similar to: Another question about Rcmdr

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2005 Jun 23
How to save changed options in Rcmdr
Dear All, I want to change the default options of Rcmdr; it seemed to work when I made changes and click the "Exit and Restart R Commander". However, next time I open Rcmdr, it automatically restored to the default options. Is there a way to change Rcmdr's options permanently? Thanks! Shige
2004 Feb 13
Problems loading dataset in Rcmdr
Hello all! I?ve been using Rcmdr for some time, as a quick way of producing graphics and basic statistics. I run R1.8.1, OS W2000. Two days ago the dataset loader stopped working. Normally, the button <No active dataset> is clickable to give you the opportunity to choose dataset to load in the Rcmdr context. Clicking on the button now produces this: Rcmdr Version 0.9-3 Error in parse(file,
2006 Dec 11
Small Rcmdr issue
Just installed Rcmdr on a Linux box. When I exit from both Rcmdr and R together from the regular Rcmdr exit menu, it leaves my xterm with "stty -echo", so that nothing that is typed appears. If I exit only Rcmdr, and then exit R normally, everything is okay (stty echo). Other than that minor irritant, everything seems to work just fine. Linux 2.6.16-gentoo-r3 Athlon 64 X2 3800+ R
2005 Nov 25
Tiger Mac stalls running Rcmdr program
I am a Macintosh computer (MAC OS X Version 10.4.3) user. I would like to run R for structural equation modeling and meta-analysis but am having difficulty using the Rcmdr interface. According to the R commander installation notes for Tiger Macs ­ I need to 1) Install from Apple Install disks ­ which I have done 2) Install ­ which I have done 3) Install binary package rgl from CRAN
2004 Oct 13
one more Rcmdr problem
Hello, I'm using R 2.0.0 with the latest Rcmdr package installed from CRAN, on Windows XP Professional. When trying to copy some commands or results, either from the upper or lower text window, this causes Rcmdr to crash: "R for Windows GUI front-end has encountered a problem and needs to close" Did anyone have the same problem? I don't think it's my system, as it
2004 Oct 13
one more Rcmdr problem
Hello, I'm using R 2.0.0 with the latest Rcmdr package installed from CRAN, on Windows XP Professional. When trying to copy some commands or results, either from the upper or lower text window, this causes Rcmdr to crash: "R for Windows GUI front-end has encountered a problem and needs to close" Did anyone have the same problem? I don't think it's my system, as it
2003 Sep 29
Rcmdr and Macintosh
Hi everyone! I am planning to use R and Rcmdr in a basic stat course. I have no access to a computer lab, but I can expect all students to have a laptop. Of couse, I have no control over their OS and in my experience several of them will have Macs. I have Windows. My question is the following: can I expect them to be able to install R, Tcl/Tk and Rcmdr (i.e. does anybody has experinece with it?)
2006 May 02
Rcmdr problem - SciViews R
Hi, I am getting following error messages while using SciViews R. It displays a message saying: Package or Bundle Rcmdr was not found in C:\Software\R-22.1.1\Library would you like to install now?. However the Rcmdr package is there in the library. I reinstalled Rcmdr but still gives me same error message every time I try to use one of the GUI functions. Any pointers would be of great
2007 Apr 04
rcmdr help
Dear All, I use Debian etch and downloaded R from its repo. Although it is running I would like to make the first steps using rcmdr. I went through on wikis and howtos, installed rcmdr but it is not running. Apparently it is properly installed, there is an Rcmdr library in /usr/lib/R/site-library but I cannot start it neither from command line nor by clicking on applications -> debian
2005 Aug 29
Rcmdr extensions
Dear List, I am trying to extend Rcmdr with some functions usefult to my study... I have addedd succesfully a menu and some submenu to the GUI, and I have placed a file .R in the /etc folder... I am able to call functions on that file, but I cannot see the results: how can I tell Rcmdr to write the output in the output box? Second question: how can I refer to the actually selected
2005 Jan 28
Conflicts using Rcmdr, nlme and lme4
Hello all! R2.0.1, W2k. All packages updated. I?m heavily dependant on using mixed models. Up til?now I have used lme() from nlme as I have been told to. Together with estimable() from gmodels it works smooth. I also often run Rcmdr, mostly for quick graphics. After using Rcmdr, on reopening the R workspace all help libraries for Rcmdr (22 !) loads, among them nlme, but not Rcmdr itself. Why?
