similar to: Dovecot LDA

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 600 matches similar to: "Dovecot LDA"

2009 Aug 13
Upgrade question from 1.1 to 1.2
Good afternoon, I am considering to upgrade from Dovecot 1.1.18 to 1.2.x and was reading your Wiki regarding any changes and found: "If you were using e.g. mail_location = maildir:/var/mail/%h, just change it to mail_location = maildir:%h and add /var/mail/ prefix to home dirs." I am currently using: "mail_location = maildir:~/Maildir" in combination with vpopmail. Does
2008 Nov 27
UIDL question
Hi all, I'm migrating a Postfix + Dovecot 1.0 server with mboxes to Qmail + Dovecot 1.4 with Maildirs and encounter the following the problem. Using from: i can relatively succesfully convert the mbox to a Maildir. The problem, however is that clients with "leave mail on server" set to on retrieve all email a 2nd time. I
2008 Nov 30
Relay-Ctrl, error message
Hi all, I'm trying to get Relay-Ctrl to work (as explained on, however when i add: mail_executable: /usr/local/bin/envdir /etc/relay-ctrl /usr/local/bin/relay-ctrl-chdir /usr/local/bin/dovecot-settcpremoteip /usr/local/bin/relay-ctrl-allow /usr/local/libexec/dovecot/imap to /usr/local/etc/dovecot.conf I get the following error message
2010 Jul 06
Multiple authentication backends
Good morning, I have a question. Currently we are using Dovecot to handle our pop3, pop3s, imap and imaps connections. Our virtual domain management backend is vpopmail. Which works beautifully. Our current setup requires users to login with their email address and password (user at domain). We are now looking at migrating another server to our environment where users are logging in with their
2011 Dec 12
Prevent re-download mails
Hi, today we have a problem our mail server about user accounts. (something about prefetch) anyway i corrected, but some clients re-download emails again. how can i stop this .I've read about some forums about UIDVALIDITY ? is it posibble prevent clients redownload emails with pop3 ? thanks in advance. -- Sel?uk YAZAR
2012 Mar 12
Dovecot LDA breaking .qmail forwarding?
Good morning all, I've a problem, I'm using the Dovecot LDA in my .qmail file: |/var/qmail/bin/preline -f /usr/local/libexec/dovecot/deliver -d $EXT@$USER However when I add a forward, such as: |/var/qmail/bin/preline -f /usr/local/libexec/dovecot/deliver -d $EXT@$USER <mailto:&wouter at> &wouter at The mail isn't forwarded
2010 Jun 18
Dovecot 2.0 auth socket error
Hi Timo, ok, when dovecot starts up, it creates the socket files in /usr/local/var/run/dovecot for the auth and a variety of other socket stuff you have going on. It creates these socket files with root ownership. But I have in the config files that dovecot is running as a particular user (in this case uid100 and gid100) to match the global mail systems needs. I use qmail as the delivery agent,
2009 Jul 29
Some people asked me lately about how professional Dovecot is.
