similar to: Public Mailbox & ACLs

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "Public Mailbox & ACLs"

2010 Jul 07
Manually creating folders from terminal
I'm trying to use a script to create a mailbox structure. I'm aware that the structure should look like: ~/.maildir/.INBOX/{cur,tmp,new} ~/.maildir/.INBOX.Subfolder1/{cur,tmp,new} ~/.maildir/.INBOX.Subfolder2/{cur,tmp,new} ~/.maildir/.INBOX.Subfolder2.Subsubfolder1/{cur,tmp,new} ... I have tried manually making those directories and using the "maildirmake.dovecot" command that
2007 Jun 01
Sharing nested folders / maildir variations?
Hey all, So I've got a shared namespace in dovecot where users can, via a custom control panel, share their folders into (which creates a symlink) in order to allow anyone on their domain to access it. I store mail in maildir. The issue is that when people share folders, they expect that when they make subfolders, those are automatically shared as they are contained within it.
2012 Aug 24
Permissions incorrectly ordered on Windows after disabling inheritance
Hi everyone, I've noticed a problem with Debian wheezy + samba 3.6.6 configured with acl_xattr in my configuration. The following test sequence causes Windows Explorer to report incorrectly ordered permission entries: 1) Map a share as with "admin" user credentials to a drive letter on a Windows client 2) Create a folder at the root of the share "rootfolder" 3) Create a
2011 Mar 22
DoveCot 2.0.9: Problem with some Clients and separator (migrate from Cyrus)
hi, we had to move from a old dieing Sparc very quickly our Cyrus IMAP Users to Dovecot. Most things works, but some Clients (like Evolution or Thunderbird) are strange. Our separator in Dovecot2 is "^", the mailboxes on the filesystem are something like "INBOX.subfolder1.subfolder2", but in TB and Evo I see INBOX^subfolder1^subfolder^ In Roundcube Webmail, I have just a
2013 Apr 08
How to see folders/subfolders/emails through imap
Hello all, I am trying to do something very simple - at least thats what I thought. I have some fs, it contains folders and subfolders with email files ordered like maildir. Now I try to set up dovecot on top simply to let some imap account watch these email files. But I cannot see any folders at all. I can create new folders and see them, but I cannot create subfolders as subdirs like
2003 Jul 10
win2K migration
Dear All, I am trying to migrate a win2k file server to a linux box running samba. The folder structure on the win2k server has as follows: topfolder1 +------subforder1 +--------subsubfolder1 +--------subsubfolder2 +------subfolder2 +--------subsubfolder3 +--------subsubfolder4
2006 Jun 02
parent vs child directory permissions problem
I run FreeBSD 4.6-RELEASE (GENERIC) with samba-2.2.4_1 installed. my workstations all run windows xp home or pro with SP2. We're on a workgroup, not a domain. Lately I've been having a problem with changing rights on subfolders. this is my directory structure drwxrwx--- 53 root allstaff 2048 Jun 2 08:19 topdirectory drwxrwx--- 4 Jack group1 512 May 23 13:10
2020 Oct 30
how to enable automatic sharing of folders added/created in an already shared folder hiearchy?
