similar to: Testing POP3 with telnet - password always wrong

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Testing POP3 with telnet - password always wrong"

2014 Jan 03
Question about --files-from= and folder structure
I'm writing a script to sync some mp3 files. Due to a limitation in the number of destination files that can be read from my thumb drive, I'm not looking to preserve the original file structure (actually, I'm looking to sync *only the files* to the new destination directory). The source files are all subfolders under /backup/Music: ./Adrian Legg/Mrs. Crowe's Blue Waltz/Paddy
2009 Feb 25
exim4 + dovecot + SquirrelMail virtualhosted on Debian
Hello, I have a Debian machine that is virtual-hosting 6 domains with exim4. I finally got exim4 working well enough where I can send and receive mail using the mail command on my machine. I would eventually like to have SquirrelMail (which requires IMAP) working on my website. For whatever reason, exim4 doesn't seem to support IMAP. I found out that Dovecot is a prominent IMAP server.
2017 May 22
Backing up and restoring maildir folders
Hello, I am migrating to a different distribution of Linux that involves changing to an earlier version of dovecot (2.2.22 to 2.2.13). As part of this process, I will be copying several maildirs to the new machine. One of these has a number of files and directories that resemble this one example: cur/ dovecot.index dovecot.index.cache dovecot.index.log dovecot.mailbox.log dovecot-uidlist
2006 Jan 23
simple problem
Hi, look this: > summary(fam??lia) Anacardiaceae Annonaceae Bombacaceae Cecropiaceae 2 4 1 3 Chrysobalanaceae Clusiaceae Euphorbiacaea Fabacea 1 1 4 3 Fabaceae Flacourtiaceae Humiriaceae indeterminada
2006 Jan 16
Soft Deletes
How would I go about setting up my rails applications to soft delete items from the database rather than actually deleting it. I would imagine that I need to over ride the methods from ActiveRecord. Where would I do this would it be in the model? enviroment.rb? I would imagine that if i wanted it throughout my entire application it would need to be in the enviroment.rb. Also to
2008 Jun 06
useradd provider not working?
I have this config: # BL00070 - Disable NFS service {["nfs","nfslock","netfs","portmap"]: ensure => stopped, enable => false, } user {"rpc": ensure => absent, provider => "useradd" } user {"rpcuser": ensure => absent, provider => "useradd" } file
2005 Mar 25
telnet to pop3 problem
Hi I have 1 customer who is having issues with pop3 on FC3 telnet 110 +OK dovecot ready. user beachy -ERR Unknown command. user beachy +OK pass letmein +OK Logged in. list -ERR No INBOX for user. pass & username fake for this example! Mark
2009 Mar 21
Action Mailer problem
Hello, I''m trying to make my rails app send mail. I''m using Postfix + Dovecot + SASL on Linux Debian VPS: I''m using the following configuration in environment.rb: config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :smtp config.action_mailer.smtp_settings = { :address =>
2009 Nov 03
quota ignore sent folder
I have configured postfix and dovecot and I want to know hot to configure quota in order to ignore sent folder. Now it does work ignoring trash folder but I want to ignore sent.
2009 Jun 22
POP3 -ERR Authentication failed.
Hello guys I am having problem of pop3 with my mail server I am using postfix-2.3.3 and Dovecot v1.0.7 when i telnet localhost or i get following output [root at dalvis ~]# telnet 110 Trying Connected to ( Escape character is '^]'. +OK Dovecot ready. user johne at +OK pass 768tidzx -ERR Authentication failed.
2008 Aug 11
Class dependency question
So I have two classes for openvz setup. The first is openvz::setup and it sets up the box for OpenVZ.. then another class (in same .pp file) called openvz::master sets up the config for the main system (as opposed to a VE). The error I see is that the openvz::master class is executed (and fails) becuase it doesn''t seem to load up the setup class? debug: Calling puppetmaster.getconfig
2008 Oct 05
How to configure POP3 access in Dovecot?
Hi, I'am new to Dovecot and Postfix... I have made a Postfix installation as "Internet with Smarthost". I'am using a domain in Godaddy, I have point "A (Host) Record" to my IP and the "MX Record" is also pointing to my IP. I have tested sending e-mail from my account to my server, the server receive e-mails from gmail.comto my /home/andre/mbox
2013 Oct 31
init script as provided
Hello list, I would add: # dovecot Startup script for the dovecot server # # chkconfig: - # processname: dovecot # config: /path/to/config # pidfile: /path/to/pid So that it supports the chkconfig used by RHEL and clones too. Also, maybe it should be installed by the Makefile's install target? it could then also set: DAEMON=/path/to/dovecot/daemon instead of:
2010 May 18
hello, dovecot2 implements "!include conf.d/*.conf" to build the configuration from multiple configfiles. So the settings for pop3, imap or lmtp may stay in different files. unfortunately the "protocol = " does not allow a += logic to enables or disable inet listeners. It would be nice to have protocols += imap in conf.d/imap.conf and protocols += managesieve in
2009 Jul 18
dovecot as lda : nothing happens
Hi, On debian lenny, I try to configure my setup (with Postfix virtual domains) to use dovecot as lda. I adjusted my settings to postfix and dovecot, but nothing happens... The dovecot.log is always empty and nothing seems to change, as if it had no effect. Here are my changes, if someone sees what would be problematic ... Thanks Denis ###### virtual_transport = dovecot
2010 Jun 14
Ubuntu upgrade to 10.04 --> dovecot no longer working
Hi, Last year I installed dovecot on my Ubuntu V9 system 64 bit system. I use it to store emails from several clients in the LAN using IMAP. Last week I upgraded to Ubuntu 10.04. Now Dovecot is no longer working. It started with messages about sieve, so I disabled sieve in the configuration file (did not use it in the past, don't know what it is). Dovecot can now be started without errors
2010 Jun 15
Dovecot SASL
Dear All, I've installed Postfix 2.7.0 and Dovecot 1.2.9 on Ubuntu 10.04. I want to use Dovecot SASL with Postfix and did the following configuration. smtpd_sasl_auth_enable = yes smtpd_sasl_type = dovecot smtpd_sasl_path = private/dovecot-auth smtpd_sasl_authenticated_header = yes smtpd_sasl_security_options = noanonymous smtpd_sasl_local_domain = $myhostname
2010 Jun 22
imap acl write tb3 plugin dovecot2 vs XMAILBOXINFO
Hi Timo, i played a little bit with an experimental tb3 imap acl write extension with dovecot2 got errors like XMAILBOXINFO: Unknown command any idea? -- Best Regards MfG Robert Schetterer Germany/Munich/Bavaria
2012 Jan 13
2.1.rc3 (1a722c7676bb): Panic: file ostream.c: line 173 (o_stream_sendv): assertion failed: (stream->stream_errno != 0)
Hi Timo, today some imap processes are crashed. Regards, Pascal -- The trapper recommends today: f007ba11.1201322 at -------------- next part -------------- An embedded and charset-unspecified text was scrubbed... Name: core.imap.1326475521-24777_bt.txt URL: <> -------------- next part
2012 Jul 09
recover .sieve plaintext from .sievec binary file
Hi, I upgraded a server from an old Linux distribution to a much newer one. In the process, Dovecot got upgraded from v1 to v2. By mistake, I deleted the .sieve plaintext file with all the Sieve filters, but I still do have the .sievec compiled binary. Is there any way to dump the binary file back into plaintext format? Keep in mind, I'm running v2 now, and the binary was made on a v1