similar to: right justify right-axis tick values in lattice

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "right justify right-axis tick values in lattice"

2011 Jul 23
call a function with explicitly not setting an argument
Is there a way to call a function, and explicitly set an argument to 'not specified'? My situation is the following. I have a function which passes on most of its arguments to another function. The second function, myfun2, serializes all arguments and is out of my control. myfun <- function(...){ return(myfun2(...)); } now, the value for arguments of myfun are stored in variables.
2013 Jan 17
Equivalent of box() in grid graphics
Paul Murell's article "What's in a Name" in The R Journal Vol 4/2 gives an interesting example of editing a stacked barplot of the barley data. Using the method described in that article, it's easy to do something along the lines of grid.edit("plot_01.border.strip.1", grep=TRUE, global=TRUE, gp=gpar(col = "red")) That changes more
2023 Nov 18
combine barchart and xyplot in lattice
On Sat, 18 Nov 2023 at 06:44, Naresh Gurbuxani <naresh_gurbuxani at> wrote: > > In below graph, I would like to add two vertical lines using > panel.abline(). Is this possible? I assume you want the 'v' variable in panel.abline() to be interpreted in the context of your x-axis, which here represents a factor variable. Unless two factor variables have the same
2023 Nov 18
combine barchart and xyplot in lattice
In below graph, I would like to add two vertical lines using panel.abline(). ?Is this possible? Thanks, Naresh mydf <- data.frame(hour = rep(6:20, 2), traffic = c(round(dnorm(6:20, 9, 3) * 10000), round(dnorm(6:20, 17, 4) * 10000)), direction = rep(c("inbound", "outbound"), c(15, 15))) vehicles <- data.frame(hour = 6:20, count = c(100, 120, 140, 125, 105, 80, 70, 75,
2010 Oct 18
Hi all, I am not exactly fluent in R and I got stuck with this. I would like to compare each elements of a vector A with any of the elements in Vector B. For some reasons it does not work. > StartDate = as.Date("01/10/2007", "%d/%m/%Y") > TimeSpan = seq(StartDate, by = 'days', length = length(myAverageCWVs$X1986)) > TickLabels = c("2007-10-01",
2007 Jul 02
0.23.0 puppet dependancy issue
Hello, I use some define in classes like class foo { define bar() {} } before in .22.4 i had require => Bar[''mybar''] on object and it worked. Now i have : err: Could not apply complete configuration: Could not retrieve dependency ''Shorewall-realize[shorewall.conf]'' at /etc/puppet/manifests/classes/shorewall.pp: for exemple. Do anyone knwo why it
2012 Jan 05
automatic SI prefixes as ticklabels on axis
i want to plot values with frequency on a logarithmic x axis. similar to this example that i found in the web: I would like to convert long numbers to si prefix notation like in the example (200000 to 200k, 35000000 to 3.5 M) Of course i could create labels by hand, but i have many files so i need some automatic function. Has anyone done that
2011 Dec 18
Dealing with NAs
Hi I am trying to estimate parameter values with mlogit. I attach a part of my data. My code is,choice="voittaja",shape="long",id.var="id",alt.var="numero") summary(mlogit(voittaja ~ Ie-1 , data=x, na.action=na.pass)) But i get Error in if (abs(x - oldx) < ftol) { : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed Because there is Na
2011 Jan 13
Rotated, Right-Justified Labels for Shortened Tick Marks
Hello R-help, I'm trying to make a fairly simple plot axis that goes something like this: plot(-10:10,-10:10, yaxt='n') axis(side=2, las=1, hadj=1, tck=-.01, cex.axis=.6) ...but as you can see, the labels are not close enough to the y-axis (where I want them... to save space for publication). Can anybody help me figure out how to move these labels over the the right a bit?
