similar to: setgid failed - Not owner

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 900 matches similar to: "setgid failed - Not owner"

2010 Apr 14
Dovecot 2.0b4 configuration issue, listen config option?
Hi, In my 1.2 setup I have pop3 running on ip x.x.x.2 and imap on x.x.x.7 In 2.0 how do I say listen x.x.x.2:110 x.x.x.7:143 so that pop3 is not listening on the .7 ip? I tried putting a listen = ip in the listener section but it complained. I cant figure it out and cant seem to find any 2.0 specific documentation, trying to search in the wiki directory of /usr/local/share/doc/dovecot/wiki but
2010 Apr 16
dovecot2: authcache statistics
Hello, setting auth_cache_size to nonzero enables caching of authentication data. The cache hitrate may be logged by sending SIGUSR2 to dovecot/auth process. Is it possible that dovecot logs statistics on regular intervals ? ( like ) Andreas -- Andreas Schulze Internetdienste | P532 DATEV eG 90329 N?rnberg | Telefon +49 911 319-0
2010 Jan 27
How do I make dovecot not use sslv2 for pop?
From nmap: 995/tcp open ssl/pop3 Dovecot pop3d |_ sslv2: server still supports SSLv2 |_ pop3-capabilities: USER CAPA UIDL PIPELINING RESP-CODES TOP SASL(PLAIN LOGIN) pop3 allows SSLv2, imap doesn't. In my dovecot.conf I have: ssl_cipher_list = ALL:!LOW:!SSLv2 at the global level. Do I need to put it inside the protocol pop3{} section? Patrick
2010 Feb 09
dovecot2 Beta2: different certs for imaps and pop3s
Hello, is it possible to use differnent ssl certs for pop3 and imap ? I like to have differnet dnsnames for pop3 an imap services configured at customers clients. I tried to configure ssl_key and ssl_cert inside a <protocol>-login {} section but this failed. Of course I know sslcerts containing multiple dnsnames. But this seemes not a real, clean solution to me. Thanks, Andreas --
2010 Apr 21
Quota monitoring
Hello, I would like to monitor users quotas in Dovecot but I don't find a way to do it for every user. Acutally I can log in with user & password to get the users quota but wat I need is a way to monitor the quota of every user with e.g an admin user which would have an acces to the quota of each mailbox. Is there a way to this? Thanks for your help.
2010 Jan 25
Proxying to a DNS Name
Hello, reading the wiki I found DNS resolving) I have a setup where the destination of a proxyconnection is an DNS name. Is there a technical reason which currently require host= to be an IP address ? -- Andreas Schulze Internetdienste | P532 DATEV eG 90329 N?rnberg | Telefon +49 911 319-0 | Telefax +49 911 319-3196
2013 Dec 19
Horde + dovecot metadata support
Hello, Horde ( has the ability to store its preferences direct into a users imap mailbox using imap metadata extension. There are two implementations of the imap extension. 1. a dovecot plugin: 2. dovecot itself: I setup Horde and dovecot-2.2.5 to use this extension and
2013 Jul 22
2.2.4 + metadata plugin: autoconf failed
Hello, I can compile metadata plugin using debian squeeze + wheezy. But build on suse enterprise server 9,10 and 11 failed. The metadata plugin require autoconf-2.65 which i too new. On the other side I can build the dovecot-2.2.4 and pigeonhole-0.4.0 plugin without problems: dovecot require autoconf-2.59 and pigeonhole does not require any specific autoconf version. I asked the authors of the
2010 Apr 21
best choice of user database file to work with postfix?
I'm setting up a Postfix and Dovecot combination. What I want to do is have a user database that (1) is not running from some engine (so not LDAP or SQL or such) ... and (2) is completely disassociated from system users (e.g. most email users are not in /etc/passwd and most /etc/passwd users are not email users). Ideal would be a one-file solution, which can be managed by text editing or
2013 Dec 12
auth failures
Hello, last week and today our dovecot pop3 server stopped responding. Without any other logentries dovecot start to log only this: Dec 12 09:14:12 mbox1 dovecot: auth: Error: ldap(testuser,,<FBZH7lHtAQAK/FCj>): ldap_search(base=ou=accounts,dc=example,dc=de filter=(&(|(uid=testuser)(mail=testuser))(!(state=blocked)))) failed: Operations error For every pop3 Session, ~2000
2006 Jun 21
loganalyser for dovecot logs ?
