similar to: Online Course PLS and R and free, public videos

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Online Course PLS and R and free, public videos"

2011 Apr 17
NEW ONLINE R COURSE: Fundamentals of Using R
EARLY REGISTRATION ENDS APRIL 22 The non-profit organization *Information Institute* ( and faculty from Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) are offering a live, interactive, synchronous online course entitled Fundamentals of Using R. The early registration cost (through April 22) for the 14-hour, 5 week course is $195 (student); $250 (faculty); and $295
2011 Apr 04
LIVE, ONLINE COURSE: Using R Software for Academic Research Analyses
The Information Institute (, a charitable, non-profit, educational and scientific organization, in conjunction with faculty from Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU), is offering live, interactive, synchronous online classes (one AM and one PM to reach all time zones) on the use of R for a variety of academic-research statistical analyses. The registration
2011 May 03
NEW SUMMER ONLINE R COURSE: Fundamentals of Using R
NEW SECTION BEGINS JUNE 1 (11AM-2PM ET) AND MAY 27 (6PM-9PM ET) The non-profit organization Information Institute ( is offering a live, interactive, synchronous online course entitled Fundamentals of Using R. The registration cost for the 14-hour, 5 week course is $225 USD (student); $295 (faculty); and $325 (practitioner). All live, interactive class
2009 Oct 10
lattice auto.key drop unused levels
The following code produces a legend ("key") that mentions the unused levels of Block. library(MEMSS) xyplot(yield~nitro, subset=(Block=="I" | Block=="II"), data=Oats, group=Block, auto.key=T) and adding "drop.unused.levels=T" does not fix it. And in fact even the following does not solve the problem: xyplot(yield~nitro,
2009 Jul 26
obtain names of variables and data from glm object
Suppose we have some glm object such as: myglm <- glm( y ~ x, data=DAT) Is there an elegant way--or the "right way" within the R way of thinking--to obtain the names of the response variable, the predictor variables, and the dataset, as character strings? For instance, suppose the "right way" was to use the (currently fictitious) functions theresponse(), thepredictors(),
2009 Oct 12
xyplot does not find variable in data
When we call a lattice function such as xyplot, to what extent does the "data" designation cause the function to look inside the "data" for variables? In the examples below, the "subset" argument understands that "Variety" is a variable in the data. But the "scales" argument does not understand that "nitro" is a variable in the data.
2010 Oct 13
Wierd nlm behaviour in 2.10.1 and 2.12.0 [Sec=Unclassified]
Hi all, When upgrading to 2.11.1 recently I noticed different results being produced by my code. After much digging I have finally narrowed it to a call to nlm(). This can be replicated by: FixedRemovals<-1836180125888 AbStageInitial<-2223033830403 Rates<- 0.3102445 nlm(function(rootM,Abund,Loss,OtherM) {(Loss-(rootM/(rootM+OtherM)* (1-exp(-(rootM+OtherM)))*
2009 Jun 29
S4 and connection slot [Sec=Unclassified]
Hi all, I am having a problem trying to declare a slot representation to hold a file connection. With V2.8.0 I had been using: setClass("Element", representation( [other slots removed], datafileConn = setOldClass(c("file","connection")) ) ) This resulted in a warning but still ran okay. No however with V2.9.0 I am getting
2010 Oct 04
S4 class help pages [Sec=Unclassified]
Hi, I am working on producing an R package containing mostly S4 classes and methods. I have generated and filled out all the necessary .Rd files but find that once installed I am unable to access help pages for the classes using the ?package::classname-class syntax that is suggested when using the ?? apropos search. This lists my package classes and the class help pages. Instead, the
2010 Oct 04
Recursion error after upgrade to R_2.11.1 [Sec=Unclassified]
Hi all, After an upgrade from R_2.10.1 to R_2.11.1 I am now getting the following error: Error: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)? This occurs in the initialize method of S4 classes where I was initialising attributes eg: .Object[['realtimeState']] <- list() I can avoid this new error by altering the code to do: .Object$realtimeState <-
