one for each mean and SD pair) each having 1000 random samples. Something like: sample_matrix =
2011 Jun 03
¿como saber que viene en un list?
Hola, he estado buscando por todos lados, como puedo saber que traigo en un una variable que es un list, y pues nomas no encuentro nada. alguien sabe alguna función como dim, en caso de los data.frame que nos da las dimensiones, o length en un vector que nos da cuantos elementos tiene algo como names para saber el nombre de los objetos dentro del list, en esencia me gustaría saber si alguien
2008 Aug 28
How to enable bind to listen querys from all my network
Hello all, I?ve installed a proxy Squid in my gateway and a Cache DNS Server with bind. The problem is the server is only resolving is own querys but not the client queries from my company. When I do: $service named start I see in /var/log/messages: starting BIND 9.3.4-P1 -u named -t /var/named/chroot found 1 CPU, using 1 worker thread loading configuration from '/etc/named.conf'
2005 Jan 19
Re: Asterisk bandwidth tuning?
Well, I don't know how to tune it more, it connects at about that rate in a mediocre rural landline. ILBC uses samples of 30ms, so if you set the trunkfreq set to 20 you will be using more of the necesary scarce bandwidth AND dropping sample info in each frame, thus making audio choppy and unclear. Make shure to disallow all codecs and then allow only ILBC or lpc10 (search for it in
2004 Mar 05
Samba + Win2k
How can i get a trust relationship betwen Samba Domain and Win2k ? I?ve tried many ways like, change win2k register, changig some security directives, etc. The win2k is added at Samba Domain like this useradd -g MYGROUP -d /dev/null -s /bin/false WIN2k$ smbpasswd -a -m WIN2K$ Is there other way?? Thanks
2008 Sep 05
PPTP Client Behind a Shorewall Firewall
Hi all, I´m running a server that frecuently needs to open a pptp session with a remote server outside my Company. This server is running behind a Shorewall firewall and I don´t find information in Shorewall web page because there is no information in the link Nowadays I can connect this server with the remote one but te session is closed after