similar to: Fwd: error with schema_info when doing multiple migrations

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Fwd: error with schema_info when doing multiple migrations"

2007 Sep 22
merb_sequel raketasks not working?
I''m trying to run on trunk. When I run "rake -T" I get an error: undefined local variable or method `full_config'' for Merb::Orms::Sequel:Module I''m not 100% sure that I haven''t messed something up, so I hesitate to cry "bug" without checking with everyone. Is anyone else seeing this? P.S. I''m running merb trunk installed as a gem,
2007 Oct 31
Mongrel breaking Merb?
Has anyone had troubles from Mongrel > 1.0.1? Just curious, because the last time I tried to run Merb it gave me some Mongrel error about the wrong number of arguments, or something like that. I can post the exact message tonight when I get home. -- Cheers, Kevin Williams
2007 Oct 09
[Slightly OT] MS MVC taking slight hints from Merb In Scott Guthrie''s talk (about 43:30) he mentions requiring the render call as a convention. Interesting to see Merb influence Microsoft. :) -- Cheers, Kevin Williams
2007 Sep 19
patch and a few questions
I have a patch for merb_sequel to get migrations to work a bit better for PostgresQL. Could someone look at it and tell me how badly I screwed it up? In this patch I tried to handle encoding and logging as well. I''ve tried sqlite and postgres but I don''t get any logging (still! after the patch). How do I get SQL logging to go to a file or the console? Actually, I''ll
2007 Sep 22
skeleton and configs
Hi people, just thought I''d mumble out my thoughts on merb''s apps directory structure and config concepts and see what other people are feeling... the app dir: mvc/application is layed out as expected....maybe without the mailer by default (another discussion) the config dir: I really think that it''s confusing to have such a mixture of ways to configure some
2007 Oct 16
respond_to API
I''ll probably do my respond_to API rewrite, as discussed here: sometime this week, unless someone has come up with a better API. I''ll also work in at the same time. Any serious objections?
2007 Nov 06
what did I do?
I''m following merb trunk. This morning I updated my gems, sync''d merb source and installed the merb gem from source. I don''t know if I did something wrong, or if a new gem messed things up, or if there was a merb change which broke something. Now I get this error: Request: REQUEST_URI: / (2007-11-05 20:27:04) Params: {"action"=>"index",
2007 Nov 07
merb/sequel mutex on or off? proxy_balancer or no?
Just a quick question to those of you using merb and sequel or datamapper. How do you setup your merb app? For example: merb -X off -c 5, then run mod_proxy_balancer or nginx to load balance between the 5 (or whatever #) of merb nodes? merb -X off -d, then simply use something like proxypass merb -c 5, keep the mutex lock and cluster it haproxy, swiftiply, evented mongrel...... What
2007 Oct 23
sample app using Sequel?
I''m a new merb user. Rather than ask a bunch of questions on this list, I''d like to ask if anyone can point me to a sample merb application preferably using trunk (or close to it) and preferably using Sequel for the ORM. If I can''t figure out how to bull my way through things from a sample, I''ll come back and ask my newbie questions. Thanks! cr
2008 Mar 02
Models are not initialised correctly with ''rake test'' in Merb 0.9.1
I''m using Sequel as my ORM and Test::Unit as my testing framework and have the following model: class Item < Sequel::Model validates do presence_of( :name, :uuid, :vendor_id, :vendor_reference, :amount, :currency_code ) uniqueness_of( :uuid ) end def initialize( *args ) super( *args ) self.uuid = UUID.random_create.to_s end end As you can see I overwrite
2006 Mar 08
migrations schema_info table, Rails Recipes Bug?
I have the rails recipes book and i was going through the migrations recipe. Everything seemed to work except for the last part in trying to do a rake migrate with a migration file version 1 and the schema_info version set to 0. Without the force attribute, the rake migration fails, as expected. So the recipe says to run this: ruby script/runner
2006 Aug 08
rake migrate the first time - uses more than schema_info?
All, I have two migration files, file 1 and file 2. For reasons that I don''t want to go into unless I must, I want to only run file 2 on my production database (file 1 contains a bunch of table creation stuff for already existing tables). I figured if I created a schema_info table and set the version in it to 1, then I could just run rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production and just
2006 May 25
schema_info not updated
Hi, When doing a ''rake migrate'', schema_info is not updated (it does not contain any row). Migration is done properly the first time, but fails the second time I run it, since there is no info in schema_info. I am running rails 1.1.2, using script/generate migration to generate the migration file. Any help? Thank you. Jean-Etienne -- Posted via
2007 May 21
Migrations : change schema_info table name ?
Hi, my company uses only 1 database for all the developments, so it is a big problem for using migrations in Rails because of the schema_info table. How can I solve this problem? Is there a way to change the schema_info table name? Thanks. Nicolas. -- Posted via --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are
2008 Apr 23
Table Unknown - SCHEMA_INFO
Hi all, Sorry for another newbie question! I''ve got a legacy firebird database which I wish to use, and thanks to help from this group I''ve used Dr Nic''s Magic Models to get RoR talking to the database. However, I wish to create a new table ("reports") in this database, and so generated the scaffold such that the file "db/migrate/
2007 Aug 30
active record alternatives
Just wanted to get the opinion from merb users on active record alternatives that you are either using or watching. I''ve been reading a bit about sequel and data mapper. Both look pretty nice. Anyone actively using those yet? Any others? If anyone cares to provide their thoughts, I''d love to hear them. BTW - is this too off-topic for this list? If so, just let me know and
2007 Jul 09
Issue with version field in schema_info
(I know ''version'' is the only field, but in case this changed one day my question will still apply) ;) I had to drop all my tables to re-run my migrations from version 1. When I executed ''rake db:migrate'' everything ran successfully. Which puts my database ''state'' at migration 007_xxx. Now when I add a migration (008_xxx) and re-run
2006 Apr 20
Migrations that don''t affect schema_info.version?
Hi, I am wondering whether it is possible to write and use migrations that do not change the schema_info.version. I would like to use the migration syntax to do certain tasks that don''t affect the schema like populating tables with sample data during development. Ingo -- Posted via
2007 Sep 21
Ticket 177 - Should be Resolved
After seeing this reopened I submitted an appropriate patch to resolve the rest of this issue. Can someone check it and commit it? Also, what are the criteria for getting commit access? I would like to do some more work on improving the Sequel plugin. -James -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2007 Oct 15
18 - Mockups
There''s been some discussion on the IRC channel about getting a site for Merb going. Since the culture around the project is pretty casual, I figured I''d just throw a few ideas together, see what you guys think. So, firstly here are three example pages, just to show off the general look and feel.