I purely love that kind of crap. As if presentations meant anything, as if there aren't all kinds of scholarly work about theoretical perfect world algorithms and conceptual systems that will never be implemented and are as practical and effective as wings on a pig. Please. I'm reminded of the story about how, during the American Civil War, when the North had finally, after years of
2009 Aug 05
Deliver LDA versus vdelivermail
Good morning all, I have a question. Due to my interest in the Sieve plug-in. I'm considering to change the LDA on my production servers from 'vdelivermail' from vpopmail to 'deliver' from Dovecot. However I'm not sure how to go about doing this or whether there are any conversion issues that I should be aware of. Currently my /var/qmail/control/defaultdelivery is set to
2009 May 05
Some POP3 questions
Hi everyone Been spending the whole day on the wiki and in the list archives on using dovecot for POP3 mail. I'd like to present my findings and ask for some feedback. Our current software setup: * Courier-IMAP running POP3/IMAP * Postfix MTA * MySQL backend for user and login info As for the system layout, it looks like this: * NFS server which is the same server that houses single
2010 Jul 15
IMAP super user
Hello, Is there any directive in Dovecot similar to 'imap_admins' of Cyrus? I plan to migrate from Cyrus to Dovecot. But I need a admin user which is able to obtain information about the quotas of common users. Thank you. -- []'s Thiago Henrique Network Administration Digirati Networks K8 Networks
2011 Mar 30
trouble with my virtual user setup
Hello, I''m a puppet newbie and I''m having trouble getting my virtual user setup to work. Can someone please tell me what''s wrong with this setup? # virtual.pp # class virtual_users::virtual { @group { "users": gid => "100", ensure => present } @user { "lmoore": password =>
2012 Oct 19
still having difficulties with per-user quotas
Hello, I am trying to get per-user quotas working. My thanks to all who have helped so far. To recap I am running Dovecot 2.1 and Mysql where I've got my virtual users. All virtual users are under the system user vmail with a UID and GID of 5000. Looking over the wiki docs I've added a quota table and got the dict service working, I am not having problems with permissions or the login
2014 Feb 19
Dovecot, mysql, and quota
Hello, I'm running dovecot 2.2 and wanting to get quotas going. I've got the plugins loaded appropriately and am wanting to configure a dictionary backend to talk to my mysql database. I've got a single database called mail which has all the mail-related items in it. One table is for virtual users which postfix uses. It looks like this: CREATE TABLE `virtual_users` ( `id` int(11)
2008 Mar 17
Realizing Users in Nodes
I''m trying to work with Users and the realize function, and it''s driving me batty. Puppet is 0.23.2. My definition looks something like: class virtual_users { @user { fred : uid => 500 ... } @user { derf : uid => 501 ... } } node base-node { include virtual_users } node "testnode.domain.local" inherits base-node { realize User[fred] } puppetd
2018 Oct 15
Problems with qouta_clone plugin
Hello I'm having troubles getting the quota_clone plugin to work for me. i?, trying to put the quota values into to to fields, messages and usage_in_bytes, in the mysql database. The quotas are getting written to the maildirsize file and can be updated with the doveadm quota recalc -A or -u "*" command But i can't seem to get it to trigger the quota_clone plugin, not even an
2023 Mar 04
Setting up the mail-crypt plugin with virtual accounts that have no home directories
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2012 Jan 18
Quota won't work
I tried to set a quota setting. I installed dovecot with newest version, patched it and started it. dovecot -n: # 1.2.15: /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf # OS: Linux 2.6.32-5-amd64 x86_64 Debian 6.0.3 ext4 log_timestamp: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S protocols: imap imaps pop3 pop3s ssl_listen: 143 ssl_cipher_list: ALL:!LOW:!SSLv2 disable_plaintext_auth: no login_dir: /var/run/dovecot/login
2017 Apr 29
most secure password scheme
Hello, I have a few questions on password schemes. Is SHA512 the most secure? Is there a difference between SHA512 and SHA512-CRYPT? What about SSHA512 and SSH512-CRYPT? Is there a problem with this sql statement: UPDATE virtual_users SET password=CONCAT(?{SHA256-CRYPT}?, ENCRYPT (?Password Goes Here?, CONCAT(?$5$?, SUBSTRING(SHA(RAND()), -16)))) WHERE user=?user at; I'm
2017 May 29
mailserver.users does not exist
Hello. It appears that I have an issue with my dovecot setup. When trying to authenticate, i get this error: May 28 20:18:26 AmaechiJ dovecot[10516]: imap-login: Login: user=< aj at>, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, mpid=10879, TLS, ses...QOQBg9rlR> May 28 20:18:42 AmaechiJ dovecot[10516]: imap(aj at Connection closed in=116 out=1311 May 28 20:20:32 AmaechiJ