similar to: Divide matrix into multiple smaller matrices

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Divide matrix into multiple smaller matrices"

2011 Aug 22
Selecting cases from matrices stored in lists
Hi, I have two lists (c and h - see below) containing matrices with similar cases but different values. I want to split these matrices into multiple matrices based on the values in h. So, I did the following: years<-c(1997:1999) for (t in 1:length(years)) { year=as.character(years[t]) h[[year]]<-sapply(colnames(h[[year]]), function(var)
2011 Jun 14
Multiply list objects
Hi, I am trying to use the objects from the list below to create more objects. For each year in h I am trying to create as many objects as there are B's keeping only the values of B. Example for 1999: $`1999`$`8025` B B 8025 8026 8027 8028 8029 8025 1 1 1 0 0 8026 1 0 0 0 0 8027 1 0 0 0 0 8028 0 0 0 0 0 8029
2011 Jun 02
Counting occurrences in a moving window
Hi list, based on the following data.frame I would like to create a variable that indicates the number of occurrences of A in the 3 years prior to the current year: DF = data.frame(read.table(textConnection(" A B 8025 1995 8026 1995 8029 1995 8026 1996 8025 1997 8026 1997 8025 1997 8027 1997 8026 1999 8027 1999 8028 1995 8029 1998 8025 1997 8027 1997 8026 1999 8027 1999
2011 Aug 15
Selecting section of matrix
Hi, I have a question concerning the selection of data. Let's say that given list h created below, I would like to select a section of the 1999 matrix. For a case (rownames and colnames) I would like to select the cells that have a value > 0. So for case 8025 8025 8026 8027 8025 1 1 1 8026 1 1 1 8027 1 1 1 And for case 8028 8028 8029 8028 1
2011 Aug 25
Selections in lists
Hi, I have produced a list g and I would like to reduce the amount of information contained in each object in g. For each matrix I would like to keep the values where the column name equals g[year][[1]][[x]] and the row names equals g[year][[1]][[-x]]. So in g$`1999`$`8029`, year = 1999 and x = 8029. I have been experimenting with the subset function, but have been unsuccesful. Thanks for your
2011 Apr 14
Create matrices for time series
Hi list, I would like to use the following data.frame to generate matrices over a 3 year moving window: DF = data.frame(read.table(textConnection(" A B C 80 8025 1995 80 8026 1995 80 8029 1995 81 8026 1996 82 8025 1997 82 8026 1997 83 8025 1997 83 8027 1997 84 8026 1999 84 8027 1999 85 8028 1995 85 8029 1998"),head=TRUE,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)) Function to be
2011 Apr 29
For loop and sqldf
Hi list, Can anyone tell my why the following does not work? Thanks a lot! Your help is very much appreciated. DF = data.frame(read.table(textConnection(" B C D E F G 8025 1995 0 4 1 2 8025 1997 1 1 3 4 8026 1995 0 7 0 0 8026 1996 1 2 3 0 8026 1997 1 2 3 1 8026 1998 6 0 0 4 8026 1999 3 7 0 3 8027 1997 1 2 3 9 8027 1998 1 2 3 1 8027 1999
2012 Feb 25
Unexpected behavior in factor level ordering
Hello, Everybody: This may not be a "bug", but for me it is an unexpected outcome. A factor variable's levels do not retain their ordering after the levels function is used. I supply an example in which a factor with values "BC" "AD" (in that order) is unintentionally re-alphabetized by the levels function. To me, this is very bad behavior. Would you agree? #
2011 Nov 11
One step way to create data frame with variable "variable names"?
