similar to: labels in a boxplot

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "labels in a boxplot"

2005 Aug 30
crosstab for n-way contingency tables
Dear list. New to R, I'm looking for a way of using crosstab to output low-dimensional (higher than 2) contingency tables (frequencies, per-cents by rows, % by columns, mean, quantiles....) I'm looking for something of the following sort dataframe: singers, categorical variates: voice category (soprano,mezzo-soprano, ...) , voice type( drammatic, spinto, lirico-spinto, lirico,
2012 Dec 10
equivalent of group command of the egen function in Stata
Dear R listers, I am trying to create a new variable that uniquely identifies groups of observations in a dataset. So far I couldn't figure out how to do this in R. In Stata I would simply type: egen newvar = group(dim1, dim2, dim3) Please, find below a quick example to show what I am dealing with: I have a dataset with 4 variables: var <- runif(50) ## a variable that I want to group
2012 Dec 21
how to recode an ordered factor
Dear R helpers, I'm trying to recode an ordered factor to reverse its scale, but I can't figure out how to make it. I am using the Recode function provided by the Car package. I've created an ordered variable: data$o.var1 <- ordered(data$var1, levels=c(1,2,3,4), labels =c("very satisfied", "fairly satisfied", "not very satisfied", "not at all
2013 Jan 08
how to label two figures in the same chunk independently with knitr
Dear R helpers, I am using knitr to run analysis with R and edit my document with Latex. I am wondering whether there is a way to include 2 or more pictures per chunk and being able to refer them in the text independently and eventually whether it is possible to give them different captions. Let me give you an example.Rnw: \documentclass{article} \title{Example} \author{FS} \begin{document}
2012 Dec 23
Esttab error while exporting regression results
Dear listers, I am trying to export a regression output to a latex document using the R package eststo. I have two variables: an ordered factor: group <- gl(3,5,20, labels=c("Ctl","Trt","prp")) and a continuous variable: weight <- runif(20) I want to regress weight over group, therefore I run: reg1 <- lm(weight ~ group) I wish to include the output of my
2013 Jan 10
help with knit_hooks
Dear R-listers, does anybody can suggest some manual where I can learn more about how the hooks in knitr work? I am trying to enclose the output of an R command in the Latex verbatim environment. I defined a hook as follows: knit_hooks$set(fsverb = function(x, options) { paste("\\begin(verbatim)\n", x, "\\end(verbatim)\n", sep = "") } then I set a chunk as
2006 Jul 18
broken behavior with `look`
Hey everybody, I'm having a strange problem with a hosted CentOS environment. I like to use `look` to correct my spelling. But it isn't willing to help me with the word "manager": #>look man | wc -l 1001 #>look mana | wc -l 0 #>grep "^mana" /usr/share/dict/words | wc
2012 Dec 22
how to control the naming of factors in regression
Dear R listers, I am regressing an ordered variable over an ordered independent variable using polr. The output lists every level of the ordered independent variable repeating its name and adding a suffix. In my case my variable is called "o.particip" and in my regression table I get the following: o.particip.L o.particip.Q o.particip.C o.particip^4 o.particip^5 o.particip^6 Is
2013 Jan 08
ggplot not showing all the years on the x-axis
Dear R helpers, I am currently having hard time fixing the values on the x-axis of a plot with ggplot: even though I have 12 years, ggplot plots only 3 of them. Here is my example: library(ggplot2) ii <- 2000:2011 ss <- rnorm(12,0,1) pm <- data.frame(ii,ss) tmpplot <- ggplot(pm, aes(x = ii, y = ss)) plot <- tmpplot + geom_line() plot In my case, ggplot reports on the year 2000,
2011 Sep 18
troubles with a for loop
Dear all, I am a stata user and I am moving my first steps in R. I am dealing with a silly issue concerning looping over variables. I read previous posts on similar topics in the R help archive, but I did not find a solution. Here is my case: I run a simple bivariate linear regression saving the output in objects called: pd.memb.0, pd.memb.1, pd.memb.2, pd.memb.3 pd.memb.0 <- lm(E.fs.memb ~
