similar to: IMAP aggregation and MUPDATE protocolo

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "IMAP aggregation and MUPDATE protocolo"

2011 May 06
Delete unused IMAP keywords from permanetflags
Hi. I'm using dovecot 2.0.9. Is there already a way to remove unused IMAP keywords from a folder? I searched in google, wiki, etc. but didn't find anything useful. Thanx. Regards Erny
2002 Apr 26
spreadsheet data import
Hi colleages! I want to import data from ms-excel and other spreadsheet formats (lotus, etc). Does exist any way to do it within R? The main problem is that many spreadsheet data use comma as decimal separator and not the point as needed in R (and many software for Linux), so importing data first as a tab separated values does not solve this problem. Thanks, Tom?s Revilla
1999 Nov 22
samba not logging windows user names
Hi, Is it possible that samba logs the windows username of the person that is connecting to a share. On many shares I use 'force user = testuser'. In the log I only see the messages "connect to service test as user testuser". This gives me only the username smbd should become. I also tried logging to a file which contains '%U' but this give me very often the
2006 Apr 24
arrange data for simple regression analysis
Hello, I want to arrange data from a table to perform a simple regression. All the examples I saw deal with paired data, e.g. 'x' and 'y' have the same dimensions (e.g. 5 values for x and 5 for y). But I have more than one 'y' for each 'x' value, e.g. the data file has a x = 0, 30, 60, and 120 columns. And for each of them I have several replicate responses (e.g.
2010 Mar 12
I need IMAP stress testing tool with SEARCH command
Hi. Does anyone know of a good imap stress testing tool? And one which supports SEARCH commands? I have to compare Courier and Dovecot. I already did some tests using a modified postal/rabid package. I would be thankfully for any hints. Best regards. Erny Yaco Sistemas Spain
2023 Nov 27
R test coverage
Hi all, I recently proposed a change in R that has led to the addition of new code to the R source code. The code added, as far as I know, has no tests and it might affect many packages in CRAN. I was wondering if adding a test would be helpful or it is already covered by some other test. Which brought me to the question: what is the coverage of R checks (check-devel)? My searches in the
2024 Mar 15
RSS Feed of NEWS needs a hand
Hi! Thanks for this service! It is very helpful to know what is being developed. I distribute the content to other venues and I noticed some times that the updates are duplicated. For example, the sentence "?is.R()? is deprecated as no other S dialect is known to be in use (and this could only identify historical dialects, not future ones)." is duplicated in different days: Day 1:
2005 Apr 30
Test for autocorrelation in nlme model
Dear all, I am fitting a nonlinear mixed-effects model from a balanced panel of data using nlme. I would like to know whay would be the best options for formally testing for autocorrelation. Is it possible to carry out a Durbin-Watson test on a nlme object? As far as I've seen, I think the durbin.watson function from the car package just works on lm objects. Thank you very much, Antonio
2005 Apr 27
Is this a bug in R?
