similar to: Beginner's question about plotting variables in a time series object with the date on the x axis

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Beginner's question about plotting variables in a time series object with the date on the x axis"

2012 Aug 08
Saving Splitted Series to Excel via XLConnect
Dear R Discussion List, I would like to save my data as a xlsx file. But at first I need to split it and then save each series into a Excel column. Please take a look at the following code: dados <- data.frame(matrix(c("2012-01-01","2012-02-01", "2012-03-01","2012-04-01","2012-05-01","2012-06-01",
2007 Dec 31
SVM error
Hi all, I'm having this error, since I'm working with a data matrix I don't understand what's happening; I've tried several ways to solve this, even working with sparse matrix, but nothing seems to solve it, I've also tried svm (with a simple matrix 3*3 and still got the same error. > dados<-read.table("b.txt",sep="",nrows=30000) >
2012 Aug 06
Splitting Data Into Different Series
Dear R Community, I'm trying to write a loop to split my data into different series. I need to make a new matrix (or series) according to the series code. For instance, every time the "code" column assumes the value "433" I need to save "date", "value", and "code" into the "dados433" matrix. Please take a look at the following
2012 Sep 26
Reading multiple files
Hi, I have 35 data files for reading. I would like get a program for performing reading of 35 files at once. All are of the type: Dados1.raw, Dados2.raw and so on. If the files have the same number of columns, I can read with the following commands: rm(list=ls()) filenames = list.files(path="~/Silvano/Arq", pattern="Dados+.*raw") names = substr(filenames, 1, 7) for(i in
2007 Jul 23
Function to separate effect in AOV
Hi, I have a dummy question. Suppose that I have two explanatory variable, T1 (A, B) and T2 (C, D) and one response variable. > attach(dados) > tapply(Y,list(T1,T2),mean) C D A 2.200000 10.20000 B 2.223333 20.26667 In this case, "A" and "B" inside "C" have no difference, but have differences inside "D" I make this model: > m
2011 Oct 27
creating vector os zeros for simulations (beginner's question)
Dear R helpers,   I know this is a simple task, but I'm new to R and I'm still havind difficulties with the language. I want to create 30 vectors to be used in a simulation, each with 1 columm and 5 lines, of random numbers N(0,1). What I tried was this:   N=150 u2<-rep(1:150,0) u2<-list(matrix(0,5)) u2 for(i in 1:N) { u2[i]<-rnorm(5) } u2 ### also tried this: N=150
2017 Jun 26
Windows cant access shared directories after changed password with smbpasswd
2017-06-26 10:38 GMT-03:00 Rowland Penny via samba <samba at>: > Your 'samba' password and your windows password MUST be the same to > allow you to connect to a Samba share from a Windows machine without > being prompted for a password. I do not understand why, after being > prompted for the correct username & password, that it doesn't connect,
2004 Apr 28
I have problems getting sensible series name plotted with the ts.plot function. It doesn't seem to use either ylab= or xy.labels= arguments. I ended up using plot({arg <- ts.union(gasolina.eq, PIBmensPred, PIBgrowthmens) ; colnames(arg) <- c("Gaso" ,"PIB", "PIBgrowth");arg }, main="Gasolina eq. con crecimiento Economico",
2003 May 21
ps -A | grep smbd?
