similar to: Problem executing function

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "Problem executing function"

2011 Sep 07
predictive modeling and extremely large data
Hi, I am new to R and here is what I am doing in it now. I am using machine learning technique (svm) to do predictive modeling. The data that I am using is one that is bound to grow perpetually. what I want to know is, say, I fed in a data set with 5000 data points to svm initially. The algorithm derives a certain intelligence (i.e.,output) based on these 5000 data points. I have an additional
2011 Oct 04
handling constant factors in prediction using svm
Hi users! I am fitting a model with several factor variables as independents using svm. since there are lots of categorical variables,the training and test data sets have been created using option from dummies package. I have a factor A in the training data set with 2 levels (0,1).In the test set, this factor A has only 1 level (1) and hence when applying, the
2004 Nov 17
Samba share to access windows folders in linux.
Hi, I am trying to access folders on a windows system on a linux system using the command, smbmount '//a.b.c.d/CCViews/abcd/abcd_Linux_dev' '/root/pqrs/LinuxDev' -o username=abcd/<domain>,uid=abcd,gid=abcd This prompts for a password and I give the correct domain password here. It gives me the error: 21896: tree connect failed: ERRDOS - ERRnosuchshare (You specified an
2016 Apr 01
(no subject)
dear sir/madam, while i am trying to convert the data into timeseries using xts command.i am getting this error. please help me to resolve this issue xts(mydata$MCP, as.Date(rdate, format='%d-%m-%Y') + xts(mydata$MCP, as.Date(rdate, format='%d-%m-%Y') Error: unexpected symbol in: "xts(mydata$MCP, as.Date(rdate, format='%d-%m-%Y') xts"
2006 Dec 12
surface plot
Hi, I have been trying to make a surface plot using R - I came across functions like plot.surface, surface but I could not use these functions as they seem to be in FOO package which I cannot load. I also want to make a plane that fits the surface plot. Can anyone help? divya [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2012 Aug 24
Error while installing gsubfn_0.6-4.tar.gz for R 2.15.1
Hi, I am getting the follwoing error while installing gsubfn_0.6-4.tar.gz library for R. R version is 2.15.1 and i am installing on Redhat linux version 2.6.18-238.9.1.el5 (mockbuild at<mailto:mockbuild at>) (gcc version 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-50)) * installing to library ?/home/mapred/installables/R/library? * installing
2007 May 16
Running R function as a Batch process
Hi, I am struggling with using R CMD BATCH command. Kindly suggest solution to the following problem. I have a function named CinC with accept two input parameters. This can be shown as: CinC <- function(start, end) where start and end both are character strings. Please suggest me how can I run this function using command R CMD BATCH. Currently I am trying to do like this -> R CMD
2007 Jul 18
How to open an URL using RGtk2
Hi I am working on R 2.5.0 on window. I am trying to provide a Hyper-link to the user as a result, I have tried using gtkLinkButton to exercise the facility, however, i am not able to perform the required task, i.e. when I clicked on the LinkButton actually nothing happened. I have gone through the documentation for the same and found that GtkLinkButtonUriFunc is a function which is require to
2011 May 05
CIFS Documentation
Hello, It would be a good idea to update the Documentation about CIFS: When the simple truth is, that there is no CIFS Support in gluster itself - it should not be in the docs. As I found out, this was also suggested earlier: at
2011 Sep 13
Help in SVM prediction
Hello, I am trying to use SVM from e1071 package for doing binary classification and I am having problems in prediction using SVM. I ran a SVM for X~as.factor(X1)+as.factor(X2)+as.factor(X3),data=data1,cross=10. str(data1) gives me data.frame': 5040 obs. of 5 variables: $ X4: int 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... $ X : int 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 ... $ X2: int 1 8 15 18 1 14 10 9 8 8 ... $ X3
2008 Dec 15
Baffled: triggering error message with an sd result in odfWeave?
I hope someone can point out my stupid error, because I'm baffled. I am calculating a bunch of variable values and then placing them in a document using odfWeave tags. This is working very nicely for every spot except one. One of the values I calculate is traindev: traindev <- if (trainlength>0) round(sd(trainscores, na.rm=T),1) else "" when I try to insert this traindev
2004 Nov 09
no doubt a dumb question, but..
Yes, I am a newbie at R, but it is not the complex commands in R that have me baffled, but simple data commands. For example, why does something like: > plot(Girth ~ Height) *not* work after a command that allegedly loads the data: > data(trees) with the error message: Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : Object "Girth" not found but does work after the command: >
2020 Oct 09
Feature request.
On 09/10/2020 11:50, Plutocrat wrote: > On 09/10/2020 4:16 pm, Rogier Wolff wrote: >> It turns out that dovecot had been running uninterrupted since august >> 13th, the certificate was renewed on september 7th and I suspect it >> expired on october 7th. > I guess you could do a few things yourself to make sure the cert is valid. Thinking out loud: > > - Blunt
2005 Dec 21
Who/What is making my field backgrounds yellow?
On *certain* fields in my rails forms the backgrounds are yellow. If I check the page source there is no clue as to why. However, if I *save* the page to disk and then open it in a text editor I can see that the affected fields are like: <input style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 160);" id="contact_first_name" name="contact[first_name]"
2010 Mar 05
how to make this sequence: 1,2,3,4,5,4,3,2,1
I'm just beginning R, with book Using R for Introductory Statistics, and one of the early questions has me baffled. The question is, create the sequence: 1,2,3,4,5,4,3,2,1 using seq() and rep(). Now, as a programmer, I am punching myself to not be able to figure it out.. I mean, as simple as a for loop, but using seq, I am stumped. I would think c(1:5, 4:1) would be the brute force method
2006 May 03
hyperthreading and zaptel
My Dell 2800 Dual 64bit Proc. machine came in with hyperthreading enabled. (they call it virtual processor??) I have been intending for a month to disable it. Tonight, I rebooted, turned it off, and let the system come up. zaptel loaded and asterisk loaded, but both of my t1s were red. (it is a TE411P) /proc/interrupts looked OK, zttest gave OK numbers. I doublechecked all of the files in case
2015 Feb 03
Another Fedora decision
On Tue, Feb 3, 2015 at 2:03 PM, Always Learning <centos at> wrote: > > Nothing wrong with letting "an expert" preconfigure the system and then, > after installation, the SysAdmin checking to ensure all the settings > satisfy the SysAdmin's requirements. > I'd just rather see them applying their expertise to actually making the code resist
2004 Aug 24
desparate for help DEV LITE KIT
Has anyone had any luck with the DEV LITE KIT? I'm getting very erradic behavior. I'll start it up and it will answer maybe one or two calls then hang leaving my phone in an off hook state or giving a loud shrill tone. It keeps saying "Red Alarm". Once it hangs it will not answer the phone again until I reboot. Starting and stopping Asterisk or reloading the drivers does not
2015 Nov 11
fallback mount points?
hello all. I run a station which uses one primary mount to broadcast from. when DJs are not on air, we want to stream a playlist of music. I have a program taking care of that for us, but now I?m at a standstill. When our automation connects to our primary mount point no DJ can connect to broadcast. So, I?m assuming I need to work something out with a fallback mount point but don?t quite get how
2012 Aug 24
Error while installing RODBC_1.3-6.tar.gz on Redhat linux
Hi, I am facing an issue while installing RODBC library on Redhat Linux version 2.6.18-238.9.1.el5 (mockbuild at<mailto:mockbuild at>) (gcc version 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-50)) Warning: invalid package ?/home/mapred/installables/R/library? * installing to library ?/home/mapred/installables/R/library? * installing *source*