similar to: write.csv naming file after function argument

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "write.csv naming file after function argument"

2011 Aug 15
how can I read a xlsx file
Hello, How can I read a xlsx file using xlsx package? Thanks Albert [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2011 Jun 27
Add use of dput() to the instructions at bottom of post?
It's often difficult to figure out what a problem data set looks like when someone pastes a mess of output from R into an e-mail. The dput command, used judiciously?I would hope no one would send a 1 M data set?can make life much easier. I wonder if it would be useful to add a hint in the instructions at the bottom of the posting page, where the list asks for self-contained reproducible
2011 Aug 01
Write.table Question
Hi, I'm trying to create an abbreviated data file from a larger version. I can use the subset command to create a value for this data: dat <-subset(, select=c(SNP, Pvalue)) > head (dat) SNP Pvalue 1 rs11 0.6516 2 rs12 0.3311 3 rs13 0.5615 but when I try to write.table using: write.table (dat, file = "/path/to/my/data.txt", sep = " ",
2011 Sep 27
searching several subsequences in a single string sequence
Hi all I am analyzing bird song element sequences. I would like to know how can I get how many times a given subsequence is found in single string sequence. For example: If I have this single sequence: ABCABAABABABCAB I am looking for the subsequence "ABC". Want I need to get here is that the subsequence is found twice. Any idea how can I do this? Thanks
2011 Aug 30
R crash
Dear users, By running the script below, R crashes systematically at the last command, namely, on Windows 7, but not on Windows XP. I therefore don't provide a reproducible example and do not really extract the relevant parts of the script because it has most likely nothing to do with the script itself. I can do it though if you think it might be relevant. R crashes on Windows
2011 Sep 09
get and save
I have a data frame 'tmp' and a vector 'name' containing 'd2'. I want to save 'tmp' under the name hidden in 'name', and the file must have the same name, plus the extension '.rda'. So I try > tmp x y 1 1 3 2 2 4 > name [1] "d2" > assign(name, tmp) > summary(get(name)) x y Min. :1.00 Min. :3.00 1st
2011 Jun 15
Column of numbers added to dataframe when saving with read.csv
I have a dataframe object having the following structure FinalOutput[1:3,] GasDays 2011-03-31 2010-09-30 2010-10-31 2010-11-30 2010-12-31 2011-01-31 2011-02-28 1 2006-10-01 217303553 221205033 222824639 217016511 216093460 216477468 216834021 2 2006-10-02 231158527 234565250 236004109 231467851 230100639 230079907 230734064 3 2006-10-03 282062314 285427832 286372163
2011 Jan 12
Outputting csv file from dataframe with columns in a particular order
I have a dataframe with columns "ID",'date","estimate","actual" (but not necessarily in that order - I do a merge somewhere and that somehow messes up the order of the columns). How can I output it to a csv file with the columns in the order that I want? Thanks.
2011 May 04
Str info. Thanks for helping
It looks from str(SA) that Response IPS1 is a data.frame of class "anova", which probably cannot be coerced to vector. Maybe you can use unlist() instead of as.vector() Or something like SA[["Response IPS1"]]["as.factor(WSD)",] ## to select the first row only, even maybe with unlist() Without a better REPRODUCIBLE example, I cannot tell more (maybe some others
2010 Dec 08
Summing up Non-numeric column
Dear All If I have the following dataset V1 V2 x y y x z b a c b j d l c o How do I use R command to get the total number of different letter in column "V1" column "V1" has 7 different letters. Thank you -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive
2011 Apr 20
user input
Dear users, I have looked on different sources and found different functions to prompt the user to provide input. However, I couldn't find one that does exactly what I'm looking for. select.list() and menu() are nice because a graphic window appears to prompt the user. However, the user can only choose from a predefined list of choices. readline() and scan() are more free in the
2010 May 19
save in for loop
Dear users, My problem concerns save() within a for loop. Here is my code: for (i in 1:4) { temp <- data.frame(a=(i+1):(i+10), b=LETTERS[(i+1):(i+10)]) filename <- paste("file", i, sep="") assign(filename, temp) save(filename, file=paste(filename, ".rda", sep="")) } As you can see, save() doesn't work as I would like: (1) the object
2011 Feb 21
naming vectors
Hello R users I was trying to find a less annoying way of naming vectors than: x<-1:10 names(x)[1:length(x)]<-"A" So I tried: x<-1:10 names(x)<-"A" #but this gave only the first element named (as described in the help files) and x<-1:10 names(x)[]<-"A" #but this gave all elements named NA The curious thing with this last option is
2010 Mar 11
Help function "?" in R 2.10.1
Hello everyone, I have versions 2.7.2 and 2.10.1 installed on a machine that has no access to internet. In 2.7.2 I can use ? to get help on functions, which in 2.10.1 that does not work, all I see is "starting httpd help server...done" and then nothing. Have I downloaded 2.10.1 incorrectly (=forgot to tick some box for local help file repository) or is the internet help now the
2010 Dec 13
descriptive statistics
Hi. In a data set I have a variable that takes values from 1 to 14. For each subgroup of values of this variable, I would like to obtain some descriptive statistics of other variables present in the data set. I've been trying with a "for" loop but I couldn't get nothing. Could you please suggest me some lines? -- View this message in context:
2011 Jul 05
How to translate string to variable inside a command in an easy way in R
I want to write a function that get 2 strings y and z and does the following R command. temp<-qq1[qq1$z==y,] for example if it get y="AMI" and z="PrimaryConditionGroup" It should do the following temp<-qq1[qq1$PrimaryConditionGroup=="AMI",] I could do it by the following function that is ugly and I wonder if there is an easier way to do it espacielly when temp
2010 May 18
"Re: Change class factor to numeric"
sorry I had a mistake sending my question without a subject. I do resend again. Please excuse me. > Hello > I have a data array with soil variables (caperf), in which the variable "clay" is factor (as I see entering str(caperf)) . I need to do a regression model, so I need to have arcilla (=clay) as a numeric variable. For that I have entered > >
2010 Dec 06
Loading .RData from Internet
Dear All, Can you please suggest me a correct way to load the following R data frame from the internet and save it to the hard drive? The following is what I tried: > raceprofiling <- > read.table("") > save(raceprofiling, file = 'raceprofiling.RData') However, when I used dim() to check the dataset,
2010 Dec 07
Hi, I'm running R 2.11 Does anyone know if it possible to transform one character vector to one character string ? Many thanks Benoit -- Benoit Wastine Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l?Environnement (LSCE/IPSL) CEA-CNRS-UVSQ CE Saclay Orme des merisiers B?t 703 - Pte 13A 91191 Gif sur Yvette Cedex France Tel : 33 (0)1 69 08 21 97 Fax : 33 (0)1 69 08 77 16
2011 Jan 18
dataframe: string operations on columns
Dear all, how can I perform a string operation like strsplit(x," ") on a column of a dataframe, and put the first or the second item of the split into a new dataframe column? (so that on each row it is consistent) Thanks Boris