similar to: v1.2.8 released

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 8000 matches similar to: "v1.2.8 released"

2008 Aug 02
related, but off-topic: how to allow users to change password?
My dovecot is currently configured to authenticate vs. a userdb/passdb passwd-file that contains, for each user: username:passhash:5000:5000::/path/to/home::userdb_mail=/path/to/maildir Is it possible to let users authenticate and change their passwords? There are some webmail client add-ons that allow such things if users are system accounts or in a
2008 Dec 24
SSL cert problems.
I'm really racking my brain trying to figure this one out here. I am running a pop3 server for remote offices on CentOS 5.2. We purchased a SSL cert from Verisign and installed it on our dovecot server, but I continue to get failure problems with the cert and I don't know where to go from here. here is some info about our config: dovecot version: # dovecot --version 1.0.7 hostname:
2008 Nov 02
Issue with domains
I am running Dovecot 1.0.10 and have it working great on (my free subdomain), but recently I registered and pointed it to the same IP address as The problem is, only e-mail sent to the works. If it is send it to, I don't know where it goes. I get no errors either. How can I get Dovecot to recognize both domains? TIA.
2008 Jul 27
mail extra field to override default mail_location for only certain users
I am running version 1.1.1 with mail_location: maildir:~/Maildir. This is working great as all our users have UNIX accounts with nologin shells. New domains (and their users) are about to come online and we would like to migrate to a setup with virtual mailboxes/users. From the wiki and comments within dovecot.conf, I see it is possible to do this piecemeal so both local and virtual users
2008 Sep 05
Time Moved Backwards Error Keeps Happening
Hi all, I am running dovecot version 1.1.1 (dovecot --version) and keeps to have time moved backwards problem. I first found dovecot dead without obvious error message, but see the following when restart dovecot service by # service dovecot restart >Stopping Dovecot Imap: [FAILED] >Starting Dovecot Imap: Warning: Last died with error (see error log for more information): Time
2009 Feb 09
SquirrelMail Prefs Deleted
FYI. I just had all of the squirrelmail prefs for all the users on one of my servers disappear. I have never had anything like this happen ever before. I'm in the process of finding the needle in the haystack of logs to try to get a handle on this. I'm sending this to the list as a heads up. Seems like Squirrelmail is not doing so good here over the last few months. John Hinton
2008 Aug 07
Unlimited quota in 1.1?
How do I set an unlimited quota for a user in 1.1? Setting it to 0 bytes worked in 1.0, but doesn't seem to work in 1.1 :-( david
2008 Dec 25
download IMAP folders via POP3
Hi, I know my question might sound a little bit strange, but is it possible to download IMAP folders via POP3? I have clients who use POP3 on their main machines and IMAP on their "on the road" notebooks. It would be good to download all folders created on the notebook via POP3 to the main desktop. Googling brought up some results, but I don't know how to implement... Thanks Jakob
2009 Feb 07
Best Imap Transfer Tool?
So I'm looking to do a migration of my IMAP mailboxes, and I'm looking for the best tool to use. I used to use the uw-mailutil tool, a while ago, but that was a bit coarse of a tool. More recently I've used imapsync, but that was giving me some errors. I've sort of tracked those down; but I was wondering if anyone else had any other recommendations...? Thanks.
2009 Feb 28
Dovecot + Postfix Mail Forwarding Question
I have dovecot and postfix set up on debian lenny. Squirrelmail is used to access the mail. I put a .forward file in my user's home directory, and that sure gets the job done of forwarding email, but I need a copy saved on the local machine as well. How do I do that?
2009 Aug 15
How to disable system users from receiving mail?
I know that login can be disable for system users and groups, but how do I refuse email for system groups? It's a bit of a security/maintenance irritation - I don't want to check for such spam mail, since that is possible. Thanks for any help!! Answer preferably given, so that I can configure it through webmin please.
2009 Mar 29
dovecot: auth(default): ldap(...): Authenticated user not found
Hi, I'm trying to set up dovecot together with postfix and experience some problems. Here's in details what I have and what I want to get. I have a ldap server on localhost, a working setup of dovecot to serve sasl, imap using ldap, a working setup of Postfix for (s)smtp (I can authenticate which uses dovecot's sasl). What i wan't to get is a completely working email server for
2009 Sep 12
Problems getting Dovecot to work.
Hi, having a nightmare trying to get dovecot working on my SheevaPlug (flash based ARM embedded device). I need to use virtual users, and I need to store all the mail on an external USB HDD (not in home directories which live in the limited flash space). However I can't even log in via telnet. I've followed the Wiki troubleshooting tips, and still no further forward. logging via telnet, I
2008 Jul 26
Error - Dovecot Permission denied
CentOS 5.2 Postfix 2.3.3 (Came Packed with CentOS) Dovecot 1.1.1 Dovecot-Sieve 1.1.5 Did a complete new fresh install. When I send a message to: test at, I get two error messages as listed in the /var/log/maillog: (1) (lost connection with[] while receiving the initial server greeting) (2) status=bounced (local configuration error. Command
2009 Jan 30
Yum update conflicts perl-Math-BigInt
I followed the Wiki instructions for setting up *yum-priorities*. I added the rpmforge repo I installed clamd without a problem. Now when I go to update I get conflicts with perl-Math-BigInt. Is the only solution to uninstall the base version and then install the rpmforge version? According the the wiki "Packages from repositories with a lower priority will never be used to upgrade
2011 Aug 08
mail delivery location wrong
Hi, thanks for offering the oportunity to place a question here. I am now already working since a week to get postfix and dovecot working on a ubuntu 11.04 server. Hard task. First step was naturally to get familiar with the idea behind the archtitecture. I have come very far, but the "last dirty mile" is probably the hardest. My architecture: Postfix Dovecot OpenLDAP Thunderbird as
2011 Aug 20
Disconnected: Too many invalid IMAP commands
Using current Apple mail 4.5 as client to Dovecot 2.0.13 I see lots of these messages in the log file for one machine and account. Near as I can tell, the client still works (it's mine), but, the messages concern me. Is there some known issue with Apple mail, or, if not, how to capture the information needed to debug? Sample log entires for my user matching on the message: Aug 20 16:28:36
2008 Sep 05
Error starting dovecot
Hello, I have a linux system (Ubuntu 7.04 server edition) running Postfix 2.3.8 Today i installed Dovecot through apt-get (got version 1.0.rc17 installed) and configured it to do sasl auth only, (i already have other pop3,smtp and imap servers running) following the howto's at The thing is that if i try to start dovecot or run dovecot -n i get this message: Error: Can't use
2006 Jul 02
dovecot-lda, sieve, maildir
I'm unable to get dovecot-lda with sieve filtering to deliver into maildir folders. The examples on the wiki explicitly say "mbox", so I'm wondering, does the dovecot-lda sieve implementation not support filtering into maildir folders? -frank
2009 Aug 15
Postfix : lda problem
Hi, I come back with my problem: On debian lenny, using dovecot 1.1.13-2~bpo50+1 I try to configure my setup (with Postfix virtual domains) to use dovecot as lda but nothing happens, as if postfix not delegate to dovecot I am using the contreol panel alternc ( All the maildir are in the format /var/alternc/mail/i/ for info at The