2012 Feb 19
barplot with more than 1 variable
Dear R listers, I am trying to produce a simple (for a stata user) barplot with 4 countries on the x axis, each country observed in 2 subsequent years and 3 variables. Basically, I should have three bars for each year for each country. I am attaching the chart I made in Stata, but I am not sure you'll manage to see it! I did the following: #here I create the data-set TUSE2. The vectors mw, st
2012 Dec 20
how to make a table of summary statistics
Dear R-listers, I am a newbie with R and I am struggling with something I consider very basic. I wish to produce a table (to import in a latex file) of summary statistics, but for as much as I've been looking around and trying various alternatives (plyr, reporttools, pastecs and Hmisc) I haven't found what I am looking for. Probably I am doing something wrong, but I can't figure out
2002 Apr 05
rsync reporting unexpected close and error in protocal data stream
Greeings, I'm running rsync version 2.5.4 on a solaris 2.8 box in daemon mode. I've got nfs mounts on a system in one datacenter and I've more nfs mounts on a different system in a second data center. I'm trying to sync of of the nfs mounts and I'm getting the errors seen below. I've got five other nfs mounts running exactly the same way with out an issue.
2004 Dec 17
behaviour of BIC and AICc code
Dear R-helpers I have generated a suite of GLMs. To select the best model for each set, I am using the meta-analysis approach of de Luna and Skouras (Scand J Statist 30:113-128). Simply put, I am calculating AIC, AICc, BIC, etc., and then using whichever criterion minimizes APE (Accumulated Prediction Error from cross-validations on all model sets) to select models. My problem arises where I
2013 Jan 23
problems with coercing a factor to be numeric
Dear R listers, I am trying to compute the mean of a dummy variable that is encoded as a factor. However, even though the levels of my factor are 0 - 1, when I compute the mean (after coercing the factor to be numeric), R changes 0 into 1 and 1 into yes, thus altering my expected result. Please, consider the following working example: pp <- rep(0:1, 10) pp <- factor(pp, levels=(0:1),
2001 Sep 14
[Fwd: Bush's Press Conference: Into the Abyss] wrote: > > Dear reader, > The emperorsclothes list does not seem to be working. Please forgive us if > you receive this post twice. - Jared Israel, > ************************** > URL for this article: > > To join the Emperor's Clothes email list, go to >
2009 Feb 03
Sobre internacionalización
Hola a todos. Una pregunta quizas algo tonta, cuando hago validaciones en el modelo con mensajes para la vista en español efectivamente me los muestra en español, pero como puedo hacer para que estos mensajes que son genéricos: 1 error prohibited this categoria from being saved There were problems with the following fields: Aparezcan también en español. Saludos y gracias por la ayuda --
2012 Mar 05
problems reading a large dta dataset in R
Dear R listers, I have a silly problem. I am trying to load a dta (Stata) file in R. The dta is about 650 MB and contains the integrated World Values Survey/ European Value Study data-set. My problem is that I don't manage to load the file. After almost 3 hours after I issued the following command: data <-
2012 Mar 01
R can't load a large dataset
Dear R listers, I have a silly problem. I am trying to load a dta (Stata) file in R. The dta is about 650 MB and contains the integrated World Values Survey/ European Value Study data-set. My problem is that I don't manage to load the file. After almost 1 hour I issued the following command: data <- read.dta("", convert.dates = TRUE,
2004 Mar 17
scandinavian letters or charset problem?
Hi! This teamware mailclient ( that we use at the office has problems adding files as attachments from our Samba 3.0.2a share. The attachment file browser sees the files but fails to add them as attachments (with an error message: "valid.stf - file not found" regardless of the file name in question). I tracked this thing down to scandinavian letters (if your mail