similar to: Components of variance

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "Components of variance"

2005 Nov 01
coding nesting in data for nlme example of Wafer data set.
I am trying to understand the proper way to encode the nesting structure for data in the context of nlme, in the specific case of individuals nested within species for which each individual is unique. I have searched through Pinheiro & Bates and also past postings, but without success. Take the Wafer data set which has 2 levels: Wafer (8 values) and Site nested within Wafer (10 values for
2005 Sep 29
lmer random effect model matrix question
I have one fixed effect, sor, with two levels. I have eight lots and three wafers from each lot. I have included the data below. I would like to fit a mixed model that estimates a covariance parameter for wafer, which is nested in lot, and two covariance parameters for lot, one for each level of sor. The following command fits the model that I want, except for it estimates the correlation
2006 Feb 08
lme syntax for P&B examples
Hi helpeRs, I've been working through some examples in Pinhiero & Bates( 2000) trying to understand how to translate to the new Lme4 syntax but without much luck. Below is what I think I should do, but either the answers don't come out the same or I get errors. In the Oxide problems I'm particularly interested in obtaining the levels coeficients but this options no longer seems
2004 Apr 29
Plot.lme error
Dear All; Attempting to reproduce Figure 4.15 of MEMSS (p. 171) in R using plot(Wafer, outer = ~ Wafer) yields an error: > plot(Wafer, outer = ~ Wafer) Error in order(na.last, decreasing, ...) : Argument lengths differ The plot() produces the figure without problems for all versions of Splus (4.5 to 6.2) on Windows. Noticing that the plot() differs slightly between
2011 May 20
Variability plot in R
Is there a package in R that can do a variability plot? A variability plot is a kind of categorized dot plot. (If there is a lot of data in each category, box plots are used rather than dot plots.) Usually, the categories are factor level combinations. All the dot plots appear in the same window; below the x-axis a hierarchy of factors shows which dot plot corresponds to which factor-level
2009 Aug 21
trouble with Vista & reading files
All, I am having trouble with a "read.table()" function that is inside of another function. But if I call the function by itself, it works fine. Moreover, if I run the script on a Mac OS X (with the default Mac OS X version of R installed, rev 2.8), it works fine. But it does not work if I run it on windows vista (also default Windows version of R, rev. 2.8). Again, both
2006 Jan 09
warning message from nlme
Hi all, I tried to do a variance components using nlme, but I got the following warning mesage ##################################################### not meaningful for factors in: Ops.factor(y[revOrder], Fitted) ###################################################### Can someone point out what is the meaning of this warning message? I tried to look at Ops.factor, but I don't
2006 Mar 29
lmer multilevel
My question relates to problems that I'm having matching lme and lmer examples in P&B. using Matix 0.995 In the Oxide example in p167-170 I can't get the level 2 coefficient estimates to match the fm1Oxide model in lme is data(Oxide,package="nlme") lme(Thickness~1,Oxide) which I translate in Lmer syntax to fm3Oxide<-lmer(Thickness~
2004 Sep 05
Question to NLME, ML vs. REML
Dear all, I am planning to use nlme library for analysis of experiments in semiconductor industry. Currently I am using "lm" but plan to move to "lme" to handle within wafer / wafer-to-wafer and lot-to-lot variation correctly. So far everything is working well, but I have a fundamentel question: NLME offers "maximum likelihood" and "restricted maximum
2012 May 14
How to interpret an ANOVA result?
Hello all, here's a real-world example: I'm measuring a quantity (d) at five sites (site1 thru site5) on a silicon wafer. There is a clear site-dependence of the measured value. To find out if this is a measurement artifact I measured the wafer four times: twice in the normal position (posN), and twice rotated by 180 degrees (posR). My data looks like this (full, self-contained code at
2004 May 27
Crossed random effects in lme
Dear all, In the SASmixed package there is an example of an analysis of a split-plot experiment. The model is fm1Semi <- lme( resistance ~ ET * position, data = Semiconductor, random = ~ 1 | Grp) where Grp in the Semiconductor dataset is defined as ET*Wafer. Is it possible to specify the grouping directly some way, e.g. like fm1Semi <- lme( resistance ~ ET * position, data =
2006 Jan 16
singular convergence(7)?
Hi all, I just wonder what singular convergence means. Thanks. Yen Lin Error in lme.formula(Data ~ 1, random = ~1 | Wafer/fie/loc, subset = Wafer == : singular convergence (7) [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2002 Apr 18
No subject
I have created a tree and want to save some of the data so that I can create a html table from it. I would like to save the output from data.ltr (see example below) to a file, but haven't found a way to do that, keeping the nice format that typing data.ltr gives me (see output below). Is there a way to do this? Example: library (maptree) library (tree)
2007 Jan 12
wafer map drawing
Hello R-Users! Does anyone know of a package to draw/analyze silicon wafer maps? Here are some examples I've google'd and searched CRAN with no luck. It seems possible for R, given the hexbin and hist2d graphs I saw at the Graph gallery.
2006 Mar 29
Lmer BLUPS: was(lmer multilevel)
Paul: I may have found the issue (which is similar to your conclusion). I checked using egsingle in the mlmRev package as these individuals are strictly nested in this case: library(mlmRev) library(nlme) fm1 <- lme(math ~ year, random=~1|schoolid/childid, egsingle) fm2 <- lmer(math ~ year +(1|schoolid:childid) + (1|schoolid), egsingle) Checking the summary of both models, the output is
2010 Aug 14
\" character in folder name results in strange LIST
Hi Timo, >> * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "folder1" >> * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" "folder2" >> * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "/" {9} >> six"wafer >> . OK List completed. >> >> Note the {9} length of the following real folder name. Is this normal >> handling of special folder names ? >Yes. Well,
2010 Jul 22
Hydrology plots in R
Hello, I am trying to create a plot often seen in hydrodynamic work than includes a contour plot representing the water speed with arrows pointing in the direction of flow. Does anyone have any idea how I might add arrows based on wf$angle (in the example below) to the plot below? Thanks in advance! Sam library(lattice) speed <- runif(100, 0, 20) wf <- data.frame(speed) wf$width <-
2008 May 07
use list elements to subtract values from the dataframe
Hi, I have a dataframe wf existing of a header with different labels and beneath the values of those labels : wf: label1 label2 ... 0,45 0,21 0,10 0,45 .... .... I have a list fl <- c("label2","label3",..) Isn't possible to use the list elements in the list in order to subtract values from the dataframe? like : wf$fl[[1]] When I do in R I get :NULL
2007 Aug 09
Help on R performance using aov function
Hi, I?m trying to replace some SAS statistical functions by R (batch calling). But I?ve seen that calling R in a batch mode (under Unix) takes about 2or 3 times more than SAS software. So it?s a great problem of performance for me. Here is an extract of the calculation: stoutput<-file("res_oneWayAnova.dat","w"); cat("Param|F|Prob",file=stoutput,"\n");
2012 Jan 11
R CMD check pkg and 32/64 bit.
R gurus: I'm trying to get another round of rconifers out and I need some advice/help crushing differences in the examples test. I'm trying to make sure the max sdi values are being respected. I've added a tests/ (from windows i386-pc-mingw32) and when I ran R CMD check (both R-2.13.0), I got the following results: * using log directory