similar to: Subsetting data by eliminating redundant variables

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "Subsetting data by eliminating redundant variables"

2017 Sep 14
Help understanding why glm and runs with my data, but lrm does not
Dear all, I am using the publically available GustoW dataset. The exact version I am using is available here: I would like to produce a nomogram for 5 covariates - AGE, HYP, KILLIP, HRT and ANT. I have successfully fitted a logistic regression model using the "glm" function as shown below. library(rms) gusto <-
2017 Sep 14
Help understanding why glm and runs with my data, but lrm does not
> On Sep 14, 2017, at 12:30 AM, Bonnett, Laura <L.J.Bonnett at> wrote: > > Dear all, > > I am using the publically available GustoW dataset. The exact version I am using is available here: > > I would like to produce a nomogram for 5 covariates - AGE, HYP, KILLIP, HRT and ANT. I have
2017 Sep 14
Help understanding why glm and runs with my data, but lrm does not
Fixed 'maxiter' in the help file. Thanks. Please give the original source of that dataset. That dataset is a tiny sample of GUSTO-I and not large enough to fit this model very reliably. A nomogram using the full dataset (not publicly available to my knowledge) is already available in Use lrm, not for this. Adding maxit=20 will
2011 Oct 31
How to get Quartiles when data contains both numeric variables and factors
When data contains both factor and numeric variables, how to get quartiles for all numeric variables? n <- 100 x1 <- runif(n) x2 <- runif(n) x3 <- x1 + x2 + runif(n)/10 x4 <- x1 + x2 + x3 + runif(n)/10 x5 <- factor(sample(c('a','b','c'),n,replace=TRUE)) x6 <- factor(1*(x5=='a' | x5=='c')) data1 <- cbind(x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6) data
2011 Nov 15
Putting directory path as a parameter
Hi List, I am new to R, this may be simple. I want to store directory path as parameter which in turn to be used while reading and writing data from csv files. How I can use dir defined in the below mentioned example while reading the csv file. Example: dir <- "C:/Users/Desktop" #location of file temp_data <- read.csv("dir/bs_dev_segment_file.csv") If I run this
2012 Oct 30
Java Exception error while reading large data in R from DB using RJDBC.
Dear List, Java Exception error while reading large data in R from DB using RJDBC. I am trying to read large data from DB table(Vectorwise), using RJDBC connection. I have tested the connection with small size data and was able to fetch DB tables using same connection(conn as in my code). Please suggest where am i going wrong or alternate option to solve such issues while reading large DB
2011 Oct 22
Data frame manipulation by eliminating rows containing extreme values
Dear All, I have got the limits for removing extreme values for each variables using following function . f=function(x){quantile(x, c(0.25, 0.75),na.rm = TRUE) - matrix(IQR(x,na.rm = TRUE) * c(1.5), nrow = 1) %*% c(-1, 1)} #Example: n <- 100 x1 <- runif(n) x2 <- runif(n) x3 <- x1 + x2 + runif(n)/10 x4 <- x1 + x2 + x3 + runif(n)/10 x5 <-
2011 Oct 20
How to remove multiple outliers
Hi All, I am working on the dataset in which some of the variables have more than one observations with outliers . I am using below mentioned sample script library(outliers) x1 <- c(10, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 14, 10, 11, 13, 12, 13, 10, 19, 18, 17, 10099, 10099, 10098) outlier_tf1 = outlier(x1,logical=TRUE) find_outlier1 = which(outlier_tf1==TRUE, arr.ind=TRUE) beh_input_ro1 =
2011 Nov 04
Decision tree model using rpart ( classification
Hi Experts, I am new to R, using decision tree model for getting segmentation rules. A) Using behavioural data (attributes defining customer behaviour, ( example balances, number of accounts etc.) 1. Clustering: Cluster behavioural data to suitable number of clusters 2. Decision Tree: Using rpart classification tree for generating rules for segmentation using cluster number(cluster id) as target
2011 Jul 14
cbind in aggregate formula - based on an existing object (vector)
Hello! I am aggregating using a formula in aggregate - of the type: aggregate(cbind(var1,var2,var3)~factor1+factor2,sum,data=mydata) However, I actually have an object (vector of my variables to be aggregated): myvars<-c("var1","var2","var3") I'd like my aggregate formula (its "cbind" part) to be able to use my "myvars" object. Is it
2012 Feb 15
Passing date as parameter while retrieving data from database using dbGetQuery
Hi All, This might be simple question, I need to retrive data for modelling from the databases. Eveytime date values changes so I countnot fix date value in the code, it is required to pass as parameter. When I pass the date as parameter, it throws error. (ERROR: column "start_dt" does not exist Position: 285) My script is as below, please guide me where am I going wrong? All parameters
2008 Sep 22
Deleting multiple variables
Hi All, i have searched the web for a simple solution but have been unable to find one. Can anyone recommend a neat way of deleting multiple variable? I see, i need to use dataframe$VAR<-NULL to get rid of one variable, In my situation i need to delete all vars between two points. I've used the 'which' function to find these out and have assigned to myvar >myvars [1] 2 17 but
2012 Jul 21
rhsape2 bug?
