similar to: help with x axis on lattice barchart--R-Beginner

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "help with x axis on lattice barchart--R-Beginner"

2007 Feb 24
barchart (lattice) with text labels
I would like to place the value for each bar in barchart (lattice) at the top of each bar. Something like the following code produces. library(lattice) mypanelfunc <- function(x, y, ...) { panel.barchart(x, y, ...) panel.text(x, y, labels=as.character(round(x,2)), ...) } myprepanelfunc <- function(x, y, ...) list(xlim=c(0, max(x)+.1)) mydata <- expand.grid(a=factor(1:5),
2007 Dec 19
Different labels by panel in barchart
Dear all, I'm analysing a survey, and creating a barchart of the different responses for each question. The questions are grouped according to a number of categories, so I'm using lattice to create a plot with each question in a category on it. The problem is that the response set for different questions within the same category varies. I want to be able to draw only the relevant
2010 Feb 20
Error Bars in lattice- barcharts
Hello, I am attempting to write a script that adds error bars to a barchart. I basing my attempt heavily on the following thread: I can't seem to get around the problem that was discussed in the thread. The following example should illustrate my problem. Sorry about the messy example but I am 1) trying to make it as close as possible
2007 Nov 14
Changing the text in the strips of lattice plots and y axis
Dear R-helpers, I am sorry for asking something I know has been asked before, I have tried different combinations in the strip function without success... I am using version 2.5.1 and work on a PC. I have barcharts generated from the following formula: barchart(y1+y2+y3~x | g) I need to change the names of the variables y1,y2 or y3 that currently appear in the strips, I have two
2006 Mar 01
Hi, The functions prepanel.default.bwplot() and lpretty() are not running in Deepayan's barley example concerning vertical bars with the lattice function barchart(). Why, is there a restricted use for the package lattice-Internal? Urs Simmen mailto:usimmen at
2010 Feb 05
lattice barchart using a time scale in x axis
I'm trying to produce a barchart plot with groups, in which each group is placed in a particular time scale in x-axis. If I use barchart directly it does not take the time scale. I've tried with xyplot and adding a panel.barchart, I have the bars in the right place, but not the three groups I'm trying to produce. I've tried defining panel and, but can't get it to
2010 Nov 30
Error bars in lattice barchart with groups
Dear R-users, i want to plot gene regulation data in a lattice barchart. To illustrate the problem i encounter, the following code uses the "barley"dataset: library(lattice) barley[["SD"]] <- 5 PLOT <- barchart(data=barley, yield~variety|site, groups=year,origin=0, as.table=TRUE, scales=list(x=list(relation="same", rot=30), y=list(alternating=3,tck=-1)),
2010 Feb 14
lattice/ylim: how to fix ylim[1], but have ylim[2] dynamically calculated?
Hello, When drawing "barcharts", I find it not helpful if ylim[1] != 0 - bars for a quantity of 0, that do not show a length of 0 are quite non-intuitive. I have tried to study > library(lattice) > panel.barchart but am unable to figure out where ylim is taken care of and how one might fix ylim[1] to 0 for barcharts ... Can anyone point out how to tackle this? Thanks, Joh
2010 Jan 24
different x-axes in Lattice
I use lattice package and 'barchart' to build a chart. I have a problem with setting different x-axes. Some x categories are missing but they are display and I don't want. I use scales = list(y = "free",x="free") but it works only for y-axes. Simple example: package(lattice) barchart(yield ~ variety | site, data = barley, groups = year, layout = c(1,6),
2002 Mar 27
Re: RE Vertical bars with barchart()
Hi, [I'mm cc-ing r-help on this, since some others might be interested (Tony Rossini is, at least)] Yes, I saw your mail and was wondering about what would be the best approach to do it. It's definitely not trivial, mainly because Trellis is not designed to handle factors on the x-axis (chiefly for convenience, as factors typically have long names which are difficult to write on the
2003 May 08
border of bars in lattice barchart
Hello! How to change a color (or linewidth) of border in lattice 'barchart'? I am trying barchart( (......) - my arguments panel=function(x,y,color,subscripts,groups,...) { panel.barchart(x=x,y=y,box.ratio=2,col=color,border=FALSE) })) or ... panel.barchart(x=x,y=y,box.ratio=2,col=color,border='transparent') ... or
2003 Nov 02
barchart in lattice
Dear all, I have two factors 'country' and 'status' which I would like to plot via barchart (lattice). 'status' consist of three different levels and should be the grouping variable, i.e. there should be drawn three different panels and within each panel a barchart of 'country'. barchart(daten$COUNTRY|daten$STATUS),
2010 Nov 10
error bars in lattice barchart
Hi all, I've read the emails of Dan, Deepayan and Sundar about adding error bars to the lattice plots (, but I still have the problem when I want to adding error bars to barchart. I tried both the solution of Deepayan and Sundar but without luck. Here is my code (I changed and a little to plot bars
2008 Sep 16
Setting user colors in barchart
Dear R Users, I have a basis question regarding the use of color in the lattice package. I read the ?barchart help page and searched the R archives but could not understand how to do it. I just need to plot a barchart using specific colors for my groups, e.g. green and red instead of the default lattice colors. How do I do that? If I say: barchart(x ~ a_factor, groups=my_groups,
2009 Feb 08
Using panel.grid in barchart
Hi all, I'm trying to do an example in Deepayan Sarkar's Lattice book. It involves making a barchart based on the Titanic dataset. I can get the barchart to plot fine; however, when I try to edit panel.grid, I get an error: > titan<-barchart(Class ~ Freq | Age + Sex, data =, groups=Survived, stack=TRUE, layout=c(4,1),
2007 Jul 10
Lattice: vertical barchart
barchart(Titanic, stack=F) produces a very nice horizontal barchart. Each panel has four groups of two bars. barchart(Titanic, stack=F, horizontal=F) doesn't produce the results I would have expected, as it produces this warning message: Warning message: y should be numeric in: bwplot.formula(x = as.formula(form), data = list(Class = c(1, And it results in each panel having 22 groups of
2004 Feb 10
confidence-intervals in barchart
Hi R users, 1) How does one show confidence-intervals in a barchart and use rownames for labels on the y-axes? I have looked at "plotCI" in "gregmisc" package . But it does not seem to produce something like a barchart. The statistic, error, upper-bound, and lower-bound are in a dataframe. 2) How to show CI in a barchart either using the statistic and, either (a)
2010 Jul 05
Data Labels in a barchart (Lattice or otherwise)
Hi, Can anyone please help me with how I could add labels with the value for each bar in a barchart? (similar to how data labels can be added in Excel) I have done a lot of searching but havent been lucky. Thanks, Raoul -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
2007 Jun 22
Barchart legend position
I am using barchart to make charts for some data with a lot more functions and labels and such in the command. barchart(Freq ~ factor(HH), data = dataset1, group= year) So I have my data grouped by year and I get a legend at the top of graph, which is great cause I need the legend for the different years but it is a weird spot. So how can I manipulate the legend, ie. Move it, shrink it, do
2006 Jan 25
panel function with barchart (lattice)
Folks at R help, I can't quite get the panel function to work the way I want within barchart. I guess I'm still not understanding how to piece together multiple panel arguments, especially when "groups" is specified. Example: I want to be able to add the value of "yield" to each section of each bar in this graph: barchart(yield ~ variety | site, data = barley,