similar to: object not found with %dopar% when using foreach

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 400 matches similar to: "object not found with %dopar% when using foreach"

2011 May 27
saving multiple arrays from a foreach loop
Dear R-List member, I have a problem when I'm trying to save two arrays from a foreach-loop. I'm also not sure whether this is possible or just my inexperience. However, this works perferctly fine with a for-loop. Here is an example code - any help is much appreciated!!: ############ n.vpn = 2 3 # create to empty matrices sme = matrix(NA,4,n.vpn) test = matrix(NA,4,n.vpn) #
2011 Mar 04
overleap an iteration within a for-loop when error message produced
Dear R-list member, I'm using the function pmnorm() (-->library(mnormt)) within a for-loop. Certain parameter values leads to an error message: "(In sqrt(diag(S)) : NaNs produced, In sqrt(1/diag(V)) : NaNs produced, In cov2cor(S) : diag(.) had 0 or NA entries; non-finite result is doubtful)" obviously because "NaNs" were produced. Is it possible to tell R that it
2010 Dec 15
pmnorm: probabilites don't sum up to 1
Dear list member, I struggle with the problem, why the probabilities of choosing one of three mutually exclusive alternatives don?t sum up to 1! Let?s assume we have three alternatives X, Y, and Z. Let?s further assume we know their respective utilities: uX, uY, uZ. I?m interested in calculating the probability of choosing X, Y, and Z. Since I assume that the alternatives are mutually
2018 Mar 10
. Package gamlss used inside foreach() and %dopar% fails to find an object (Nik Tuzov)
Dear Nik Try the following code <- function(model.obj, { yhat <- foreach(i = 1 : nrow(, .packages="gamlss", .combine = rbind) %dopar% { updated.model.obj <- update(model.obj, data =[-i, ]) predict(updated.model.obj, what = "mu", data =[-i, ], newdata =[i,], type =
2018 Mar 12
Package gamlss used inside foreach() and %dopar% fails to find an object
Hello Mikis: Thanks a lot, it worked. Could you tell me what the problem was? Regards, Nik ----- Original Message ----- From: r-help-request at To: "r-help" Sent: Sunday, March 11, 2018 6:00:02 AM Subject: R-help Digest, Vol 181, Issue 11 Send R-help mailing list submissions to r-help at To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
2018 Mar 09
Package gamlss used inside foreach() and %dopar% fails to find an object
If the code you are running in parallel is complicated, maybe foreach is not sophisticated enough to find all the variables you refer to. Maybe use parallel::clusterExport yourself? But be a aware that passing parameters is much safer than directly accessing globals in parallel processing, so this might just be your warning to not do that anyway. -- Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.
2015 May 11
Foreach %dopar% operator incorrectly load balancing
Dear R-SIG-Debian, I am using R version 3.1.2 with rstudio-server 0.98.113 on debian build 3.2.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.2.68-1+deb7u1 x86_64 GNU/Linux. I often use the %dopar% operator in from the foreach package to run code in parallel. However, the only other use on the box seemingly installed a few items and suddenly %dopar% will use far more than the number of cores I am specifying and
2018 Mar 09
Package gamlss used inside foreach() and %dopar% fails to find an object
Hello all: Please help me with this "can't find object" issue. I'm trying to get leave-one-out predicted values for Beta-binomial regression. It may be the gamlss issue because the code seems to work when %do% is used. I have searched for similar issues, but haven't managed to figure it out. This is on Windows 10 platform. Thanks in advance, Nik #
2012 Feb 18
foreach %do% and %dopar%
Hi everyone, I'm working on a script trying to use foreach %dopar% but without success, so I manage to run the code with foreach %do% and looks like this: The code is part of a MCMC model for projects valuation, returning the most important results (VPN, TIR, EVA, etc.) of the simulation. foreach (simx = NsimT, .combine=cbind, .inorder=FALSE, .verbose=TRUE) %do% { MCPVMPA = MCVAMPA[simx]
2010 Apr 29
dopar parallel assignments
Hi guys, I was wondering why this piece of code doesn't work: foreach (i = c(1.25,1.50)) %dopar% { assign(paste("test_",i,sep=""),i) } but, this does: foreach (i = c(1.25,1.50)) %do% { assign(paste("test_",i,sep=""),i) } Obviously, the difference is %dopar% vs. %do%. If I use %do%, I get objects test_1.25 and test_1.50, but I don't get these