Suppose plotx <- "someName" modx <- "otherName" plotxRange <- c(10,20) modxVals <- c(1,2,3) It often happens I want to create a dataframe or object with plotx or modx as the variable names. But can't understand syntax to do that. I can get this done in 2 steps, creating the data frame and then assigning names, as in newdf <- data.frame( c(1, 2, 3, 4),
2012 Apr 20
predictOMatic for regression. Please try and advise me
I'm pasting below a working R file featuring a function I'd like to polish up. I'm teaching regression this semester and every time I come to something that is very difficult to explain in class, I try to simplify it by writing an R function (eventually into my package "rockchalk"). Students have a difficult time with predict and newdata objects, so right now I'm
2012 May 14
Error in names(x) <- value: 'names' attribute must be the same length as the vector
Dear R-helpers, I am stuck on an error in R: When I run my code (below), I get this error back: Error in names(x) <- value : 'names' attribute must be the same length as the vector Then when I use traceback(), R gives me back this in return: `colnames<-`(`*tmp*`, value = c(""Item", "Color" ,"Number", "Size")) I'm not exactly
2006 May 16
solution of split data.frame
Dear Folks: My recent question concerning split data.frame has been solved using both following approaches. (Question is listed at the end.) solution 1: Try melt from the reshape package (by Gabor) library(reshape) melt(DF, 1:2) You may may need to resort it if the order is important. solution 2: good for large dataset (by Robert) "If your data set is really big, i.e. bigger than R
2011 Jun 06
lme, stepAIC, predict: scope and visibility
Hello all, I've run into a problem where I can't run predict.lme on an object simplified via a stepAIC. A similar post has been recorded on this list: but in my case, I'm going to great lengths to not repeat that poster's error and still coming up short. Any advice would be much appreciated. It would seem that, after
2003 Apr 07
subsetting a dataframe
How does one remove a column from a data frame when the name of the column to remove is stored in a variable? For Example: colname <- "LOT" newdf <- subset(olddf,select = - colname) The above statement will give an error, but thats what I'm trying to accomplish. If I had used: newdf <- subset(olddf,select = - LOT) then it would have worked, but as I said the column
2004 Jul 16
still problems with predict!
Hi all, I still have problems with the predict function by setting up the values on which I want to predict ie: original df: p1 (193 obs) variates y x1 x2 rm(list=ls()) x1<-rnorm(193) x2<-runif(193,-5,5) y<-rnorm(193)+x1+x2 p1<,x1,x2)) p1 y x1 x2 1 -0.6056448 -0.1113607 -0.5859728 2 -4.2841793 -1.0432688 -3.3116807 ...... 192
2003 Sep 05
eliminating a large subset of data from a frame
I have a data frame with 155,000 rows. One of the columns represents the user id (of which about 10,000 are unique). I am able to isolate 1000 of these user ids (stored in a list) that I want to eliminate from the data set, but I don't know of an efficient way to do this. Certainly this would be slow: newdf<-df for(i in listofbadusers) { newdf<-subset(tmp,uid!=i) } is there a better
2018 Apr 27
predict.glm returns different results for the same model
On 27/04/2018 9:25 AM, Hadley Wickham wrote: > Hi all, > > Very surprising (to me!) and mystifying result from predict.glm(): the > predictions vary depending on whether or not I use ns() or > splines::ns(). Reprex follows: > > library(splines) > > set.seed(12345) > dat <- data.frame(claim = rbinom(1000, 1, 0.5)) > mns <- c(3.4, 3.6) > sds <- c(0.24,
2017 Jul 16
Arranging column data to create plots
On Sat, 15 Jul 2017, Michael Reed via R-help wrote: > Dear All, > > I need some help arranging data that was imported. It would be helpful if you were to use dput to give us the sample data since you say you have already imported it. > The imported data frame looks something like this (the actual file is > huge, so this is example data) > > DF: > IDKey X1 Y1 X2 Y2
2020 Oct 07
Version controlled (git) Maildir generated by Dovecot
Hello Adam, and the dovecot list Just a question, I hate to pollute the thread, so feel free to push these questions into a new thread if deemed necessary. So as you can guess I'm a bit of a newb here, so rather obvious questions are about to arrive.... As you are using GIT for your archive (which is a cool idea by the way) I'm sure you are well aware that not all files types play nicely
2012 Jul 14
Can't understand syntax
OK, I need help!! I've been searching, but I don't understand the logic of some this dataframe addressing syntax. What is this type of code called? test [["v3"]] [[["v2"]])] <-10 #choose column v3 where column v2 is == 4 and replace with 10 and where is it documented? The code below works for what I want to do (find the non-missing value in a row),