similar to: linear classifiers with sparse matrices

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1100 matches similar to: "linear classifiers with sparse matrices"

2008 Jun 25
Hi!! I am trying to figure out how to use the string kernel "stringdot" in kernlab. k <- function(x,y) { (sum(x*y) +1)*exp(-0.001*sum((x-y)^2)) } class(k) <- "kernel" data(promotergene) ## train svm using custom kernel gene.k <- ksvm(Class~.,data=promotergene,kernel=k,C=10,cross=5) # works fine in this case gene.rbf <-
2009 Jun 03
code for double sum
Hi R-users,   I wrote a code to evaluate double sum as follows:   ff2 <- function(bb,eta,z,k) { r <- length(z) for (i in 1:r) { sm1 <- sum((z[i]*bb/2)*(psigamma((0:k)+eta+1,deriv=0)/(factorial(0:k)*gamma((0:k)+eta+1))))  sm2 <- sum((besselI(z[i]*bb,eta)*log(z[i]*bb/2) - sm1)/besselI(z[i]*bb,eta))  sm2 } ff2(bb,eta,z,10)     but it gave me the following message:   >
2010 Sep 15
Difficulty creating Julian day in data frame
Hi, I'm attempting to add a "Julian Day" column to a data frame. Here is my code and the resulting data frame: <- read.table("C:/VIC/data/", header=F) names( <- c("year", "month", "day", "precip", "evap", "runoff", "baseflow", "Tsup",
2008 Oct 08
Suspicious output from lme4-mcmcsamp
Hello, R community, I have been using the lmer and mcmcsamp functions in R with some difficulty. I do not believe this is my code or data, however, because my attempts to use the sample code and 'sleepstudy' data provided with the lme4 packaged (and used on several R-Wiki pages) do not return the same results as those indicated in the help pages. For instance: > sessionInfo() R
2008 Sep 14
ksvm accessing the slots of S4 object
I am using kernlab to build svm models. I am not sure how to access the different slots of the object. For instance if I want to get the nuber of support vectors for each of model I am building and store it in a vector. >ksvm.model <- ksvm(Class ~ ., data = somedata,kernel = "vanilladot", cross = 10, type ="C-svc") >names(attributes(ksvm.model)) [1] "param"
2011 May 26
R svm prediction kernlab
Hi All, I am using ksvm method in kernlab R package for support vector machines. I learned the multiclass one-against-one svm from training data and using it to classify new datapoints. But I want to update/finetune the 'svm weights' based on some criteria and use the updated svm weights in the predict method framework. I don't know if its possible or not, how do classify new
2010 Sep 24
kernlab:ksvm:eps-svr: bug?
Hi, A. In a nutshell: The training error, obtained as "error (ret)", from the return value of a ksvm () call for a eps-svr model is (likely) being computed wrongly. "nu-svr" and "eps-bsvr" suffer from this as well. I am attaching three files: (1) ksvm.R from the the kernlab package, un-edited, (2) ksvm_eps-svr.txt: (for easier reading) containing only eps-svr
2012 Nov 07
LiblineaR: accept sparse matrices
Thibault, It would be nice if LiblineaR() accepted data in the form of a sparse matrix (it does not accept whatever e1071::read.matrix.csr returns). It would also be nice if there were functions to read/write files in the native liblinear file format; I am sure the original liblinear library provides at least the input code. Thanks! -- Sam Steingold ( on Ubuntu 12.04
2012 Jul 13
LiblineaR: read/write model files?
How do I read/write liblinear models to files? E.g., if I train a model using the command line interface, I might want to load it into R to look the histogram of the weights. Or I might want to train a model in R and then apply it using a command line interface. -- Sam Steingold ( on Ubuntu 12.04 (precise) X 11.0.11103000
2016 Apr 20
Matrix: How create a _row-oriented_ sparse Matrix (=dgRMatrix)?