I'm running dovecot --version (502c39af9) folder sharing is enabled & working. as long as I manually enable enable sharing for each folder/subfolder. e.g., if I enable sharing for each of: sharedtopfolder subfolder1 subfolder2 then all's good -- shared-to users can access according to set permissions. BUT, if I drag any folder under that shared-hierarchy e.g.,
2016 Mar 09
Setting up public mailboxes - user not found
Hi all, This is the first time I use the dovecot mail list so I?m sorry if I forget something. My problem is that for some reason I can get public mailboxes to work. I have setup the directory Public, the folders and the cur,tmp and new folder in them: Public | |- .office3 | |- cur |- tmp |- new |- dovecot-acl Here is my dovecot conf: # 2.2.13: /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf # OS:
2009 Jan 03
convert non-standard mbox to maildir
Hi, Let me start with wishing you all the best for this new year, and I hope we'll see a lot of new features and not so much new bugs ;-) I'm trying to convert a number of PSTs to maildir. Just plain drag&drop in Outlook doesn't work (gives a very cryptic error message in a certain folder, but that folder is perfectly all right), and using the import option also barfs when
2018 Oct 24
doveadm backup: Error: Both source and destination mail_location points to same directory
Hello! I'm using 2 namespaces, "inbox" for INBOX and it's subfolders and "special" containing folders like Sent, Junk or Drafts.??Though both use mdbox I decided to represent those namespaces in different locations "mdbox:~/mail" and "mdbox:~/mail_special_folders". The main reason to use 2 namespaces was to keep special_use folders out of INBOX by
2012 Aug 17
No status for INBOX/* in mbox NS (2.1.6)
Maybe it's fixed, but the last "interesting" text in the Changelog was before 2.1.6. Most of our users still have mboxes in the classical layout, so you can't have subfolders and messages in the same folder, *except for the INBOX*, as it is physically separate. Someone complained that he saw subfolders in roundcube he couldn't delete, because they didn't show up in the
2012 Jan 18
shared folder files not displaying in thunderbird
Hello, I have dovecot installed with the configuration below. One of the subfolders created (using the email client) under the '/home/vpopmail/domains/' share no longer (it used to) displays the files located in it. There are about 150 folders under the '/home/vpopmail/domains/' share all of which display the files located in
2009 Jun 09
Resync quota to mysql script
I changed some quota options in my dovecot config (eg. excluded folders) but afaik this only affects new mail and there is no magic command to recalculate the quota (or is there?). So I wrote this little python script to do this, maybe someone finds it useful. It can output the sql statements (dovecot 1.0/1.1 and 1.2 format) or just print out quota usage to console. Download at :
2009 Mar 26
Slightly OT : Maildir format (silly) questions
Hello, I was asking what was the motivation for not having the envelope From in the Maildir format, as defined in the qmail spec : "The message is delivered without an extra UUCP- style From_ line, without any >From quoting, and without an extra blank line at the end." which may sound silly since we lose an important piece of information. Same question about the motivation in
2014 Oct 22
Public mailbox confusion
greets, I am quite sure I ask some faq here ... sorry, but I am confused by the many options and choices here. What I want to do is: I migrate lots of public folders from a MS Exchange Server ... The customer wants that there is a "Public" folder containing all these hundreds of folders, the public folder should be visible for all the dovecot-users and all the subfolders should be
2014 Jul 18
subfolders in public mailboxes
Hello, I added this to the configuration: namespace { type = public separator = . prefix = public. location = maildir:/var/mail/public subscriptions = no list = yes } and I can list maildirs inside these folders correctly. however, I can't see any subfolders. The issue seems to be that /var/mail/public dir itself is interpreted as a maildir directory. However, what I'd
2011 Jun 23
Public Folder ACL Problem
Hi All, I am trying to achieve ACL set in Public folders, I have public namespace in dovecot.conf like this namespace public { separator = / prefix = Public/ location = maildir:/var/mail/public/ subscriptions = no } and now under public folder I have two subfolders .test and .test1 . I have created dovecote-acl under .test so that it can be seen and subscribe. but I can't see
2009 May 14
Unable to subscribe to newly created subfolders under public mailboxes with acl plugin enabled
I've "group" namespace and b2b mailbox under it. I'm unable to subscribe to it and deliver emails there. Here is my problem: if I create subfolder (lets name it "subf") under b2b mailbox I'm unable to subscribe to it until acl plugin is enabled. Even if I put dovecot-acl file in .b2b.subf folder with anyone full rights dovecot-acl-list doesn't get populated
2007 Dec 16
Help please: Migrating Courier imap - Dovecot (Postfix virtual mailbox domains)
I'm trying to migrate from qmail to postfix. The original server is combo of qmail and Courier imap (no pop mailboxes) I have a working Postfix config and had imap working with Courier imap on the new server. I thought I would experiment with Dovecot as it has some good press. I have moved the contents of my original maildir's to the new server and ste permissions and group membership