All, I believe I am running the latest version of rshape2 (1.2.1). But this code: library(reshape2) tmp <- melt(smiths, id.vars=1:2, measure.vars=c("age","weight","height"),"myvars","myvals" ) names(tmp) Produces this output: > names(tmp) [1] "subject" "time"
2011 Aug 04
Efficient way of creating a shifted (lagged) variable?
Hello! I have a data set: set.seed(123) y<-data.frame(week=seq(as.Date("2010-01-03"), as.Date("2011-01-31"),by="week")) y$var1<-c(1,2,3,round(rnorm(54),1)) y$var2<-c(10,20,30,round(rnorm(54),1)) # All I need is to create lagged variables for var1 and var2. I looked around a bit and found several ways of doing it. They all seem quite complicated - while in
2008 Mar 03
using 'lrm' for logistic regression
Hi R, I am getting this error while trying to use 'lrm' function with nine independent variables: > res = lrm(y1994~WC08301+WC08376+WC08316+WC08311+WC01001+WC08221+WC08106+WC0810 1+WC08231,data=y) singular information matrix in (rank= 8 ). Offending variable(s): WC08101 WC08221 Error in j:(j + params[i] - 1) : NA/NaN argument Now, if I take choose only four
2012 Jun 27
Error: figure margins too large
Hello, I am running cluster analysis, and am attempting to create a graph of my clusters. I keep on getting an error that says that my figure margins are too large. d <- file.choose() d <- read.csv(d,header=TRUE) mydataS <- scale(d, center = TRUE, scale=TRUE) #Converts mydataS from a matrix to a data frame mydataS2 <- #removes "coden"
2012 Aug 10
Solving binary integer optimization problem
Hi, I am new to R for solving optimization problems, I have set of communication channels with limited capacity with two types of costs, fixed and variable cost. Each channel has expected gain for a single communication. I want to determine optimal number of communications for each channel maximizing ROI)return on investment) with overall budget as constraint.60000 is the budget allocated.
2012 Aug 01
optim() for ordered logit model with parallel regression assumption
Dear R listers, I am learning the MLE utility optim() in R to program ordered logit models just as an exercise. See below I have three independent variables, x1, x2, and x3. Y is coded as ordinal from 1 to 4. Y is not yet a factor variable here. The ordered logit model satisfies the parallel regression assumption. The following codes can run through, but results were totally different from what I
2012 Mar 19
Reshape from long to wide
Hi, I'm a total beginner in R and this question is probably very simple but I've spent hours reading about it and can't find the answer. I'm trying to reshape a data table from long to wide format. I've tried reshape() and cast() but I get error messages every time and I can't figure why. In my data, I have the length of two fish from each family. My data table (called
2012 May 24
Issues while using “lift.chart” and “adjProbScore” function from ”BCA” library
Dear List, Couple of issues while using functions from ?BCA? library: 1. I am trying to use ?lift.chart? function from ?BCA? library, but facing issues while using model where model formula is passed as formula object in glm. When model formula is written as text, then it works fine. In my case input variables and target variables are going to change dynamically, so have to used formula as