similar to: using a dictionary in R

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 500 matches similar to: "using a dictionary in R"

2011 Sep 05
capturing a figure to PDF or Image
Hello, I've been using jpeg(), bmp() and pdf() to capture plots. I've used the parameter "at" in a plot, to define the tickmarks. It works fine on screen, but when I try to print it to a file, it gives a warning: "at" is not a graphical parameter and prints an empty figure. Can you help? Thanks, Eran. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2011 Sep 12
completing missing samples
Hello, I have a time-series that has some missing samples. I was thinking on completing them using either zero-order hold or linear interpolation. I am looking for an efiicient way (other than a loop...) of identifiying the missing time slots and filling them. Can you think of any methods that might help here? (obviously which(diff(time)>min(diff(time))) will give the locations, but what
2011 Aug 30
R-Studio Question
Hello, I've switched to R studio from the StatET Eclipse plug-in. I have a question regarding navigating between plots. When I use x11() or windows() new devices are created and I know how to switch back and forth between them. However, when I plot on the device that stands for R-Studio's built-in plot browser, is there a way to switch back between plots? Each new "plot"
2012 Sep 13
[LLVMdev] Parsing C++ template parameters using
Hi, I am parsing a C++ file using and want to get the template parameters to a specific node. However, the tree seems to be different depending on if the template parameter is a struct/class or a simple type such as int or float. In the first case the template type is appended as a child to the VAR_DECL node (the TYPE_REF node seen in the example below), but this is not the case with
2011 Aug 24
debugging functions in R
Hi, I am not sure if this is the right list to ask this question (though I did not find a more appropriate one). I've started using R a month ago, and small scripts work fine. However, when I start writing more complex code, it gets messy. 1. Is there any way to debug "normally", with breakpoints? 2. I am using the Eclipse plugin (StatET), and tried JGR(). Is there an IDE that
2007 Feb 06
Pass parameters in periodically_call_remote?
Hi, I am still new to RoR, so please bear with this newbie question. I would like to have the application in view to press result back to the controller when the periodically_call_remote is called. Right now, this is the code in the view: <div id="get_result"></div> <%= periodically_call_remote(:update => ''get_result'',
2011 Sep 01
Namespace in packages
Hello, I wonder how I might create a package that only reveals some of the function in the package to the user. I've tried creating an R package using the following: f <- function(x,y) x+y g <- function(x,y) x-y h <- function(x,y) f(x,y)*g(x,y) package.skeleton(list=c("f","g","h"), name="mypkg") and would like only h() to be available when I
2011 Jun 27
job opening
L.S. OpenAnalytics is an international company providing data analysis services and products across geographies and industrial sectors. We are currently looking to extend our team with the following profile Data analyst: MSc / PhD in molecular or computational biology having a keen interest in data analysis A detailed description can be found at Strong R
2009 Nov 05
Density estimate with bounds
Dear R users, I would like to show the estimated density of a (0, 1) uniformly distributed random variable. The density curve, however, goes beyond 0 and 1 because of the kernel smoothing. Example: x = runif(10000) plot(density(x)) Is there a way to estimate the density curve strictly within (0, 1) and still use some sort of smoothing? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Best regards,
2006 Apr 25
Question about Callbacks in link_to_remote
Currently, I have a link_to_remote like this: <%= link_to_remote("Get Results", :update => ''query_results'', :with => "''tags='' + $F(''query_tags'')", :loading => "new Effect.Appear(''comment_loading'')", :complete
2006 Jul 07
Help installing Ferret I followed everything here but at the last I get when loading page get_results Can only handle a String or a Query. RAILS_ROOT: script/../config/.. Application Trace | Framework Trace | Full Trace #{RAILS_ROOT}/app/models/result.rb:27:in `search_each'' #{RAILS_ROOT}/app/models/result.rb:27:in `search_index''
2011 Jul 26
qemu: could not load kernel '/var/tmp/.guestfs-1000/kernel.6941': Permission denied
I think this was your pastebin? libguestfs: trace: set_autosync true libguestfs: trace: set_autosync = 0 libguestfs: trace: launch qemu: could not load kernel '/var/tmp/.guestfs-1000/kernel.6941': Permission denied libguestfs: trace: launch = -1 (error) Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 3, in <module>
2011 Aug 21
How to navigate (zoom, pan) in a plot/graph
Hello all, I need to zoom in and out and "travel"(pan) inside a plot, like you can do on a Matlab plot. If possible, I would also like the option to use the mouse to set a marker on the graph and get the (x,y) data for it, again, like in Matlab. Is this possible in R with the regular packages, or do you maybe know a different package that will allow this? Eran. * * [[alternative
2006 Jul 21
What''s wrong with this code?
I''m trying to interface with the flickr API to pull my photos into my site. I don''t want to use the "flickr.rb" gem, I''d like to do it the other way so I can learn (plus I had trouble loading the gem on my server). Anyway, here''s what I have: #Application.rb controller def get_response(path, http) request =
2011 Aug 24
Passing a large amount of parameters to a function
Hello, I have a function with a long list of parameters (of different types, numeric and string) myFunc <-function(p1, p2, p3, p4, p5...etc) { do.something(p1,p2,....) } I want to loop over this to provide a different set of parameters to the list every time. for (ii in 1:N) { myFunc(p1(ii), p2(ii),....etc) } I would like to simplify the notation and use some kind of structure, maybe
2008 Jan 29
Authoritative Documentation
I''ve been using backgroundrb for... about an hour now. I must say, I''m impressed. But I''m a bit stumped on where to find the "official" documentation. There''s an API online at, but I don''t see the methods available for MiddleMan, etc. Right now, I''m trying to figure out how to get a list of all
2006 Jun 18
1.0 RC1 status
Today I finally caught up with my mail. I've now read all the mails from the Dovecot list from this year and all my private mails from last few years (totaling around 500 unread mails). If you think there's still something I should have replied to, please re-send it because I've either missed it or just skipped it for some reason. (Except there are still a couple of mails from this
2010 Dec 16
'' missing in R 2.12.1
Dear R developers, I just compiled the latest version of R (2.12.1) and noticed that '' is missing in the '/x86_64/src/extra/blas' subdirectory of my R-installation. Did I miss ongoing discussions on the Mailinglist about this or might it be a local problem? Thanks for this brilliant software. Best Christian -- Christian Kohler Institute of Functional Genomics ~
2006 Jun 22
Partition results based on field
Hello all I''m using Ferret for a site wide search where I have several kinds of (similar) objects in a central index (using a "type" field containing the class name). This works great, and I can search all objects with one query. What I''d like to do now is to limit the results so that there will be a maximum of 10 (or 5 or whatever) results for each type.. I
2018 Mar 09
wrong size displayed with df after upgrade to 3.12.6
Hi Stefan, There is a known issue with gluster 3.12.x builds (see [1]) so you may be running into this. Please take a look at [1] and try out the workaround provided in the comments. Regards, Nithya [1] On 9 March 2018 at 13:37, Stefan Solbrig <stefan.solbrig at> wrote: > Dear all, > > I have a problem with df after