similar to: Running SVM {e1071}

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "Running SVM {e1071}"

2012 Mar 14
How to use a saved SVM model from e1071
Hello, I have an SVM model previously calibrated using libsvm R implementation from the e1071 package. I would like to use this SVM to predict values, from a Java program. I first tried to use jlibsvm and the "standard" java implementation of libsvm, without success. Thus, I am now considering writing data in files from my Java code, calling an R program to predict values, then gather
2003 Oct 29
svm from e1071 package
I am starting to use svm from e1071 and I wonder how exactly crossvalidation is implemented. Whenever I run > svm.model <- svm(y ~ ., data = trainset, cross = 3) on my data I get dirrerent values for svm.model$MSE e.g. [1] 0.9517001 1.7069627 0.6108726 [1] 0.3634670 0.9165497 1.4606322 This suggests to me that data are scrambled each time - the last time I looked at libsvm python
2005 Aug 11
How to insert a certain model in SVM regarding to fixed kernels
Dear David, Dear R Users , Suppose that we want to regress for example a certain autoregressive model using SVM. We have our data and also some fixed kernels in libSVM behinde e1071 in front. The question: Where can we insert our certain autoregressive model ? During creating data frame ? Or perhaps we can make a relationship between our variables ended to desired autoregressive model ?
2012 Mar 29
TR: [e1071] Load an SVM model exported with write.svm
Un texte encapsul? et encod? dans un jeu de caract?res inconnu a ?t? nettoy?... Nom : non disponible URL : <>
2003 Nov 03
svm in e1071 package: polynomial vs linear kernel
I am trying to understand what is the difference between linear and polynomial kernel: linear: u'*v polynomial: (gamma*u'*v + coef0)^degree It would seem that polynomial kernel with gamma = 1; coef0 = 0 and degree = 1 should be identical to linear kernel, however it gives me significantly different results for very simple data set, with linear kernel
2005 May 19
tune.svm in {e1071}
Dear All , 1- I'm trying to access the values of fitted(model) after model<- tune.svm( ) but seemingly it is not poosible. How can I access to values of fitted ? However ,it is possible only after model<- svm( ) 2- How can I access to the other values such as the number of Support Vectors , gamma, cost , nu , epsilon , after model<- tune.svm( ) ? these are not possible? I
2010 Apr 06
svm of e1071 package
Hello List, I am having a great trouble using svm function in e1071 package. I have 4gb of data that i want to use to train svm. I am using Amazon cloud, my Amazon Machine Image(AMI) has 34.2 GB of memory. my R process was killed several times when i tried to use 4GB of data for svm. Now I am using a subset of that data and it is only 1.4 GB. i remove all unnecessary objects before calling
2013 Jan 15
e1071 SVM, cross-validation and overfitting
I am accustomed to the LIBSVM package, which provides cross-validation on training with the -v option % svm-train -v 5 ... This does 5 fold cross validation while building the model and avoids over-fitting. But I don't see how to accomplish that in the e1071 package. (I learned that svm(... cross=5 ...) only _tests_ using cross-validation -- it doesn't affect the training.) Can
2006 Jan 27
e1071: using svm with sparse matrices (PR#8527)
Full_Name: Julien Gagneur Version: 2.2.1 OS: Linux (Suse 9.3) Submission from: (NULL) ( Using the SparseM library (SparseM_0.66) and the e1071 library (e1071_1.5-12) I fail using svm method with a sparse matrix. Here is a sample example. I experienced the same problem under Windows. > library(SparseM) [1] "SparseM library loaded" > library("e1071")
2005 Jun 01
How to name variables in a single plot
Dear R Friends , I want to name my variables( more than 2 variables in a single plot) within a plot to distinct them from each other, but I cann't. How it is possible? I don't mean x and y axis using xlab or ylab. At the below , it follows some lines, only as an example that you could try please, if it is possible. I really thanks for your attention. Amir library(graphics) y<-
2009 Jul 08
SVM cross validation in e1071
Hi list, Could someone help me to explain why the leave-one-out cross validation results I got from svm using the internal option "cross" are different from those I got manually? It seems using "cross" to do cross validation, the results are always better. Please see the code below. I also include lda as a comparison. I'm using WinXP, R-2.9.0, and e1071_1.5-19. Many
2001 Jan 05
package e1071 upgrade
Hi, the new version 1.1-0 of package e1071 is now on CRAN. Changes: *) use libsvm 2.1 for support vector machines. We are now also a kind of ``official'' R frontend to libsvm and linked from their homepage at *) new functions for comparing partitions Best, Fritz -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-
2010 Oct 22
about libsvm
hii all!!! could anyone tell me how to use libsvm in R.. i am not able to find good way to use it.... -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
2008 May 13
Un-reproductibility of SVM classification with 'e1071' libSVM package
Hello, When calling several times the svm() function, I get different results. Do I miss something, or is there some random generation in the C library? In this second hypothesis, is it possible to fix an eventual seed? Thank you Pierre ### Example library('e1071') x = rnorm(100) # train set y = rnorm(100) c = runif(100)>0.5 x2 = rnorm(100)# test set y2 = rnorm(100) # learning a
2006 Feb 02
crossvalidation in svm regression in e1071 gives incorre ct results (PR#8554)
1. This is _not_ a bug in R itself. Please don't use R's bug reporting system for contributed packages. 2. This is _not_ a bug in svm() in `e1071'. I believe you forgot to take sqrt. 3. You really should use the `tot.MSE' component rather than the mean of the `MSE' component, but this is only a very small difference. So, instead of spread[i] <- mean(mysvm$MSE), you
2006 Apr 05
Combination of Bias and MSE ?
Dear R Users, My question is overall and not necessarily related to R. Suppose we face to a situation in which MSE( Mean Squared Error) shows desired results but Bias shows undesired ones, Or in advers. How can we evaluate the results. And suppose, Both MSE and Bias are important for us. The ecact question is that, whether there is any combined measure of two above metrics. Thank you so
2010 Aug 18
probabilities from predict.svm
Dear R Community- I am a new user of support vector machines for species distribution modeling and am using package e1071 to run svm() and predict.svm(). Briefly, I want to create an svm model for classification of a factor response (species presence or absence) based on climate predictor variables. I have used a training dataset to train the model, and tested it against a validation data set
2006 Apr 14
Getting SVM minimized function value
Hello, I have been searching a way to get the resulting optimized function value of a trained SVM model (svm from the package e1071) but I have not succeed. Does anyone knows a way to get that value? Pau
2011 May 30
how to interpret coefficients from multiclass svm using libsvm (for multiclass R-SVM)
Hello all, I'm working with the svm (libsvm) implementation from library(e1071). Currently I'm trying to extend recursive feature elimination (R-SMV) to work with multiclass classification. My problem is that if I run svm for a 3 class problem I get a 2-D vector back from model$coefs, can someone explain me what this values are? I understand them in the 2-class problem where this is a
2006 Feb 02
crossvalidation in svm regression in e1071 gives incorrect results (PR#8554)
Full_Name: Noel O'Boyle Version: 2.1.0 OS: Debian GNU/Linux Sarge Submission from: (NULL) ( (1) Description of error The 10-fold CV option for the svm function in e1071 appears to give incorrect results for the rmse. The example code in (3) uses the example regression data in the svm documentation. The rmse for internal prediction is 0.24. It is expected the 10-fold CV rmse