similar to: Linear Models with mean as Intercept.

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "Linear Models with mean as Intercept."

2005 Jul 06
Plotting confidence intervals for lme
Hello and sorry to disturb. I'm trying to plot the confidence intervals for the fixed effects of a lme. I want to obtain graphically, if it is possible, a bar with Estimate, upper and lower CI for each level of the factors. I know how to do for a lm model but for a lme one, I tried with plot(intervals(...)) and plot(ci(...)) from the gmodels package but it doesn't work well. Thanks
2005 Jul 27
Question on glm for Poisson distribution.
Good afternoon, I REALLY try to answer to my question as an autonomous student searching in the huge pile of papers on my desk and on the Internet but I can't find out the solution. Would you mind giving me some help? Please. ######################################### I'm trying to use glm with factors: > Pyr.1.glm<-glm(Pyrale~Trait,DataRav,family=poisson) If I have correctly
2006 Apr 20
The contrary of command %in%
Dear r-list, I've got a data base: > HData[1:10,] NumTree Site Species Date Age DBH H IdentTree 1 1 Queige Spruce 2002 184 49 33.5 Queige 1 2 2 Queige Fir 2002 NA 5 4.6 Queige 2 3 3 Queige Fir 2002 25 8 6.6 Queige 3 4 4 Queige Spruce 2002 198 47 32.5 Queige 4 5 5 Queige Fir 2002 200 59 35.3 Queige 5 6 6 Queige
2005 Jul 13
Name for factor's levels with contr.sum
Good morning, I used in R contr.sum for the contrast in a lme model: > options(contrasts=c("contr.sum","contr.poly")) > Septo5.lme<-lme(Septo~Variete+DateSemi,Data4.Iso,random=~1|LieuDit) > intervals(Septo5.lme)$fixed lower est. upper (Intercept) 17.0644033 23.106110 29.147816 Variete1 9.5819873 17.335324 25.088661 Variete2 -3.3794907 6.816101 17.011692 Variete3
2005 Dec 16
Vector of matrix
Dear statisticians, I would like to save results for a "for loop" in a vector previously created. My result would be of class "matrix". I tried the following script: Script: #Creation of a previous vector n.Tree<-2 VectorX<-rep(1,n.Tree) #loop for (i in 1:2) { Ti<-MatOccurTree[Tree[i],1] #number of observation for Tree i Xi<-matrix(data=1,nrow=Ti,ncol=2)
2007 Aug 30
How to obtain intercept statistics in anova with within-subject factors?
Dear R users, I am looking for an easy (i.e., direct) way of obtaining the F and p values from the intercept in anovas with within-subject designs. My data are from a psychophysics experiment where I am using d' (d-prime) values obtained from 3 modalities of presentation in each subject. I would like to know not only whether there is an effect of modality, but also whether the main effect is
2008 Mar 08
Installing odesolve package of R under Ubuntu (Debian) Linux
Bonjour, Je cherche à installer le package odesolve du logiciel de statistique R sous Ubuntu Linux. C'est un package qui contient des fonctions appelant du code en Fortran. A l'installation sous R via le shell, j'obtiens l'erreur suivante: Hi, I tried to install odesolve package of R under Ubuntu Linux. But I got the following error: ghislain@ghislain-laptop:~$ sudo R [sudo]
2007 Nov 04
Help in error of mixed models
Hi R-masters I read the article: Bivariate analysis of sensitivity and specificity produces informative summary measures in diagnostic reviews. In this paper i proposed a bivariate mixed model and use SAS proc mixed to adjust the estimates. I thinks use R to make the same and try with this code: base<-read.csv("base.csv") adj<-.5 attach(base) sens<-(VP+adj)/(VP+FN+2*adj)
2002 Jun 10
Crashing R (PR#1651)
Concerns: R 1.5.0 gui version, Windows (downloaded binary) and Linux (installed from sources). # Load the data from the attached file: kk<-read.table("__filename__", header=1) # attach the data: attach(kk) Snr<-factor(Snr) # fool around with a call to anova.glm(): anova.glm( aov( nFD~Type+size+Modality+Error(Snr/(Type+size+Modality)) ) ) # Error: object nFD not found # Well, I
2008 Jan 07
Orientation of labels on axes I created the above image with R and I have one problem left: Some of the labels of the axes do not show up, probably because there's not enough space. I use the following code to create the plot: modality <- read.table("results.table", header=TRUE, sep=",") color <-
2008 Jan 04
Sorting of captions on axes
Hello, I think this might be a beginner question, but I couldn't find the answer in the manual... I created this image with R by using the following code: modality <- read.table("results.table", header=TRUE, sep=",") color <-
2005 Jun 29
Selecting rows regarding the frequency of a factor variab le.