hello, I'm looking for any help to analyze my dovecot logs - logins per day - different users - users per protocol - bytes - pop3commands - nice graphs any suggestions ? thanks -- Andreas Schulze DATEV eG, Paumgartner Strasse 6-14, D - 90429 N?rnberg Abt. Internet- und Securitydienste Telefon : +49 911 276 2648 Telefax : +49 911 276 7892 Mobil : +49 172 8122883 E-Mail :
2016 Mar 24
Failed to modify SPNs on error in module acl: Constraint violation during LDB_MODIFY (19)
Hi again, Am Montag, 14. März 2016, 00:44:47 CET schrieb Markus Dellermann: > Am Donnerstag, 10. März 2016, 10:41:34 CET schrieb mathias dufresne: > Hi, Mathias and all > thank you for your answer. > > > Hi all, > > > > SPN = servicePrincipalName > > > > A simple search returning all servicePrincipalName declared in your AD: > > ldbsearch -H $sam
2010 Mar 01
Authentication userdb file / configuration help - newbie question...
Hi All, I need to configure Dovecot with a XMail server ( ) - this server uses a userdb file with the following format: "domain"[TAB]"account"[TAB]"encrypted-passwd"[TAB]"account-id"[TAB]"account-dir"[TAB]"account-type"[NEWLINE] How can authenticate Dovecot against this userdb file? Was anyone doing that?
2016 Mar 29
Failed to modify SPNs on error in module acl: Constraint violation during LDB_MODIFY (19)
Hi Mathias and all. Am Donnerstag, 24. März 2016, 13:26:12 CEST schrieb mathias dufresne: > Hi, > > I'm glad that helped you : ) > > About SPN, I found that link few days ago: > > It tries to list the string values available usable for SPN. > > And it gives also that link: >
2010 May 17
dovecot2beta5 lmtp
Hello, recently I inspected the sourcecode of the lmtp server. I searched for changes that would add return-path header. ( ) But I found, that all mails are spooled via files in /tmp. ( dovecot2/srv/lmtp/commands.c ~line 695 ) has somebody experiences while delivering huge ammount of mail via dovecot2 lmtp service? - is it
2013 Oct 14
how to handle logging
Hello, I plan a migration to dovecot and have concerns about the amount of logged data. On a testsystem dovecot produced 1TB syslog per day with a comparable amount of pop3 sessions. The current server log to STDOUT which is connected to multilog (circular buffer, That way I can have a look at the last activities to any time. I like to have that in
2020 Aug 06
[PATCH nbdkit] plugins: python: Add imageio plugin example
This is mainly for testing the new parallel python threading model, but it also an example how to manage multiple connection from a plugin. I tested this with local imageio server, serving qcow2 image on local SSD. Start imageio server from imageio source: ./ovirt-imageio -c test Create test disk: qemu-img create -f qcow2 /var/tmp/disk.qcow2 6g Add ticket to accessing the image,
2011 Jun 03
LMTP/Sieve/sendmail path
Hello, I have a system using postfix multi instance feature. The first, main postfix-instance is a nullclient as suggested by The second instance is for real use. Postfix receive mail and handover them to the dovecot lmtp server. Thats working. The lmtp server supports sieve. One account has activated a vacation rule. So while delivering
2011 Apr 14
disable_plaintext_auth = no per IP
Hello, I have disable_plaintext_auth=yes enabled. ( dovecot-2.0.12 ) But for one internel host I like to allow plaintext. Can somebody point me to the configuration ? I did not found it in the wiki2 ... Thanks Andreas -- Andreas Schulze Internetdienste | P252 DATEV eG 90329 N?rnberg | Telefon +49 911 319-0 | Telefax +49 911 319-3196 E-Mail info | Internet Sitz: 90429
2012 May 04
doveadm mailbox: rc=0 on error
Hi all, I use "doveadm mailbox mutf7 -7 $folder" to convert imap foldernames to UTF-8. If $foldername is not mUTF-7 encoded, doveadm returns "doveadm(root): Error: Mailbox name not valid mUTF-7: $folder" This errormessage is printed on stderr but the returncode of doveadm is zero. I tested with dovecot-2.0.* and dovecot-2.1.* # all right: $ doveadm mailbox mutf7 -7