2017 Jun 13
fedback from foreach
Hi useRs, I am running a foreach loop and hoped to get a small message when it hits a multiple of 1000, but it does not work. p <- foreach(i=1:10000, .combine='c') %dopar% { if(i%%1000==0) print(i) sqrt(i) } What is the proper way to do it. Thanks everybody. Stephen B [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2011 Jul 12
foreach not recognizing functions in memory
All, I am not understanding the scoping used in foreach when it is used inside a function. I keep getting "could not find function" errors for functions that are in memory when I try to use foreach within a function call. I have a simple example below. "testFun" is in memory and works when called by foreach directly, but when I place foreach in a function called
2012 May 08
revolution foreach oddity
I know this is not a revolution support forum, but as anyone noticed the following? I have a foreach loop to generate random samples. If I run the exact code below in normal r (2.14.1) it works as expected, but if I run it from revolution 4.2.0 each loop returns the same numbers. The only way I can get revolution to give different numbers is using 1 instead of 8 in registerDoSNOW(makeCluster(8,
2012 Oct 25
parallel processing with foreach
Hi, I am trying to parallel computing with foreach function, but not able to get the result. I know that in parallel processing, all result is collected in list format, but I am not able to get input there. Any help is really appreciated. esf.m <-foreach (i = 1:n.s, .combine=rbind) %dopar% { EV <-$vectors[,1:n.candid[i]]) colnames(EV) <- paste("EV",
2013 Apr 24
help with execution of 'embarrassingly parallel' problem using foreach, doParallel on a windows system
Dear R helpers, I have what another member on this forum described as an embarrassingly parallel problem. I am trying to fit models on subsets of some data based on unique combinations of two id factors in the dataset. Total number of combinations is 30^5, and this takes a long time. So, I would like fit models for each of the datasets produced by subsetting on the unique combinations, splitting
2017 Dec 07
parallel computing with foreach()
Your code generates an error that has nothing to do with dopar. I have no idea what your function stack is supposed to do; you may be inadvertently calling utils::stack which would produce this kind of error: > stack(1:25, RAT = FALSE) Error in data.frame(values = unlist(unname(x)), ind, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) : arguments imply differing number of rows: 25, 0 HTH, Peter On Wed, Dec 6,
2017 Dec 07
parallel computing with foreach()
I have used foreach() for parallel computing but in the current problem, it is not working. Given the volume and type of the data involved in the analysis, I will try to give below the complete code without reproducible example. In short, each R environment will draw a set of separate files, perform the analysis and dump in separate folders. splist <- c("juoc", "juos",
2011 Feb 25
Question about foreach (with doSNOW), is that a bug?
Hi all, Within a foreach loop with doSNOW, we cant call functions which come from the non-default package. We need to load(require/library) the package once more within the foreach loop. Anyone knows why would happen like this? Is it caused by the snow package and something happened when "snow" parallelize the job? Other than load the package once more with in the foreach loop, is
2009 Jul 18
Building a big.matrix using foreach
Hi there! I have become a big fan of the 'foreach' package allowing me to do a lot of stuff in parallel. For example, evaluating the function f on all elements in a vector x is easily accomplished: foreach(i=1:length(x),.combine=c) %dopar% f(x[i]) Here the .combine=c option tells foreach to combine output using the c()-function. That is, to return it as a vector. Today I discovered the
2011 May 11
foreach(): how to do calculations "between" two foreach loops?
Dear expeRts, is it possible to carry out calculations between different foreach() calls? As for nested loops, you want to carry out calcuations not depending on the inner loop only once and not for each iteration of the innermost loop. Cheers, Marius library(foreach) foreach(i=1:3) %:% foreach(j=1:2) %do% { i <- i+1 print(paste(i,j)) } foreach(i=1:3) %:% i