similar to: deliver_log_format ignored

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1100 matches similar to: "deliver_log_format ignored"

2009 Dec 23
Panic: file maildir-uidlist.c: line 1242 (maildir_uidlist_records_drop_expunges): assertion failed
Hi all, after inserting another sieve-rule, I get the following backtrace on deliver. The mail gets delivered into the Mailbox, but as deliver does not exit with 0, postfix bounces the mail. The additional rule is the same as all others in my .dovecot-sieve: > require ["fileinto", "include"]; > > if header :contains ["From"]
2009 Apr 30
deliver_log_format not working with 1.2.rc3?
Hi list, just a small issue with deliver_log_format. Although, the parameter is altered in the config and is correctly shown with "dovecot -n", deliver uses only its default log_format. > root at terra:~# dovecot -n | grep -e deliver -e "^#" > # 1.2.rc3: /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf > # OS: Linux 2.6.26-1-686 i686 Debian 5.0.1 > deliver_log_format: %m:%$:%f:%s
2011 Apr 16
LDA null logging patch
I don't really need logging of successful local deliveries since the MTA provides enough data. I can't get rid of LDA delivery logs by setting deliver_log_format = All this does is produce an empty log message e.g. Apr 16 01:22:05 dserver dovecot: lda(user): Timo, would you consider inclusion of this patch which will skip logging deliveries if deliver_log_format is empty: ---
2020 Oct 01
dovecot lda deliver_log_format question
Hey, i have an question about the deliver_log_format. My log looks sometimes like: Oct 1 09:38:01 dd44414 dovecot: lda(user)<20009><9MYzGVmHdV8pTgAA+v7NQw>: msgid=<20201001073801.628713AC05DC at>: saved mail to INBOX The deliver_log_format settings are still on default. Are somebody able to explain me this part of the log message?
2010 Oct 28
[OT] dovecot appliance
Hello all. I am reading the mailinglist for a long time now, and there was a thread i believe called webgui or something. In this thread there was a company i believe german, that was working on a dovecot appliance with a web based gui to administrate a dovecot mail server. The problem is i did not save the URL of that company. Does anyone know which company make the appliance. Or does
2013 Feb 24
%{session} does not work with deliver_log_format
Hi, # 2.1.10: /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf # OS: Linux 2.6.32-45-server x86_64 Ubuntu 10.04.4 LTS deliver_log_format = mailbox: deliver: session=<%{session}> msgid=%m from=%f: %$ produces log messages always containing "session=<session}>", like this one: Feb 24 09:22:09 dovecot: lmtp(3484, user at mbnWK6/NKVGcDQAAiWCYmA: sieve: mailbox: deliver:
2013 Jul 05
popup to all users ?
Hello I need to have a information popup will be send when my thunderbird's users connect to our server. Is there a function in Dovecot to do so ? Thank you
2006 Sep 25
Auth problem
Dovecot 1.07rc1 on ubuntu 6.04 I get the following problem: root 26375 0.0 0.2 5548 2240 ? Ss Sep15 1:39 /usr/sbin/dovecot root 26376 0.0 0.3 7896 3364 ? S Sep15 0:31 \_ dovecot-auth root 26378 0.0 0.3 8304 3824 ? S Sep15 0:34 \_ dovecot-auth root 26379 0.0 0.4 8668 4152 ? S Sep15 0:38 \_ dovecot-auth root
2009 Apr 29
problems with rsync and novell nss volumes
Hi, I am using rsync 3.0.5 on novell open enterprise sp1 server (sles10 sp2, newest kernel, x86_64). Every day I sync some directories and get this messages: deleting wxppatch/update-pack-files-ie7/SP3QFE/serepack.inf deleting wxppatch/update-pack-files-ie7/SP3QFE/FontReg.exe wxppatch/update-pack-files-ie7/SP3QFE/SerePack.inf wxppatch/update-pack-files-ie7/SP3QFE/fontreg.exe On the destination
2008 Apr 08
temporary disable account
Hello, is there some way how to disable temporarily account or access to files. I need to backup with tar, but there is problem when tar is reading and some file changed (with --ignore-failed-read it continues but archive is not created and without --ignore-failed-read it fails). Some accounts are huge ;( Need something like qmail sticky bit or world writable directory - qmail is not delivering
