similar to: Using read.xls

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 800 matches similar to: "Using read.xls"

2011 Mar 14
read.xls can't read some .xls files
Hi, I am having problem with the read.xls function. I am trying to read a .xls file but it's giving me error. > read.xls("XXX.xls") Error parsing file 'XXX.xls'. Error in xls2sep(xls, sheet, verbose = verbose, ..., method = method, : Intermediate file '/tmp/Rtmp5QQjSI/file1665315c.csv' missing! In addition: Warning message: running command
2011 Sep 06
read.xls (gdata) problem
I've suddenly started seeing a consistent problem with read.xls. No matter what xls file I try I always get an error message of this type: Error in xls2sep(xls, sheet, verbose = verbose, ..., method = method, : Intermediate file '/var/folders/cb/vvshkpm90lx_y2n69qlyw4z40000gn/T//RtmpK50r4g/file546a2722.csv' missing! In addition: Warning message: running command
2010 Apr 07
behaviour of xls2sep when running read.xls (package gdata) sinceupgrade of R
Hello eveRybody (and probably special regards to Gabor G....), I recently upgraded from R-2.9.2-win32 to R-10.1.0-win32, and I'm using Windows XP Professional 2002 with service pack 3 on a PC with IntelCore Duo CPU@ 3.00 GHz. Last time I used it (some weeks ago, before upgrading), one of my scripts (including the two lines cited below) used to run OK. When I ran it yesterday evening (after
2007 Jul 08
Writing Excel (.xls) files on non-Windows OSs using Perl
Hi all, There have been quite a few threads in the recent months pertaining to the ability to directly write native Excel (.xls) files from R. For example, exporting R matrices and/or data frames to an Excel file, with perhaps the ability to create multiple tabs (worksheets) within a single file, with one tab/sheet per R object. There exists the xlsReadWrite package on CRAN by Hans-Peter Suter,
2010 May 25
how can I read a non-standard XLS file
I have attached a file downloaded from database mirWalk. Apparently it is in XLS format (this is the extension of the downloaded file). However, I cannot open it with OpenOffife spreadsheet program and Excel itself cannot separate the columns as it does when a true XLS file is loaded. I tried to read the attached downloaded file through R function "read.xls" and got the following
2013 Apr 02
gdata selectively not working
I can use gdata to successfully read in the example Excel file, but not any other excel files. Why might this be the case? It seems that the problem has something to do with opening the database but no indication as to what the problem is. So i'm at a loss of how to fix it. > library(gdata) gdata: read.xls support for 'XLS' (Excel 97-2004) files ENABLED. gdata: read.xls support
2009 Mar 12
read.xls and name of worksheet
Hi, I would like to some excel files with some worksheets. I tried this with the following R script: library(gdata) i<-1 rc<-0 while(rc != "try-error") { wksh<-try(read.xls("cluster-microarray-FW.xls",sheet=i,verbose=TRUE,perl="perl")) rc<-class(wksh) print(sprintf("------- i=%2d rc=%s ---------------",i,rc)) if (rc !=
2013 Feb 13
WriteXLS: 'object not found' error within function
Dear All, I am using WriteXLS to write tables with multiple sheets with the command: WriteXLS("tables", ExcelFileName = fileName, SheetNames = tableList, perl = "perl", verbose = FALSE, Encoding = c("UTF-8", "latin1"), row.names = TRUE, col.names = TRUE, AdjWidth = TRUE, AutoFilter = FALSE, BoldHeaderRow = FALSE,
2013 Feb 04
Wide character in print?