2008 Mar 03
Script to start Rcmdr
Hi, anybody know any way to make a bash script to start Rcmdr directly widthout need to open R and execute library(Rcmdr)? I try to make this using R CMD BATCH somethink, but dont find the way. Thanks Ronaldo -- > Prof. Ronaldo Reis J?nior | .''`. UNIMONTES/Depto. Biologia Geral/Lab. de Biologia Computacional | : :' : Campus Universit?rio Prof. Darcy Ribeiro, Vila Mauric?ia |
2005 May 23
installing R and Rcmdr onMacOS 10.3.9
I have been trying to install the new, patched R 2.1.0a along with the Rcmdr on my mac. I got the basic R package installed, but in Project Manager, the tcltk package will not install. When I downloaded the Rcmdr binary package from the Berkeley site, it did not show up on the package installer list until a second attempt, but it still does not show up on the package manager list. On
2009 Sep 22
Rcmdr package dependencies
Dear r-devel members, My Rcmdr package "depends" on several other packages (tcltk, grDevices, utils, and car) and "suggests" a number of others (abind, aplpack, colorspace, effects, foreign, grid, Hmisc, lattice, leaps, lmtest, MASS, mgcv, multcomp, nlme, nnet, relimp, rgl, and RODBC). The reason for the distinction is that I don't want all of these packages to load when
2006 Sep 29
RODBC ERROR on Rcmdr install
I've been trying to install the RODBC dependency for Rcmdr on Rv2.4 on a SunOS9 system. It claims not to be able to create gcc output files (executables) for the installation. This is puzzling since I've been able to install other packages with the same PATH variables and all. Feedback would be much appreciated. Thank you! Sarosh Jamal Geo Computing & IT Specialist, Department of
2006 Sep 29
RODBC ERROR on Rcmdr install
I've been trying to install the RODBC dependency for Rcmdr on Rv2.4 on a SunOS9 system. It claims not to be able to create gcc output files (executables) for the installation. This is puzzling since I've been able to install other packages with the same PATH variables and all. Feedback would be much appreciated. Thank you! Sarosh Jamal Geo Computing & IT Specialist, Department of
2005 Nov 26
Rcmdr for Tiger Mac OS not running (PR#8350)
Full_Name: Maha Golestaneh Version: Mac OS OS: Tiger 10.4.3 Submission from: (NULL) ( Cannot load and run Rcmdr on R for Tiger MacOS X.4.3.
2007 Oct 24
rcmdr and mailing lists
I am trying to draw a bar chart with standard error bars for two groups. I was struggling in R so have now managed to get rcmdr up and running on my mac (although the help frequently crashes, everything else seems fine, if a bit sluggish; wouldn't use it for stats). This has allowed me to very easily create a plot of the means and standard errors BUT-does anyone know if it is
2008 Jan 04
bug Rcmdr
Hello, If I run the script : "a<-2 ; a<-a+5 ; a" whith the "submit" buton in Rcmdr the result is 12 !!! But if I run the script "a<-2 ; b<-a+5 ; b" there is no problem and the result is 7. I think there is a bug in the function "onSubmit". Thanks, [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 Sep 06
Problem with UTF-8 text in the Rcmdr package
Dear list members, I've attached some email correspondence with Jaro Lajovic (with his permission), detailing a problem with the Slovenian translation file for the Rcmdr package. In brief, while certain UTF-8 characters used in Slovenian used to appear properly in older versions of R, some characters do not display properly in the Rcmdr menus and output window under R 2.7.x. I've