2010 May 09
problems implementing dovecot LDA with Postfix
Per the instructions here and here I set postmaster_address = postmaster at in /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf and mailbox_command = /usr/lib/dovecot/deliver in /etc/postfix/ When I restart dovecot I get this: [07:17:00][root at greer]/etc/dovecot$ /etc/init.d/dovecot restart Restarting IMAP/POP3 mail server:
2008 Feb 26
multiple ip and ssl
Hello, is possible in some way use on each ip address different certificate (for imap, for pop3). There are options like (but that is not enough for me): protocol imap { listen = *:10143 ssl_listen = *:10943 .. } protocol pop3 { listen = *:10100 .. } I have server for 4 domains (each has own ip address), so i need bind one ip address to one domain to one certificate(each certificate
2010 May 12
Convert data.frame or matrix to list
Hi, i have the following data.frame : > Data[1:3,] dt amt geoTree merTree ref 1 0.71002484 3.334570 A2b B2b 0 2 0.49074936 2.544464 A2b B1a 0 3 0.06223433 3.617133 A1b B2a 0 i want to convert it to a list, like this: list(Data[1,],Data[2,],Data[3,]) [[1]] dt amt geoTree merTree ref 1 0.07333459 0.969585 A2a
2009 Nov 06
scenario with one lda and 4 imapds/pop3ds
Hello, i want to create following scenario: one dovecot using ONLY LDA (using sql ) # 1.2.6: /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf # OS: Linux 2.6.31 x86_64 Debian squeeze/sid xfs log_path: /var/log/dovecot/error.log info_log_path: /var/log/dovecot/info.log log_timestamp: %FT%T%z protocols: none listen: none disable_plaintext_auth: no login_dir: /var/run/dovecot/login login_executable:
2010 Jan 25
sieve or another vacation/autoreply
Hello, i'm trying to do some delivery notification for each incoming address. Problem is that sieve vacation has :days but minimum value is 1 eg period in which addresses are kept and are not responded to - but that is not that i want. Is there other extension (in devel ???) or some other way (lda using procmail or maildrop) how to implement my request ? (Before migration we used qmail +
2018 Apr 17
Minor glitch in optim()
Having worked with optim() and related programs for years, it surprised me that I haven't noticed this before, but optim() is inconsistent in how it deals with bounds constraints specified at infinity. Here's an example: # optim-glitch-Ex.R x0<-c(1,2,3,4) fnt <- function(x, fscale=10){ yy <- length(x):1 val <- sum((yy*x)^2)*fscale } grt <- function(x, fscale=10){ nn
2010 Feb 12
sieve vacation
Hello, scenario: OK 1. created vacation script (see below) OK 2. send message from user at anotherdomain.tld to user at domain.tld => got auto vacation response (2010-02-11T19:42:13) OK 3. send message from user at anotherdomain.tld to user at domain.tld => no response (is ok because ":days 1" settings) (2010-02-11T19:47:46) BAD 4. send message from anotheruser at
2010 Jan 29
sieve script
Hello, after qmail migration need convert some .procmailrc scripts. Found converter procmail -> sieve, but i'm not sure of quality of conversion. My script: --------------- if header :contains "from" ["user at domain1.tld", "user2 at domain2.tld", "user3 at domain3.tld"] { redirect "foo1 at bar.tld"; redirect "foo2 at
2011 Mar 13
readMat - how to retrieve the variables
Hello I have a matlab MAT file that contains one single variable: a. The structure of a is as follows: a.river1.flow (flow values) a.river1.date_flow (date) a.river1.precip (precipitation values) a.river1.date_precip a.river2.flow a.river2.date_flow a.river2.precip a.river2.date_precip I have used readMat to load the variable a in R, however I have no idea how readMat translates a. I managed
2008 Nov 28
lda logging directive does'nt work...
Hi all, I'm using Postfix + Dovecot with system users (/etc/passwd and NIS) + deliver + cmusieve; Here are some relevant lines in conf files : /etc/postfix/ ... mailbox_command = /usr/lib/dovecot/deliver ... /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf ... protocol lda { postmaster_address = postmaster at mail_plugins = cmusieve deliver_log_format = msig=%m :