>>>>> Henrik Bengtsson <henrik.bengtsson at> >>>>> on Tue, 19 Apr 2016 14:04:11 -0700 writes: > Using the Matrix package, how can I create a row-oriented sparse > Matrix from scratch populated with some data? By default a > column-oriented one is created and I'm aware of the note that the > package is optimized for
2019 May 16
ALTREP: Bug reports
Jiefei, Inline. On Thu, May 16, 2019 at 2:30 PM ??? <szwjf08 at> wrote: > Hello Luke and Gabriel, > > Thank you very much for your quick responses. The explanation of STDVEC is > very helpful and I appreciate it! For the wrapper, I have a few new > questions. > > > 1. Like Luke said a mutable object is not possible. However, I noticed > that there is
2010 Jun 07
Hello Sir, I am using mgcv package for my data. My model is y~x1+f(x2),I want to find out the function f(x2) . Following is the code.   sm1=gam(y~x1+s(x2),family=binomial, f) summary(sm1) plot(sm1,residuals=TRUE, xlab="AGE",pch=20)   In this plot I am getting S(x2,1.93) on y axixs  How should I get the function for x2 from this plot.or Is there anyother procedure in R  to get this
2010 Jul 12
I am using semiparametric Model  library(mgcv) sm1=gam(y~x1+s(x2),family=binomial, f) How should I  find out standard error for ed50 for the above model ED50 =( -sm1$coef[1]-f(x2)) / sm1$coef [2]   f(x2) is estimated value for non parametric term.   Thanks [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Oct 23
Data format for KSVM
Hi, I have a process using svm from the e1071 library. it works. I want to try using the KSVM library instead. The same data used wiht e1071 gives me an error with KSVM. My data is a data.frame. sample code: svm_formula <- formula(y ~ a + B + C) svm_model <- ksvm(formula, data=train_data, type="C-svc", kernel="rbfdot", C=1) I get the following error:
2007 Sep 12
one-class SVM in kernlab
Hello, I'm trying to using ksvm() in the kernlab package to fit a one-class SVC, but I get a strage result on the cross-validation error estimate. For example, consider this code: data(spam) classifier <- ksvm(type~.,data=spam[which(spam[,'type']=='spam'),], type="one-svc",kernel="rbfdot",kpar=list(sigma=0.1),nu=0.05,cross=10) what I get is: >
2009 Apr 28
kernlab - custom kernel
hi, I am using R's "kernlab" package, exactly i am doing classification using ksvm(.) and predict.ksvm(.).I want use of custom kernel. I am getting some error. # Following R code works (with promotergene dataset): library("kernlab") s <- function(x, y) { sum((x*y)^1.25) } class(s) <- "kernel" data("promotergene") gene <- ksvm(Class ~ .,
2009 Nov 29
kernlab's ksvm method freeze
Hello, I am using kernlab to do some binary classification on aminoacid strings. I am using a custom kernel, so i use the kernel="matrix" option of the ksvm method. My (normalized) kernel matrix is of size 1309*1309, my results vector has the same length. I am using C-svc. My kernlab call is something similiar to this: ksvm(kernel="matrix", kernelMatrix, trainingDataYs,
2018 Feb 15
wbinfo -U id gives different users on same dc
Hi Louis, Thanks for information, find it sometimes is a real challenge. Would you please share your how to link? I wish to read it. For the .local domain I suppose I have nothing to do. This is a running windows Active Directory and it is not possible to change domain suffix. Here is my /etc/hosts localhost.localdomain localhost wdc04.aa.local wdc04
2017 Feb 22
Crash in the latest release
I found this by accident yesterday. The program that crashes is the first two lines of the example from the help page for nlmer. That example hasn't changed in a long time, so I assumed that it is an R-devel issue. It could also be a long latent nlmer bug. The second run with valgrind is puzzling. Terry T. > library(lmer) > sessionInfo() R Under development (unstable)
2011 Aug 26
kernlab: ksvm() bug?
Hello all, I'm trying to run a gird parameter search for a svm. Therefore I'M using the ksvm function from the kernlab package. ---- svp <- ksvm(Ktrain,ytrain,type="nu-svc",nu=C) ---- The problem is that the optimization algorithm does not return for certain parameters. I tried to use setTimeLimit() but that doesn't seem to help. I suspect that ksvm() calls c code that