2006 Mar 16
lattice tick marks
Hi, why doesn't this work properly when 'positions' is a vector of strings? All the data sets get totally mixed... positions <- rep ( c("1","2","3","4","5","6","9","10","11","12","13","14", "error", "no trial"), 45 ) compound <- matrix(
2008 Dec 02
Suppressing tick labels?
I am trying to suppress the tick labels on the x-axis of the following: barchart(richness[Wood=="V"]~Sample[Wood=="V"]) I have tried col.axis="white" I have tried removing the axis all together with axes=FALSE I have tried xaxt="n" I have also tried labels=c"(label1", "label2") to replace the default labels, based on reading that the
2010 May 28
Matrix interesting question!
hi, I have been trying to do this in R (have implemented it in Excel) but I have been using a very inefficent way (loops etc.). I have matrix A (columns are years and ages are rows) and matrix B (columns are birth yrs and rows are ages) I would like to first turn matrix A into matrix B And then I would like to convert matrix B back again to the original matrix A. (I have left out details of
2009 Mar 11
Working up examples of barplots with customized marginal items
Hello, everybody: I'm back to share a long piece of example code. Because I had trouble understanding the role of par() and margins when customizing barplots, I have struggled with this example. In case you are a student wanting to place legends or textual markers in the outer regions of a barplot, you might run these examples. There are a few little things I don't quite understand.
2011 Dec 19
Mlogit missing value problem
Hi After good advices i post this problem here again. Now the attached sambledata is in csv form and it is a part of my real data. I have tried different na.action operations but the result stays the same... My code > library(mlogit) > library(foreign) > z<-odbcConnectExcel("D:\\SAMBLEDATA.csv") > y<-sqlFetch(z,"Taul1") >
2007 Apr 05
Ignoring increment hint when maximized horz/vert
Here's a quick patch to have either horz or vert (instead of both) maximized windows honor the "ignore" option: --- src/window.c +++ src/window.c @@ -4012,7 +4012,7 @@ constrainNewWindowSize (CompWindow *w, if (d->opt[COMP_DISPLAY_OPTION_IGNORE_HINTS_WHEN_MAXIMIZED].value.b) { - if ((w->state & MAXIMIZE_STATE) == MAXIMIZE_STATE) + if (w->state
2012 Apr 01
lattice levelplot axis ticks labels
Hello, I've searched for help a lot and think I am close, but an still not able to place ticks and labels how I'd like in lattice's levelplot. I've come up with general reproducible code that gives the same problem as I'm having with real data: heat <- array(1:24,c(3,8)) require (lattice) ##basically I want a graph like this. depth y axis doesn't have ticks and
2012 Jan 18
R package dev: how to export constant?
Hi, i create two constants kilo and milli in [1]. These should be available after loading library(sitools) How should i export them and what have i done wrong? (Other suggestions for improving the package are welcome too) The ready to use .tar.gz and the source can be found on github [2,3] kind regatds, [1] [2]
2003 May 08
border of bars in lattice barchart
Hello! How to change a color (or linewidth) of border in lattice 'barchart'? I am trying barchart( (......) - my arguments panel=function(x,y,color,subscripts,groups,...) { panel.barchart(x=x,y=y,box.ratio=2,col=color,border=FALSE) })) or ... panel.barchart(x=x,y=y,box.ratio=2,col=color,border='transparent') ... or
2003 Nov 02
barchart in lattice
Dear all, I have two factors 'country' and 'status' which I would like to plot via barchart (lattice). 'status' consist of three different levels and should be the grouping variable, i.e. there should be drawn three different panels and within each panel a barchart of 'country'. barchart(daten$COUNTRY|daten$STATUS),
2012 Oct 02
PROBLEM : Cannot require an Exec
hello: i currently am using Puppet to run some commands in a sequence. there are two sequences of exec resources. we found that we cannot use require => Exec and it does not work at all as expected. here is some sample code. exec { "exec-AAA": command => "/bin/true", returns => 0, notify => Exec["exec-BBB"], } exec { "exec-BBB":