Hi folks, I have had a samba 2.2.8a running for a while on a suse box. Now recently I have had some strange problems. "ps -A | grep nmb" Shows nothing. But, "lsof | grep mbd" shows me smbd and nmbd are running. The and nmbd.pib are in /usr/var/locks/. Now, why out of the blue would "ps -A" not show the processes? I upgraded samba to 2.2.8a a while ago,
2010 Nov 28
Importar desde excel Series temporales
> Hola a tod@as a ver si me podéis ayudar: > > tengo una base de datos en excel con 120 variables y 58 observaciones para > cada una de ellas y no encuentro la manera de que reconozca la base de > manera correcta, es decir que reconozca que son 120 variables y que se trata > de series temporales. He usado el paquete ts, zoo pero tampoco así consigo > indexarlas de manera
2010 Sep 10
Problem importing square character
Dear, When I try to to execute the following command, R don't read all lines (reads only 57658 lines when the file has 814125 lines): dados2<-read.table("C:\\Documents and Settings\\mgoncalves\\Desktop\\Tbua
2017 Jun 26
Windows cant access shared directories after changed password with smbpasswd
Hi Rowland , No, we didn't . We only change in the Samba Server. The login used on Windows and used on Samba are different and should not have relation (technically speaking). Eg.: I'm logged in with user "dbadmin" at windows and when I access the Samba server , on the first access I informed "cinacio" and the password which works fine. When I change the password of
2011 Oct 26
help with means using tail()
Hi all,   I have 5 series  (5 ts objects: rp, igpm, ereal, jurosreal, crescpib), and want to create a vector with the means of the last values of each variable. What I did was this:   mrp1<-mean(tail(rp,9)) migpm1<-mean(tail(igpm,9)) mereal1<-mean(tail(ereal,9)) mjr1<-mean(tail(jurosreal,9)) mcp1<-mean(tail(crescpib,9)) means=rbind(mrp1,migpm1,mereal1,mjr1,mcp1)   They are monthly
2004 Jul 26
covariate selection in cox model (counting process)
Hello everyone, I am searching for a covariate selection procedure in a cox model formulated as a counting process. I use intervals, my formula looks like coxph(Surv(start,stop,status)~ x1+x2+...+cluster(id),robust=T) where id is a country code (I study occurence of civil wars from 1962 to 1997). I'd like something not based on p-values, since they have several flaws for this purpose. I turned
2017 Jun 26
Windows cant access shared directories after changed password with smbpasswd
On Mon, 26 Jun 2017 14:02:35 -0300 Cesar Martins via samba <samba at> wrote: > 2017-06-26 10:38 GMT-03:00 Rowland Penny via samba > <samba at>: > > > Your 'samba' password and your windows password MUST be the same to > > allow you to connect to a Samba share from a Windows machine without > > being prompted for a
2011 Sep 15
Tobit Fixed Effects
Hi there, I need to run a Tobit Fixed Effects in a panel data with 4500 units for 8 years. It is a huge data set, my dependent variable is left truncated at zero, the distribution is skewed and my panel is balanced. Any suggestions on how to do that in R? I tried stuff like survreg, censReg, and tobit but none of them were satisfactory. Thanks, *Felipe Nunes* CAPES/Fulbright Fellow PhD
2014 Mar 19
Leyenda gráficos
Hola, ¿hay alguna forma de colocar la leyenda de un gráfico sin que se superponga con las barras de mi gráfico? Os dejo mi ejemplo para que me entendáis: ## dado_1<-sample(1:6,1200,replace=T)dado_2<-sample(1:6,1200,replace=T)dado_3<-sample(1:6,1200,replace=T) dados<-matrix(c(table(dado_1),table(dado_2),table(dado_3)),6) barplot(t(dados),beside=TRUE,ylab="Frecuencias
2012 Aug 26
error type
Hi, I am trying plot a grafic but generates an error: Erro em plot.default(xlim, ylim, type = "n", ann = FALSE, axes = FALSE, : argumento formal "type" corresponde a múltiplos argumentos especificados DATA: 44 40 39 38 0 7 7 1030 57 37 5146 40 41 4737 34 36 2636 28 33 3738 26 28 2742 38 36 3636 27 22 2853 43 33 40 plot(dados[1],type="o",pch=21,
2008 Jan 04
Plot error
Hi all, I'm trying to plot an svm model and I'm the following error: > plot(model, data= dados[,-1], formula=formula(dados[,2]~dados[,3]),svSymbol = 1, dataSymbol = 2, symbolPalette = rainbow(4),color.palette = terrain.colors) Error in terms.default(x) : no terms component Anyone knows how to solve this??? Best regards, Pedro Marques
2011 Jul 08
Getting wrong NA values using "for" cmd
Hi There, I'm facing one problem to construct a vector using the "for" command: I have one matrix named 'dados' (same as /data/ from portuguese), for example: > dados[140:150,] [,1] [,2] [,3] [1,] 212.7298 0.14 0.11 [2,] 213.3778 0.14 0.11 [3,] 214.0257 0.15 0.11 [4,] 214.6737 0.15 0.12 [5,] 215.3217 0.15 0.12 [6,] 215.9696 0.15 0.12 [7,] 216.6176 0.16