Dear all, I am trying to fit a nonlinear model with a autocorrelation term, but everytime I type in the command, I got an error message from Winwows and R closes itself. The command line is as follows: mod1<-nlme(V~A*exp(-B*A.O)*Vac.t.1.,data,fixed=A+B~1,random=A+B~1|ORDINAL,+ correlation=corCAR1(0.3179,~A.O|ORDINAL,TRUE),start=c(A=1.2,B=0.2)) I have already fitted this model allowing Phi to
2005 Apr 26
Error in nonlinear mixed-effects model
Dear all, I am trying to fit a mixed-effects non linear regression, but I have some trouble with it. My data are a balanced panel of 904 subjects with 8 observations (at regular periods) per subject. The functional form of my model is Y=Aexp(-BX1)X2 +e. I want to allow parameters A and B to vary among subjects and also include an autocorrelation term. I have already fitted a standard nonlinear
2006 Apr 24
Modelling heteroskedasticity in a multilevel model
Dear list members, I am facing a 3-level model, for which my research hypotheses suggest that the variance of both level-1 and level-2 residuals may be a function of a level-3 variable. To be a bit more clear: I am fitting a longitudinal model for a panel of companies grouped in industries. I suggest that some industry variables may create 'unexpected' shocks at especific points in
2006 Oct 30
Random intercept-slope correlation (nlme)
Dear list members, I am working with a multilevel growth curve, that in its simplest form goes like follows: Yit = Ai + Bi t + eit (the error term is assumed to follow an AR(1) autorregressive process) One major topic in my research is the convergence in the values of Y over time. Thus, I am interested in the relationship between the random effects for the intercept and the slope, and I
2012 Oct 04
Instalar dos versiones de R en linux
Hola a todos. Un problema dos pasos. Quiero desde RStudio trabajar con dos versiones de R (pongamos R2.13 y R2.15) desde Linux, Ubuntu 10.04 (lucid). Ya tengo instalada la R.2.15.1. Por defecto trabajo con ella. Pasos que creo he de dar: 1º. Instalar dos versiones de R en la misma maquina. ¿Como se hace?. Me estoy metiendo con el PATH y tal... hay algún protocolo clarito por ahí? 2º.
2006 May 26
has_and_belongs_to_many with fk constraints?
Hi folks, I''m wondering if it''s possible to use foreign key constraints on the join tables of a has_and_belongs_to_many relation. Specifically, I get this error when I try and delete a model I''m using, named saved_search, which is many-to-many with neighborhoods. Any ideas? Thanks for any help. :-) -Eric Code: @saved_search.destroy Error: Mupdate or delete on
2011 Oct 10
Hola Estoy cometiendo un error con tapply (lógicamente acepto cualquier otra forma para mi problema). Prepare el siguiente código para copiar y pegar, donde describo los datos y mi problema, creo que es la forma más fácil de explicarme. # primero cargo los datos para explicar el problema individuo <- c(''a'', ''b'', ''c'',
2003 Nov 21
Samba vs DHCP
I was using a Samba server under a SUNOS 5.5.1 operative system. This SUN machine was the server of a number of Lynux (Mandrake) and Windows (95,98, XP) computers in a TCP/IP network with fixed IP numbers. We were oblied to change to DHCP recently. As our network has a huge number of computers I am running the smbd and nmbd daemos of the Samba with an identification in such a way that only those
2015 Mar 20
Samba 4.1 gentent, ls, no display domain user name on Primary ACDC but wbinfo -u yes
Hello friends: I hope you can help me with this I'm struggling a year ago After breaking my head migrating a server with Samba Samba 2.1 to 4.1 all stay perfect and functional. All files are in this domain controller for now, and then be moved to a domain member, "the file server". I configure the server as ADDC Samba 4.1 and up here all went well, the shares, the users, winbind,
2010 Dec 16
Samba printer management commands
Hi I am trying to setup remote printer management commands, so the users could add and delete printers from "Printers" share of Samba in Windows. I have this script, that is launched using an administrator account, when I add a printer from there, using a new TCP/IP port: ================================================================ #!/bin/bash {
2015 Mar 20
Samba 4.1 gentent, ls, no display domain user name on Primary ACDC but wbinfo -u yes
On 20/03/15 17:32, Jhon P wrote: > I install samba 4.1 from > the sources. In Debian 7.0 "wheezy" > a year ago. > > > > > > Thanks for responding. > > > > > From: patocius at > To: rowlandpenny at > Subject: RE: [Samba] Samba 4.1 gentent, ls, no display domain user name on Primary ACDC but wbinfo -u yes > Date:
2007 Apr 26
Hi folks, I`ve a problem to use HTB and SFQ. The first script, below, to show a simple configuration, does work fine...!!! But, in the second example, does not work, becouse i put more code to clasify the traffic by protocol, http and ftp in this case. Somebody can tell me the errors? Thx, in advance.- NOTICE: IMQ device is to asociate with ETH1 my external iface. SCRIPT que funciona: