similar to: PostgreSQL connection bug

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 8000 matches similar to: "PostgreSQL connection bug"

2006 Jul 31
PostgreSQL, postgres gem, rails2.pdf, confusion...
Hello people... In the rails2.pdf Dave T says: Rails works with the DB2, MySQL, Oracle, Postgres,... The database drivers are all written in C and are primarily distributed in source form. Then he lists this site: Then he says, There is a pure-Ruby version of the Postgres adapter available. Download postgres-pr from the Ruby-DBI page at
1999 Nov 13
postgresql package for R
A preliminary release of my postgres package for R is at It allows one to read and write data frames to and from a postgres database, execute queries and has an experimental "proxy" interface that allows you to access postgres tables using the standard, local data frame model. All accesses to the data frame generate the appropriate
1999 Nov 13
postgresql package for R
A preliminary release of my postgres package for R is at It allows one to read and write data frames to and from a postgres database, execute queries and has an experimental "proxy" interface that allows you to access postgres tables using the standard, local data frame model. All accesses to the data frame generate the appropriate
2013 May 14
PuppetDB Cannot Find Postgresql Driver
Puppet 3.3.1 // CentOS release 6.4 (Final) rpm -qa | grep puppet puppetlabs-release-6-7.noarch puppet-3.1.1-1.el6.noarch puppetdb-1.3.0-1.el6.noarch puppet-server-3.1.1-1.el6.noarch puppetdb-terminus-1.3.0-1.el6.noarch Installed from yum packages: Running Transaction Installing : puppetdb-1.3.0-1.el6.noarch
2008 Sep 13
Setting up RoR with Postgresql ---heeellpp!
Hi there, I''ve been trying for a few hours now to get RoR and postgresql talking - but I''m very confused about what''s going on (I''m running windows btw). I haven''t created a database in postgresql (I''m assuming that RoR will do that?) my database.yml looks like this: production: adapter: ruby-postgres database: rails_production
2007 Oct 30
Postgresql and shell script
I have a shell script (sh) where I create a user and import data to a postgres database <snip> su -c "createuser -A -D -P $PG_user" postgres su -c "psql -d$PG_database -h localhost -U$PG_user -W -f postgresql.sql " postgres </snip> when the script executes those command, it ask for a password, how could I do this without have to enter the passwd, I would like that
2006 Apr 05
Which ruby postgresql driver is recommended in rails?
There are 3 ruby postgresql drivers, which is recommended for use in rails? * postgres * ruby-postgres * postgres-pr (pure ruby, too slow?) I checked these postgresql-related tickets in rails and there doesn''t seem to be any concensus. It it seems ticket #4461 (applied in latest edge) tries to make them work equally well--but it would be great if the rails team recommended one.
2006 Mar 05
Which postgresql adapter to use for rails core? How about production?
I wanted to fix some things up in the trunk, so I set up the databases and ran the unit tests. A bunch fail for postgres, and even more error out. I know of two postgresql adapters: postgres-pr and ruby-postgres. Strangely, they each fail different tests. So if I want to fix things up, which one should I be using? For that matter, which adapter should I be using for production? Finding out
2006 Apr 02
PostgreSQL and unit tests
After upgrading to 1.1, I can''t run any unit tests. Apparently when I run rake test_units, it uses a migration to set up the database. Unfortunately when it runs the migration, it''s adding not null constraints to every field, even though I haven''t got that set up. I''m using the ruby-postgres ( adapter with PostgreSQL 8.1.0. I''m
2012 May 22
Quantmod, Xts, TTR and Postgresql
Hi Everyone, I'm currently using the latest build of R and R-Studio server (both are amazing products) I'm still very new to this but I came across this issue: I'm trying to do a select from postgres and put the data into and xts object like so: # Libs library('RPostgreSQL') # library('quantmod') library('TTR')
2006 Jul 05
ActiveRecord / PostgreSQL Performance Issue
I''m currently using ruby-postgres (the compiled interface to PostgreSQL), and I''m seeing a huge performance hit with larger :binary fields in ActiveRecord subclasses owing, it appears, to the use of the bytea field type and the fact that using that datatype necessitates an in-memory "unescape" conversion. The best I can tell from looking at the Postgres Active
2004 Jan 09
R and Postgresql (DBI)
Hi, I'm running Debian (Sid), Postgres (7.3.4) and R (1.8.1). I get the following error when I tri to use DBI >library("DBI") > p <- dbDriver("PostgreSQL") Error in, list(...)) : couldn't find function "PostgreSQL" Is there any other package I need in order to interface between R and Postgres ?
2018 Oct 29
PostgreSQL port accessible even though it should be blocked by firewall
Hi, this puzzles me: On one of our developer workstations, all ports with the exception of SSH are closed: $ firewall-cmd --list-all public (active) target: default icmp-block-inversion: no interfaces: eno1 sources: services: ssh dhcpv6-client ports: 22/tcp protocols: masquerade: no forward-ports: source-ports: icmp-blocks: rich rules: $ but still port
2005 Mar 03
PostgreSQL & SELinux problem
Hi. I just installed Centos 4. I''m pretty sure that I chose to have it install postgresql but when the system came up, it wasn''t there. No worries. I installed it from the net with ''yum''. Unfortunately, when I started it up and it tried to init the database, I got a bunch of SELinux errors: Mar 3 13:24:22 dirty kernel: audit(1109874262.006:0): avc:
2004 Aug 23
Problem with asterisk and postgresql
Hi Every one and Fabio Donaggio Fabio Donaggio you have faced same type of problem with postgresql with asterisk. Did you solved your problem. Please help me. The problem is as follows: When i reload the asterisk I had got this error "== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/cdr_pgsql.conf': Found Aug 23 14:22:33 ERROR[1076245120]: cdr_pgsql.c:299 my_load_module: cdr_pgsql: Unable to connect
2006 Jan 18
Rails and PostgreSQL bytea
Hi! I''m trying to insert binary data into a PostgreSQL database where the field is of type ''bytea''. This works fine if a do Base64 encoding but I just want to do character escaping. How do I do this????. What I get is this: ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid in Init_test#save_file ArgumentError: Invalid Ruby/cstring: INSERT INTO
2018 Oct 30
PostgreSQL port accessible even though it should be blocked by firewall
On 10/29/2018 08:43 PM, Keith Keller wrote: > On 2018-10-29, Frank Thommen <list.centos at> wrote: >> >> PostgreSQL is running in a docker container: >> >> $ docker ps >> CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND >> CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES >> 6f11fc41d2f0 postgres
2003 Aug 28
Postgresql and Dovecot
I am having some issues getting dovecot to work with postgres. Dovecot starts up and runs fine without using postgres (ie passwd and pam). There is nothing in /var/log/messages other than: Aug 28 12:44:05 mail dovecot: dovecot startup succeeded Then ps -A shows no running dovecot processes (or the imap-login or pop-login). I have tried with both the RPMs that are on the download page and
2007 Oct 12
database configuration specifies nonexistent postgresql adapter
Hi I am trying to get RoR to work with Postgresql 8,2.5 (latest stable version) Steps taken 1. Download Postgresql 1.82 and installed successfully 2. Edited my Database.yml development: adapter: postgresql database: test_development username: postgres password: xxx host: localhost test: adapter: postgresql database: test_test username: postgres password: xxx host: localhost
2011 Jun 28
connecting R and PostgreSQL
Dear R-helpers, I'm an absolute beginner using both R and PostgreSQL, but now I have to work with both programs. I need to connect R and my Postgres-database, but every attempt so far has failed (I tried using the RpgSQL package as well as RdbiPgSQL, the first, following this manual ( didn't find any drivers for the database (step no. 1) whereas the