similar to: returning(...) ?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "returning(...) ?"

2007 Oct 16
respond_to API
I''ll probably do my respond_to API rewrite, as discussed here: sometime this week, unless someone has come up with a better API. I''ll also work in at the same time. Any serious objections?
2007 Sep 19
Ticket #190 (friendlier way to add / register a mime type)
Following up on #190 [1], I''ve just added a simple patch that allows the manipulation of the TYPES hash from within the Merb module. Use like: Merb.add_mime_type(:png,%w[image/png]) Merb.remove_mime_type(:png) It specifically disallows the removal of the :all MimeType, since content negotiation relies on it. I''m not super wonderful at API design, so comments and
2007 Aug 29
Non-Erubis Templates
Trunk Issue: Because of the use of ''autoload'', template handlers other than Erubis are not loaded automatically (Haml, XMLBuilder). Either this should be fixed, or the documentation should be updated to instruct people how to use non-Erb template engines. Apparently the solution is to do something like this in merb_init.rb: ::Merb::AbstractController.register_engine
2007 Sep 21
RESTful route gives a 500 error when Content-Type is set
I have encountered a problem with a RESTful route, I have the simple route; r.resources :people With a corresponding controller, when I tried to access it using ActiveResource I get a server error, I have tracked this down to a problem where if the header ''Content-Type: application/xml'' is sent it errors out: > curl -H ''Accept: */*''
2007 Jul 18
Hi, I''ve started looking at ticket 90<>and there are a couple of situations that the current implementation doesn''t cater for. 1. Tag Attributes are wiped out. - <tag1 attr1=''1''>Content</tag1> #=> { "tag1" => "Content" } - I think it should return -
2007 Aug 31
Bootstrapping from SVN
Is there a simple way to bootstrap merb directly from the Subversion repository, rather than first installing it as a gem? I can do the following if I already have an old gem lying around: merb -g testapp # using an old gem cd testapp rake merb:freeze_from_svn Unfortunately, that means I''m using an old version of the generator. So for example, when I just tried this,
2007 Nov 06
what did I do?
I''m following merb trunk. This morning I updated my gems, sync''d merb source and installed the merb gem from source. I don''t know if I did something wrong, or if a new gem messed things up, or if there was a merb change which broke something. Now I get this error: Request: REQUEST_URI: / (2007-11-05 20:27:04) Params: {"action"=>"index",
2008 Jan 03
Whats the merb equivilant of this?
Hey All Quick question, what''s the merb equivalent of this:[template_root], assigns, self) in merb? Ive found Merb::Template::Erubis.transform(:file => ''/path/to/file'') But I''ve no idea if thats the correct thing to be calling? It doesn''t ''feel'' right, so im not sure it is? Thanks Tim
2007 Dec 13
Trying to use ActiveRecord STI but fails
Hi all, I''m wondering about my sanity here. There''s probably something simple I overlooked. First off, I have close to zero experience with Merb. 1. I configured use_orm :activerecord in config/dependencies.rb; 2. I have a file named app/models/measurement.rb which looks like this: class Measurement < Observation end 3. I have another file named
2008 Jan 18
How do I pass form values from POST controller specs?
Hi there I just started my first Merb app and I''m running into some weird things in Specs. When I do: describe "create action" do it "should create a new project" do project_params = {:name => ''bekkunin''} Project.should_receive(:create).with(project_params) controller, action = post(''/projects'', :project
2007 Dec 30
Loading config YAML into merb process for the life of the process
Hey Chaps, Forgive me for not fully understanding the inner workings of merb, but I would like to read in a YAML configuration file once when the application is booted rather than reading it every time it is used (as presumably the overhead in doing that is significant?) - I had presumed this is how both Merb and rails do it for there database.yml config files (hence its a requirement
2007 Sep 04
Xml templates...
I was looking in using an xml_builder template to do something like: blee.xerb xml.blees do <% for blee in @blees %> xml.blee = <% end %> end It looks like the xml_builder template can''t expand the erb tag. It this not the correct way to expand and xml template ? Thanks ! -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2007 Sep 18
hi all, I want to move some routing tasks out of the router and into the controller. The goal is to make Merb feel less like mod_rewrite and give the user more control at the controller. The new Router is simple: it takes the path_info (not the whole request) then outputs a controller class and some parameters from the path matching. The rest of the routing would be done at the controller level.
2007 Sep 11
Problem returning a Proc
I''m just playing with a recent Merb trunk (-r590). All the specs pass, apart from 2 pending. Now, the README says: "if you return a Proc object from your action, it will be called and the return value sent to the client." However this doesn''t seem to work with the following test controller: class Hello < Application def world res = "Hello world from
2007 Aug 13
SqueezeBox, a new Mongrel handler
SqueezeBox is a simple file system based routing framework for erubis templates. It aims for a couple of niceties as well: Instead of putting your logic inside your template, like you would with PHP, SqueezeBox recognizes a separate logic file to be called before it loads the template. This allows you room to load ActiveRecord models or do calculations. These logic files return to the webserver
2007 Nov 16
The original: Send your submissions to me by email or on #merb. I''ll blog it, and pick a winner. The winner does not mean it makes it into Merb, just means I personally like it best. But it might make it into Merb. # Scenario: # You have a simple application that lists all the monkeys at the zoo. # Every monkey has a
2008 Jan 05
multi-app merb
Ezra, I love merb, especially because it''s keeping the things that Rails does well and improves on things that Rails hasn''t done so well. One of my biggest pain points with Rails has become multi-app integration. A lot of web sites consist of multiple apps (e.g. a core site, a forum, a blog/cms, etc.). Doing this sort of thing is very ugly and inefficient with the current
2008 Jan 16
Application generation
Hi All, Is anyone seeing this? $ merb merb_paste /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/merb-0.5.2/lib/merb/config.rb:69:in `parse_args'': uninitialized constant Merb::RELEASE (NameError) from /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/optparse.rb:785:in `initialize'' from /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/merb-0.5.2/lib/merb/config.rb:67:in `new'' from
2006 Dec 04
Merb on Win32 Platform
I''m trying to get Merb running on Windows XP SP2 and am experiencing some difficulties. I load http://localhost:4000/posts/new in my browser expecting to see the contents of new.herb rendered. However the following error is reported: Request: PATH_INFO: /posts/new Params: {"action"=>"new", "id"=>nil, "controller"=>"posts"}
2007 Feb 15
wrong startup information in production environment
Hi, I check out the last codes from merb repository. And the startup information for production environment just like that: ====================================================== dev:/var/www/apps/upload_merb/current/log# /etc/init.d/merb_init start Merb started with these options: --- :template_ext: :html: :herb :js: :jerb :xml: :xerb :config: dist/conf/upload.conf :drb_server_port: