similar to: kernel crash

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 90 matches similar to: "kernel crash"

2006 Jun 07
[delete an uploaded file issue]
Hi, I''m trying to delete an uploaded file (<xml_26548975.xml>). But I get this error: "Permission denied - ./script/../config/../uploads/xml_26548975.xml". Do I need to set some configurations for WeBrick? -- Cheers, ioana k&a -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2006 Jun 09
[how can i delete a file system..please help]
Hi, I''m trying to delete a file system (<xml_26548975.xml>) File.delete("xml_26548975.xml") But I get this error: "Permission denied - ./script/../config/../uploads/xml_26548975.xml". Why? -- Cheers, ioana k&a -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2006 Jun 01
Is anyone using Pdf::Writer? I don know how to insert html tags in a pdf using Pdf::Writer, except <b> and <i> I think an idea is with Pdf::TechBook but i hadn''t seen any example till now. -- Cheers, ioana k&a -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2006 Jun 01
Active Record Basics - Making it commentable
hi everyone, I hope someone can help me out with some active record basics? I''ve been banging my head for the past 4 hours and I can''t seem to get it to work. I am trying to add comments to a caption (just like how one adds a comment to a post in a blog). I seem to be able to read posts just fine from the DB, however, I can''t use the "recordComment"
2006 Jun 08
Back again; errors in depot app
Sorry, but this is a big one - after adding the Ajax portion of the Agile Web Development tutorial my page displays: Application error Change this error message for exceptions thrown outside of an action (like in Dispatcher setups or broken Ruby code) in public/500.html It started when I added - page[:current_item].visual_effect :highlight, :startcolor => "#88ff88" , :endcolor =>
2006 Jun 08
Field names in validators
Hi! Is there a (simple) way to use alternative field names in validation messages? For example, if I have a validator like this one: validates_presence_of :email how can I make it print a message like "E-Mail Address can''t be blank" instead of "Email can''t be blank"? I can override the "can''t be blank" part by using the :message
2006 Jul 04
ROaR: A Ruby on Rails Podcast
I''m starting a new podcast to cover some of the hot topics going on in Rails. Half news, half interactive, all community. As always, the first episode kinda sucks but I''m looking forward to feedback from all of you on how to make it better. or for iTunes people Michael
2006 Jun 02
ActiveRecord: Getting table names
How do i get (discover) all the table names within a database using ROR/ActiveRecord ? I wish to build a webapp that connects to a database on the fly, discovers tables and column names etc and then can show data or build a report based on user selection. The ActiveRecord API doesnt seem to give any method for getting table names. -- Posted via
2006 Jun 01
How to call database variables from "Public" folder?
If I want to use for example, <% for product in @products %> in "index.html" (for HomePage) of the "public" folder to call the objects in "products" database table, how do I do that please? It seems that I could not directly call it in the file. actually, I want to partial-render a list for products in the homepage. I think there must be a smart way. btw, is
2006 Jun 01
How do I get today''s date?
I know this is a simple question, but i just want to put the current day, month, date and year on my website. I still can''t figure out how to read the Rails API. Can anybody help me out? TIA -- Posted via
2006 Jun 04
Data manipulation from a database
Say, for example, I have this in my db: id name date 1 Item_1 feb-19 2 Item_2 feb-20 and I want to manipulate it so that the view can output this: feb-19: Item1 feb-20: -- Posted via
2006 Jun 22
Passing a value from one rhtml to another
I''m trying to find a way to get from one rhtml page to another and taking a value along to use in the second page. Basically a user clicks on one of many download links and what should appear on the next page is all the available stuff related to that download, so I think if I take the id number of the first page then i can use if statements in the second page? Sorry if that sounds
2006 May 31
class does not inherit (?) ActionRecord::Base
Hi. I''m a newbie at this, so please bear with me. I have several classes which model several corresponding tables. All of them seem to work except one. I have not made many modifications from the scaffold templates. However, with one class, Log, all methods give me the following type of error NoMethodError in LogController#create undefined method `save'' for
2006 Jun 01
can''t convert Fixnum into String ??
I have been getting this error message on various pages, just wondering if anyone could explain whats going wrong, and the best way to correct it code that is cuasing the problem is below @project = Project.find(:first, :conditions => "id = " + @purchaseorder.project_id) -- Posted via
2006 Jun 02
Wierdness with rake test_units and schema.rb
I have just migrated to use Rail 1.1 from 1.0. In the progress of fixing and cleaning up the unit tests. I found the following problem. I am not sure if this is a bug or it is my environment. When I run "rake test_units, some of the index in association tables is not created, this leads to failures for some unit test cases. Thinking that may be because I didn''t setup the
2006 Jun 01
update_all broken in postgres?
Hi has anyone managed to use update_all with rails on postgres? In my setup, it does not work: >> @keyword.update_all(myupdates) NoMethodError: undefined method `update_all'' for #<Keyword:0xb7ac4670> from /home/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-1.14.0/lib/active_record/base.rb:1786:in `method_missing'' from (irb):14 I checked that the base.rb
2006 Jun 05
Pagination, how to in rails?
Hi, Im creating a few reports for a system using ind_by_sql Are there any built in features that I can use to paginate the results and how can this be achived? Thanks -- Posted via
2006 Jun 05
Drag and drop sortable list woes
Well I have it dragging and dropping but its not saving! def sort @prices = Price.find(params[:id]) @prices.each do |@price| @price.position = params[''price''].index( + 1 end render :nothing => true end Current error in the view after dropping is - undefined method `each'' for #<Price:0xb74ec4ac>
2006 Jun 13
Top margin on PDF generated with PDF::Writer
Hi, A little question. I''ve written a method that uses PDF::Writer to generate a PDF document with some images and text. This is the code on my controller: def pdf gen_pdf redirect_to("#{@request.relative_url_root}/pdf/cupones.pdf") end private def gen_pdf pdf = => "A4") pdf.margins_cm(0) pdf.start_columns(2, 0) pdf.select_font
2006 Jun 15
Paginating a .find
how exactly would I apply paginate to a .find I have: @posts = Post.find(:all, :conditions => [ ''(title) OR (body) LIKE ?'', ''%'' + params[:query] + ''%''], :order => ''end_date'') How would I go about paginating the uoputed list? Something like 10 on a page. -- Posted via