similar to: contrasts in MANOVA

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "contrasts in MANOVA"

2012 May 02
interactive loop
Dear R-helpers, I have a number of point configurations representing skull shapes, but some of them contain superfluous points. I want to write a loop in which each configuration is plotted and I am asked to write the numbers of points that are superfluous. However, I don't know how to introduce this interactive element. Would you give me an advice? Best regards Ond?ej Mikula -- Ond?ej
2012 Jan 27
package does not have a NAMESPACE
Dear r-helpers, I have a trouble with a package downloaded from (namely the package 'kopls'). I installed it from the local zip file with the expected result > utils:::menuInstallLocal() package ?kopls? successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked but when I tried to load it I obtained the following error message > require(kopls) Loading required package: kopls Failed
2012 Jul 05
colored nodes in dendrogram
Dear list, is there a way how to add information to internal nodes (branching points) in dendrogram created via plot.agnes function (package cluster)? I wish to place colored circles on the nodes, but I don't know how to proceed... I'll be grateful for any suggestion Ond?ej -- Ond?ej Mikula Institute of Animal Physiology and Genetics Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic Veveri 97,
2012 Sep 07
regions in Gabriel graph
Dear list, following the vignette of the package 'spacemmakeR' I have built a gabriel graph of ten randomly placed points: library(spdep) set.seed(3) xyir<-matrix(runif(20),10,2) nbgab<-graph2nb(gabrielneigh(xyir), sym=TRUE) plot(nbgab,xyir,points=FALSE) points(xyir,pch=20,cex=2,col=c(2,4,4,4,2,2,4,2,4,4)) title(main="Gabriel Graph") Now, I need to determine for any
2013 Apr 17
spatial graph and its boundary
Dear r-helpers, I have a graph created using the library 'spatgraphs'. library(spatstat) library(spatgraphs) xy <- rbind(c(28.39, -16.27), c(30.62, -20.13), c(32.25, -28.7), c(22.43, -27.22), c(27.5, -21.17), c(31.22, -24.52), c(17.93, -26.92), c(18.72, -17.95), c(24.15, -17.82), c(29.23, -22.85)) ow <- owin(xrange=range(xy[,1]), yrange=range(xy[,2])) pp <-
2004 Jun 02
Manova and contrasts
Hi R-users I'm trying to do multivariate analysis of variance of a experiment with 3 treatments, 2 variables and 5 replicates. The procedure adopted in SAS is as follow, but I'm having difficulty in to implement the contrasts for comparison of all treatments in R. I have already read manuals and other materials about manova in R, but nothing about specific contrasts were found in them,
2003 Jun 07
Extracting Numbers from MANOVA output
Hi, Suppose I have: > summary(manova( Df Pillai approx F num Df den Df Pr(>F)[, 1] 1 0.5267 9.8316 6 53 2.849e-07 *** Residuals 58 --- Signif. codes: 0 `***' 0.001 `**' 0.01 `*' 0.05 `.' 0.1 ` ' 1 My understanding is the MANOVA summary returns a list.
2005 Feb 25
Repeated measures MANOVA
Hi, sorry to bother you again, but I can't figure it out myself and I also can't find any in-depth documentation about it... Consider the following SAS code (A1II2... contain the measurements for 40 subjects): proc glm; model A1II2 A1IN2 A1NI2 A1NN2 = /nouni; repeated CONTEXT 2, TARGET_SATZ 2; title "A1 500-900 ms"; This produces not only the univariate ANOVAs, but also a
2012 Jul 23
MANOVA polynomial contrasts
Dear all, I am quite new to R and I am having trouble writing the polynomial contrasts for an ordinal factor in MANOVA. # I have a model such as this fit<-manova(cbind(Y1,Y2,Y3)~Groups,data=Events) # where groups is an ordinal factor with 4 levels # how to set polynomial contrasts for the "Groups" factor ? Thank you very much in advance for any help! Best regards, Mauro -- Dr.
