similar to: Best Package to Extract Numbers from this Image?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "Best Package to Extract Numbers from this Image?"

2009 Jul 16
Best way to replace :SS with :00
Not sure if there is an R way to do this or a regular express way, but here is what I am trying to do. I've got lots of data where the format is HH:MM:SS, but I need to format it like HH:MM:00, i.e. round the second down to zero. What is the best way to do this? Thanks again. Jason
2009 Jul 09
Best way to export values from a function?
Maybe there is a great website out there or white paper that discusses this but again my Google skills (or lack there of) let me down. I would like to know the best way to export several doubles from a function, where the doubles are not an array. Here is a contrived function similar to my needs: multipleoutput<-function(x) { squared<-x^2 cubed<-x^3 exponentioal<-exp(x)
2009 Nov 20
How to add a top level title to multiple plots
How can I add an overall plot title to these four plots? I would like to have something that says, "Distribution Comparisons": par(mfrow = c(2, 2)) # Plot 1 plot(rnorm(10),type="l",col="red") title(main = list(paste("Normal"), ????????????????????????? col="black", cex = 1.0)) # Plot 2 plot(rpois(10,
2009 Aug 04
Stacked plots with common x-axis and different y-axis
Is there a place that shows how to create two plots that are stacked on top of each other where they share a common x-axis scale, but have differnt y-axis scale? Say have the following data: airquality Stack plot(airquality$Day, airquality$Wind) on top of plot(airquality$Day, airquality$Temp). I am interested in stacking the two on top of each other with no seam, or plotting the two lines with
2009 Jul 09
Issues with
Are there any tricks associated with I just tried it on a directory folder and it returned NA for all fields for all files. I tried it on a different folder with different files and it still returned NA. I tried it on a specific file and it returned all the proper info correctly. Just wondering if there are any tricks I've overlooked.
2009 Feb 04
Target Plot?
I've done a little snooping around the R Gallery Site ( and the "Statistics with R" site (, but I can't seem to find what I'm looking for.  Here is the type of plot I would like to draw: (1) 2-D three axis plot where each axis is separated by 120-degrees (would be great if the number of axis
2009 Jan 03
R Stacked Histogram
I've seen this asked, but never fully answered.  Is it possible to plot stacked histograms in R? I have four data sets that I would like to show combined vertically in histogram format.  Is this possible?  Thank you for any feedback you can provide. P.S. I know I can show the four sets side by side, but I want to combine them, but still uniquely identify each.   Thanks again.
2009 May 26
Problem accessing "row number" from subset on a dataframe
I would like to use the "row number" information returned from performing a subset command on a dataframe. For example, I would like to automatically delete some rows from a dataframe if they match a criteria. Here is my example below. data(airquality) names(airquality) subset(airquality, airquality$Month == 6) Now how do I delete the row numbers returned automatically? I
2009 Jun 26
Automatically placing a legend in an area with the most white space...
At one point I believe I heard of an R package that would automatically find the most empty space in a plot, and then that answer could then be used to intelligently place a legend. I would like to try to apply that R package to the contrived example shown below, so thank you for any hints or tips that can be provided. x = seq(0, 1000, by = 1) y1_vals<-rnorm(1000, mean = 0, sd = 50)
2009 Aug 01
R Package That Contains International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF)
By any chance is anyone aware of an R package that contains a representation of the International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF)? I've tracked down some Fortran and C code for the IGRF-10, and possibly IGRF-11, and was hoping to avoid an awkward port. Thanks again for any feedback and leads provided.
2011 Nov 23
Suggested alternative to rgdal for Mac for making bubble plots with R 2.14?
I'm new to making bubble plots with R, so I was going to try the following: Unfortunately, it looks like rgdal is not part of 2.14.  I'm not sure if it was the mirror I selected or something else is going on. > install.packages("rgdal") --- Please select a CRAN mirror for use in this session --- Warning
2009 May 05
Way to handle variable length and numbers of columns using read.table(...)
I've got read.table to successfully read in my table of three columns. Most of the time I will have a set number of rows, but sometime that will be variable and sometimes there will be only be two variables in one row, e.g. Time Loc1 Loc2 1 22.33 44.55 2 66.77 88.99 3 222.33344.55 4 66.77 88.99 Is there any way to have read.table handle (1) a variable number of rows, and (2) sometime there
2009 Jan 29
Adding vertical line to histogram and qplot "stacked" plot
R-users it appears I am leaning on your knowledge once again.  Is there any way to add a vertical line to a histogram and qplot "stacked" plot?  Here is my current attempt:   "qplot" approach attempt: qplot(Run, data = data_dataframe, breaks = breaks, fill = Temperature, main = short_title) + scale_x_continuous("Data") + scale_y_continuous("Freq")
2009 Mar 04
Package for determining correlation for mixed "Level of Measurement"
My data set has a mixed level of measurement: Nominal scale - location (city) Ordinal scale - temperature (low, medium, high) Interval scale - age & value Just curious if there is an R package available that will handle the mixed "Level of Measurement". Looking to do graphical presentation of the correlation and also a qualitative analysis of the correlation.  Thanks again for
2009 Mar 24
Executing an external executable from within R?
For example, from within an R script I would like to be able to launch NotePad.exe. Is there an R call for launching Notepad.exe from within R? I've tried the following, but they don't seem to work: > system(paste('"C:/WINDOWS/NOTEPAD.exe"'), wait = FALSE) > system("C:/WINDOWS/NOTEPAD.exe", wait = FALSE) > system("NOTEPAD", wait = FALSE)
2009 Jul 04
Skeleton Package to Flesh Out?
By any chance is there a skeleton package to use as a template to develop an R package? I downloaded "Writing R Extensions", which was evidently updated pretty recently, but I did not see any references (and of course I may have totally missed it) to a package template to use as a go by. Does such a skeleton package exist? Thanks again for all your help, as I've got the code,
2010 May 12
Whiskers on the default boxplot {graphics}
How are the lower/upper whiskers defined in the default version of boxplot {graphics}? I tried help(boxplot) and searching, but I was unable to determine an absolute answer. I checked out the definition of boxplot according to Wikipedia (, but it also had several approaches listed for how the whiskers could be determined, so I'm just
2009 Feb 12
Website, book, paper, etc. that shows example plots of distributions?
By any chance is any one aware of a website, book, paper, etc. or combinations of those sources that show plots of different distributions? After reading a pretty good whitepaper I became aware of the benefit of I the benefit of doing Q-Q plots and histograms to help assess a distribution.   The whitepaper is called: "Univariate Analysis and Normality Test Using SAS, Stata, and SPSS*" ,
2009 Mar 25
Grouping Numbers
Ugh...This should be very simple, but evidently I am not searching for the proper term. Given the below: val_size<-100000 x_vals<-rnorm(val_size) I would like to group them according to the following x_vals_mean_tmp[1]<-mean(x_vals[1:10]) x_vals_mean_tmp[2]<-mean(x_vals[11:20]) ... x_vals_mean_tmp[n]<-mean(x_vals[99991:100000]) Then, I would like to group them according to the
2009 Sep 25
grep or other complex string matching approach to capture necessary information...
Say I have the following data: house_number<-floor(runif(100, 200, 600)) water_evaluation<-c("No water damage", "Water damage", "Water On", "Water off", "water pipes damaged", "leaking water") water_evaluation_selection<-floor(runif(100, 1,6)) house_info<-data.frame(water_evaluation[water_evaluation_selection],