2009 Jun 02
S4 Objects [Sec=Unclassified]
I am new to R programming but have dived into a medium sized modelling software development project. Having come from a Java OO background I have a couple of questions about S4 objects. Is there a way to make S4 slots (and methods) private and hence force the use of accessor methods? Is there a straight-forward way to implement pass-by-reference for method parameters? I am currently
2006 Jun 30
SAS Proc Mixed and lme
I am trying to use lme to fit a mixed effects model to get the same results as when using the following SAS code: proc mixed; class refseqid probeid probeno end; model expression=end logpgc / ddfm=satterth; random probeno probeid / subject=refseqid type=cs; lsmeans end / diff cl; run; There are 3 genes (refseqid) which is the large grouping factor, with 2 probeids nested within each refseqid,
2009 Aug 06
specify lattice black-and-white theme
Is there a simple way to specify a theme or trellis (lattice) parameters so that, in a multipanel (conditioned) plot, there is no color and in the strips there is no shading? This is the effect achieved on page 124 of Deepayan Sarkar's "Lattice" (figure 7.2). I managed to trick lattice into making a grayscale plot on my interactive display as follows: > >
2009 Aug 07
lattice: simultaneously control aspect & outer whitespace
Suppose we wish to achieve the following three aims: (1) Control the aspect ratio of our plot (i.e., tweak this till it looks great) (2) Save the plot as a PDF with zero or minimal white space outside it. (3) Preserve this in code, so that in the future the exact same plot can be reproduced by simply sourcing the code. I can almost achieve (1) and (2) on my MacBook Pro by pointing and clicking,
2008 Mar 17
generalized linear mixed models with a beta distribution [Sec=Unclassified]
Craig A Faulhaber wrote: >I am interested in using a generalized linear mixed model with data > that best fits a beta distribution (i.e., the data is bounded between > 0 and 1 but is not binomial). .. >For clarification, here's what I'm trying to model: >I have a beta-distributed response variable (y). I have a fixed-effect >explanatory variable (treatment),
2006 Jun 30
lme and SAS Proc mixed
I am trying to use lme to fit a mixed effects model to get the same results as when using the following SAS code: proc mixed; class refseqid probeid probeno end; model expression=end logpgc / ddfm=satterth; random probeno probeid / subject=refseqid type=cs; lsmeans end / diff cl; run; There are 3 genes (refseqid) which is the large grouping factor, with 2 probeids nested within each refseqid,
2008 Jul 17
nested calls, variable scope
Below is an example of a problem I encounter repeatedly when I write functions. A call works at the command line, but it does not work inside a function, even when I have made sure that all required variables are available within the function. The only way I know to solve it is to make the required variable global, which of course is dangerous. What is the elegant or appropriate way to solve
2009 May 05
S4 slot of type connection [Sec=Unclassified]
I am having trouble declaring a slot of type "connection" or "file" in which to store a file connection. I get a warning message when class definition is loaded: In .completeClassSlots(ClassDef, where) : undefined slot classes in definition of "Element": datafileConn(class "file") Can anyone suggest what type I should be using for the slot. Type
2012 Mar 22
Disable AD checking per share in smb.conf [sec=unclassified]
Hi, Is it possible to have non-authenticating shares on an server with security=ADS ? I have a RHEL server, with Centrify Express, and joined to a domain, but I would like to have a samba share that doesn't request a username/password for machines not on the domain. When I have a plain windows XP machine (not on the domain) attempt to connect, I get asked for a username/password. Is
2009 Aug 03
session logging
Consider all the text that one sees on the console during an R session. Is there a way, within R, to make all this text--both the "output" and the "messages"--automatically get copied to a single text file, in addition to seeing it on the console? If I remember to save the console to a file at the end of my R session, that does it. But (1) That requires pointing and