2007 May 30
manova permutations and pair-wise contrasts
Hi, I have a function for doing permutation tests for Manovas, written with the help of folks here on the list. It seems to work ok, and I've found that there is indeed a significant difference among groups in my analysis. I want to follow up on this by testing for which pairs of groups are significantly different. Reasoning that since Wilks Lambda is a generalization of the Hotelling T test,
2011 May 04
natural cubic splines
Dear R-helpers, I need to fit natural cubic spline with specified number of knots. I expected 'splines' package will be helpful, but I am confused by its help. Is more detailed documentation available for it or could you recommend another R function? Best regards Ondrej Mikula
2010 Sep 22
eigen and svd
Dear R-helpers, could anybody explain me briefly what is the difference between eigenvectors returned by 'eigen' and 'svd' functions and how they are related? Thanks in advance Ondrej Mikula
2013 May 03
MANOVA summary.manova(m) :" residuals have rank"
Dear All, I am trying to perform MANOVA. I have table with 504 columns(species) and 36 rows) with two grouping (season and location) Zx <- Z[c(4:504)] Zxm <- as.matrix(Z) m<- manova(Zxm~Season*location, data=Z) when I do summary.aov, I get respond for each species but summary.manova summary.manova(m) :" residuals have rank" 24<501. What can it be the reason for this error
2006 Feb 16
MANOVA: how do I read off within and between Sum-of-Squares info from the manova result?
Hi all, I am experimenting the function "manova" in R. I tried it on a few data sets, but I did not understand the result: I used "summary(manova_result)" and "summary(manova_result, test='Wilks')" and they gave a bunch of numbers... But I need the Sum-of-Squares of BETWEEN and WITHIN matrices... How do I read off from the R's manova results? Any
2004 May 24
Manova and specifying the model
Hi, I would like to conduct a MANOVA. I know that there 's the manova() funciton and the summary.manova() function to get the appropriate summary of test statistics. I just don't manage to specify my model in the manova() call. How to specify a model with multiple responses and one explanatory factor? If I type:
2007 Feb 22
MANOVA usage
Hello, I had a couple questions about manova modeling in R. I have calculated a manova model, and generated a summary.manova output using both the Wilks test and Pillai test. The output is essentially the same, except that the Wilks lambda = 1 - Pillai. Is this normal? (The output from both is appended below.) My other question is about the use of MANOVA. If I have one variable which has a
2004 Feb 15
manova() with a data frame
I'm trying to learn to use manova(), and don't understand why none of the following work: > data(iris) > fit <- manova(~ Species, data=iris) Error in, y, offset = offset, singular.ok = singular.ok, ...) : incompatible dimensions > fit <- manova(iris[,1:4] ~ Species, data=iris) Error in model.frame(formula, rownames, variables, varnames, extras,
2012 Mar 19
car/MANOVA question
Dear colleagues, I had a question wrt the car package. How do I evaluate whether a simpler multivariate regression model is adequate? For instance, I do the following: ami <- read.table(file = "", col.names=c("TCAD", "drug", "gender", "antidepressant","PR",
2011 Jun 21
Stepwise Manova
Hello all, I have a question on manova in R: I'm using the function "manova()" from the stats package. Is there anything like a stepwise (backward or forward) manova in R (like there is for regression and anova). When I enter: step(Model1, data=Mydata) R returns the message: Error in drop1.mlm(fit, scope$drop, scale = scale, trace = trace, k = k, : no 'drop1'
2003 Nov 22
summary.manova and rank deficiency
Hi all, I have received the following error from summary.manova: Error in summary.manova(manova.test, test = "Pillai") : residuals have rank 36 < 64 The data is simulated data for 64 variables. The design is a 2*2 factorial with 10 replicates per treatment. Looking at the code for summary.manova, the error involves a problem with qr(). Does anyone have a suggestion as to how to