See if this does what you want: > dat <- data.frame(f=factor(sample(letters[1:10], 100, replace=TRUE)), x=runif(100)) > str(dat) `data.frame': 100 obs. of 2 variables: $ f: Factor w/ 10 levels "a","b","c","d",..: 2 5 10 9 10 3 9 8 3 1 ... $ x: num 0.9162 0.0481 0.3048 0.0938 0.8599 ... > g <- names(which(table(dat$f) > 11)) >
2007 Aug 30
(no subject)
Dear R users,I am looking for an easy (i.e., direct) way in obtaining the F and p values from the intercept in anovas with within-subject designs. Data are from a psychophysics expeirment where I am using d' (d-prime) values obtained from 3 modalities of presentation in each subject.I would like to know not only whether there is an effect of modality, but also wether the main effect is
2016 Oct 21
Accessing the associated LLVM IR Instruction for an SDNode used in instruction selection (back end)
Hello. I would like to access the LLVM IR Instruction from which an SDNode (from SelectionDAG) originates. For this I have modified: - llvm/lib/CodeGen/SelectionDAGISel.cpp, SelectionDAGISel::SelectBasicBlock(), namely I put SDB->clear() at the beginning of the method in order to avoid clearing NodeMap after creating the initial SelectionDAG from LLVM IR, since I want to access
2017 Jun 23
Comparing pooled proportions(complication and reoperation rates) of different treatment modalities
> On Jun 23, 2017, at 5:53 AM, Jay Zola <jayjay.1988 at> wrote: > > Dear sir/madame, > > > I am currently writing a meta-analysis on the complication and reoperation rates of 5 different treatment modalities after a distal radius fracture. I was able to pool the rates of the 5 different rates using R. Now I have to compare the pooled rates of the 4 treatment
2002 Jun 28
handling of missing values in aov/lm
R provides a few ways of handling missing values, a.o. in the context of an anova (aov); 2 types of exclusion, and failure. In some situations, I personally like to have missing values replaced by the mean (or the median) for the given combination of factors. A routine that does that is something like the code included below. It works, but is (of course) rather slow. It would be much quicker
2016 Oct 24
Accessing the associated LLVM IR Instruction for an SDNode used in instruction selection (back end)
Hello. Quentin, retrieving the LLVM IR instruction from which an SDNode originates is useful during the instruction selection phase. For example, I need to recover the LLVM IR variable which is used to fill an entire vector with the ISD::BUILD_VECTOR target-independent SDNode . From the recovered LLVM IR variable I can walk on the use-def-chains in order to get the most complete
2013 Jan 10
mgcv: Plotting probabilities for binomial GAM with crossed random intercepts and factor by variable
mgcv: Constructing probabilities for binomial GAM with crossed random intercepts and factor by variable Hello, (I'm sorry if this has been discussed elsewhere; I may not have been looking in the right places.) I ran a binomial GAM in which "Correct" is modelled in terms of the participant's age and the modality in which the stimulus is presented (written vs spoken).
2017 Jun 23
Comparing pooled proportions(complication and reoperation rates) of different treatment modalities
Dear sir/madame, I am currently writing a meta-analysis on the complication and reoperation rates of 5 different treatment modalities after a distal radius fracture. I was able to pool the rates of the 5 different rates using R. Now I have to compare the pooled rates of the 4 treatment modalities with the golden standard separately. I though the chi squared test would be the best method. How do
2013 Mar 05
Agreement and Consistency of 2D data
Hi, I have two different imaging modalities (for the identification of areas of infarcted myocardium) that I need to compare regarding agreement and consistency. However, I don't think that methods like Cohen's Kappa, PCC, Bland-Altmann or ICC are sufficient here as there is not just a pairwise but also a spatial relationship between measured data points. For example if the results of the