similar to: avoid s3 methods

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 7000 matches similar to: "avoid s3 methods"

2011 Dec 15
Undocumented functions
Hi! I am building a package. This package will not submitted to CRAN. I write the help files for the most important functions of my package, I cannot write it for all functions. This may sounds strange, but so there! I know that all user-level functions should be documented, so I have to move my undocumented functions to a non-user-level. It's right? To move my functions to a
2010 Jul 27
Sum list elements
Hi! I have a list of 24 elements, all of the same type (dataframe, for example). I am looking for an alternative to mylist[[1]] + mylist[[2]] + ... + mylist[[24]] to obtain the sum. Anyone can help me? Thanks in advance. Nicola S. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 Sep 28
Table with different digit number
Hi! I have a table representing both absolute and relative frequency, for example (code to get example data under the signature): Italy Germany absolute 100 105 relative 40.51 41.18 How can I print a different number of decimal digits? I try to transform to as.character, but cells result aligned to left and I don't like this solution. At the
2010 Nov 02
density() function: differences with S-PLUS
Hello! Someone know what are the difference between R and S-PLUS in the density() function? For example, I would like to reply this simple S-PLUS code in R, but I don't understand which parameter I should modify to get the same results. S-PLUS CODE: density(1:1000, width = 4) R-CODE: density(1:1000, bw = 4, window = "g", n = 50, cut = 0.75) I obtain the same x values, but
2010 Mar 25
Read SAS data
Hi! I need to import in R some SAS dataset (sas7bdat). I found two functions to do it: "read.ssd" from the package "foreign" and "sas.get" from "Hmisc". df = read.ssd(libname = path2data, sectionnames = "sasSmallDataset", tmpXport = path2data, tmpProgLoc = path2data, sascmd = path2sas) sas.get(libraryName = path2data, member =
2010 Jul 29
Different decimal places in a matrix
Hi! I have a ftable object in which some row contains integers and some other contains a percentage that I would like to show with two digits after the dot. I tried something like ftblP[index,] = as.character(round(ftblP[index, ], 2)) where the index vector contains the number of the rows containing a percentage. My workaround works but it shows all numbers aligned to left, while I prefer that
2011 Nov 22
Compile R package under Windows
Hi. I need to compile an R package under Windows, to get a zip file. I can't used the web services, because it is avalaible only for the current version of R while I need of a package compiled with R 2.13.1. The package contain C code that requires the GSL C library. In your experience, what is the best way to compile an R library? I read the R manuals, now I need some tricks with
2010 Nov 03
smooth: differences between R and S-PLUS
Hi! I am studying differences between R and S-PLUS smooth() functions. I know from the help that they worked differently, so I ask: - exist a package that permit to have the same results? - alternatively, someone know how can I obtain the same results in R, using a self made script? I know that S-PLUS use the 4(3RSR)2H running median smoothing and I try to implement it with the code below. I
2024 Jan 29
A computer in the Domain got stuck with and old username
On Mon, 29 Jan 2024 22:07:36 +0100 "Dr. Nicola Mingotti" <nmingotti at> wrote: > Done, it says what I would expect, the Domain Controller name is DC1 > > foo at dc1> sudo samba-tool user show nicola > ERROR: Failed to get password for user 'nicola': Unable to find user > "nicola" > > foo at dc1> sudo samba-tool user show
2015 Mar 20
quieting the "apparent S3 methods" warning
Dear R-devel, Recent versions of R CMD check have been flagging apparent S3 methods that are not registered in the NAMESPACE as such. In most situations this is very helpful. However, I have few cases in existing packages where we have unfortunately named functions using a "." in them that makes them appear as S3 methods when they are not. As there is no existing class
2012 Mar 20
S3 methods with full name in documentation?
Hello: Is there a recommended way to inform "R CMD check" that a function like "as.numeric" is NOT a method for the S3 generic function "as" for objects of class "numeric"? I ask, because I'm getting "NOTE" messages for many function names like this (e.g., "density.fd" in the "fda" package): If there
2009 Mar 17
exporting s3 and s4 methods
If a package defined an S3 generic and an S4 generic for the same function (so as to add methods for S4 classes to the existing code), how do I set up the namespace to have them exported? With import(stats) exportMethods(bigglm) importClassesFrom(DBI) useDynLib(biglm) export(biglm) export(bigglm) in NAMESPACE, the S3 generic is not exported. > methods("bigglm") [1] bigglm.RODBC*
2018 May 24
Creating S3 methods for S4 classes (coming from r-package-devel)
You only have to make an S4 method if there is already an S4 generic. If there is just an S3 generic, then just define S3 methods on it. I think we should stay away from defining S4 generics when there is no good reason for them. Good reasons include multiple dispatch, or a non-default signature. Neither of those apply in this case. Michael On Thu, May 24, 2018 at 6:39 AM, Joris Meys
2015 Feb 10
How to deal with functions detected as apparent S3 methods
Dear list, I am trying to clear the following note that is generated by an R CMD check --as-cran on my package (pROC): > * checking S3 generic/method consistency ... NOTE > Found the following apparent S3 methods exported but not registered: > ci.auc ci.coords ci.sp ci.thresholds roc.test > See section ?Registering S3 methods? in the ?Writing R Extensions? > manual.
2019 Nov 16
S3 methods in packages. Change in R 4.0.0?
On 15/11/2019 8:42 a.m., Herbert Braselmann wrote: > Hello, > > since Bioconductor devel branch 3.11 started, which is operating with > R-devel 4.0.0 (for e.g. 2019-11-03 r77362 on OS X 10.11.6 El Capitan), > my package CFAssay 1.21.0 is not built on none of all three Systems, > Linux, Windos and Mac. The error message refers to xy.coords which is > called by R function
2019 Jun 18
Could generic functions check different S3 methods for an object when one of them produces an error?
Dear Iago, The R S3 object system works as expected here, using the first available method processing the class vector from left to right. The problem is that the broom package doesn't export the confint.geeglm() method but rather reserves it for internal use. I can't think why the package authors chose to do that but you could ask them. The following therefore works (following on with
2020 May 12
S3 method dispatch for methods in local environments
Dear Wolfgang, I think this new behaviour is related to the following R 4.0.0 NEWS item: > S3 method lookup now by default skips the elements of the search path between the global and base environments. Your environment "myenv" is attached at position 2 of the search() path and thus now skipped in S3 method lookup. I have just noticed that
2024 Jan 29
A computer in the Domain got stuck with and old username
Hi all, ==== SETUP ==== I have a samba AC/DC in Debian stable. Several Windows client and a few Linux/Debian-stable client in the domain, one of those client is called CORE1 and it is giving problems. ==== THE FACT ==== 2 weeks ago i changed all the Domain user names to a standardized "name.lastname" ==== PROBLEM ==== One computer, CORE1, which runs Jupyter, got stuck with an old
2006 Sep 27
S3 methods for cbind/rbind
I created a type of object similar to a data frame. In some circumstances, It needs special methods for "[" and "[<-" and rbind() (but not cbind()). Then I found this in the cbind()/rbind() man page: The method dispatching is _not_ done via 'UseMethod()', but by C-internal dispatching. Therefore, there is no need for, e.g., 'rbind.default'.
2015 Dec 22
unloadNamespace() does not address unevaluated promises in the S3 Methods Table
Given the extremely simple package at, which includes only one S3 method 'print.object' the following code produces a lazy load error from a new R session (R-devel r69801) install.packages("testUnload", repos = NULL) library("testUnload") unloadNamespace("testUnload") install.packages("testUnload", repos =