Hello: I get "Wide character in print" from trying read.xls("22_data.xls") in the gdata package, with "22_data.xls" downloaded from "Varieties_Country_A-E.xls" at "": > library(gdata) > read.xls("22_data.xls") Wide character in print at
2010 Feb 11
Hi Using R 2.10.1 on a mac os 10.6.2, I have have a problem with gdata package. When I use the command read.xls, I get this error-message: Erreur dans xls2sep(xls, sheet, verbose = verbose, ..., method = method, : Unable to read translated csv file '/var/folders/gb/gbzQ4sqTF-KK3D5m6v-IJE+++TI/-Tmp-//Rtmp3Hprw9/file10d63af1.csv'. Erreur dans file.exists(tfn) : argument 'file'
2001 Mar 10
wine-20010305 MS Excel97 *.xls -> .xls.xls
Hi, If I open up a worksheet in MS Excel 97, the file name is modified by appending an extra .xls to the name. Multiple .xls's are possible, and it is not necessary to save the worksheet. I'm running Wine-20010305 compiled on a SuSE 7.0 running a stock 2.4.2 Linux kernel. MS Excel is being run from an existing Win98 system partition. Thought someone might want to know, Dick --
2007 Feb 09
append within worksheet in write.xls
I can currently append an entire worksheet with write.xls, but would also like to be able to append within the same worksheet. Is this possible? It doesn't seem to work if I use append = T Thanks, Mark -- Mark W. Kimpel MD Neuroinformatics Department of Psychiatry Indiana University School of Medicine
2009 Aug 18
(no subject)
Dear all, I have a problem with the function read.xls from the gdata package, error message see below. Two examples: First, I try to read my data, which does not work; Secondly, I tried the example code/data with the Iris data, which worked Any idea? Thanks, Lars > path<-"I:/subProjects/bh/HPGD/" > > setwd(path) > > xls <- "Platten_Liste_090421.xls"
2007 Feb 09
newline with cell of Excel worksheet created with write.xls
As part of my project to put different types of results into worksheets, I would like to be able to put an auto-generated methods section. If I compose in RWinEdt, read into R, and use write.table with a .txt file extension, what I get out has line-breaks that correspond to those I put in in the first place. If I do the same thing but write.xls with .xls extention, I get an Excel worksheet
2012 Jan 10
unir en .dbf luego de aplicar read.xls a varios archivos
Estimados: Tengo un directorio con varios archivos Excel quiero importarlos todos y grabarlos en un Ășnico archivo .dbf. Haciendolo uno por uno lo logro de la siguiente manera (solo tomo 2 archivos): archivos <- list.files(pattern = 'xls') a1 <- read.xls(archivos[1], perl="C:\\strawberry\\perl\\bin\\perl.exe",skip=12,dec=",",header=F, a2 <-
2004 Nov 09
RODBC bug or doc error in sqlFetch on xls files (PR#7354)
R 2.0.0 patched under win2000. MS Office Excel 2003. ODBC Drivers? This may not come as a surprise -- sqlFetch() (and perhaps other ?) appear not to handle table/worksheet names with spaces in them in Excel tables. I was not able to find documentation that specifically mentioned this, although the Help pages vaguely hinted that there might be difficulty with Excel's "peculiar
2004 Dec 04
Excel *.xls files, RODBC
I gather from reading the back-issues of r-help that it should be possible (modulo a number of caveats) to read an excel (yuck!) file into R using RODBC. I have obtained and installed ODBC and the RODBC package, but cannot for the life of me figure out how to go about it. Can anyone give me a simple recipe? I have an excel file on cdrom, say: /mnt/cdrom/melvin.xls I have started R and loaded
2009 Jul 02
read.xls: number of sheets
Hi, I'm trying to read several Excel sheets from an Excel file into a list. I'm using read.xls from package 'gdata'. I would like to know how I can check the number of sheets before the loop (in the example below) so that I could adjust the loop counter? Any suggestions? DF.list <- list() for (i in 1:4) { DF.list[[i]] <- read.xls("sample_file.xls", sheet=i,
2009 Mar 12
Writing xls - multiple sheets
Hi, Is there a package I can use to write to multiple sheets on xls file, other than using the paid version of xlsReadWrite package (xlsReadWritePro)? Thank you, Ferry
2011 Feb 08
read.xls counts more rows than I really have in my Excel file
Hi, i'm using read.xls, and it counts more rows in my Excel than I really have. i've used both: especie26 <- read.xls("especie26cargar.xls") datos26 <- read.xls("especie26cargar.xls", header = TRUE, = FALSE, na.strings = "NA", skip = 0, check.names = TRUE, fill = FALSE, strip.white = FALSE, blank.lines.skip = TRUE) when i