similar to: How to intantiate a list of data.frames?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "How to intantiate a list of data.frames?"

2012 Oct 02
Is there any R function for data normalization?
Hello, I have a matrix with values, with columns I need the values to be normalized between 0 and 1 by column. Therefor, the 0 should correspond to the minimum value in the column c1 and 1 should correspond to the maximum value in the column c1. The remaining columns should be organized in the same way. Does a function in R exists for this purpose? Thanks, Rui [[alternative HTML
2008 Apr 24
question, pdc bdc on diferent subnet
Hi, is posible to configure a samba pdc server on a central office and 3 bdc on branches office united by vpn one conection with openvpn , and in4 different subnet ???? saludos Maximo Monsalvo
2017 Jan 06
que tal comunidad, una pregunta del paquete data.table
si se tiene un data.table (DT), supongamos de 100 filas por 3 columnas de datos numericos, como puedo hacer para obtener el correspondiente valor de la columna 1 si busco, por ejemplo, el maximo de la columna 2 agrupado por la columna 3 ? para buscar el maximo de la columna 2 escribo. DT[ , max(c2), by=c3 ] muchas gracias, saludos, eric. -- Forest Engineer Master in Environmental and
2013 Jan 15
SQLDF column errors
I am trying to exclude integer values from a small data frame 1, d1 that have matching hits in data frame 2, d2 (Very big) which involves matching those hits first. I am trying to use sqldf on the df's in the following fashion: df1: V1 12675 14753 16222 18765 df2: head(df2) V1 V2 13647 rd1500 14753 rd1580 15987 rd1590 16222 rd2020.....
2018 Feb 10
Optimizar función
Buenas para tod en s, tengo una consulta para poder optimizar tiempos. Ejemplo tengo el siguiente dataframe: distrito<-c("A","A","A","B","B","B","C","C","C","A","A","B","B","C")
2020 Oct 18
Resultado de la consola como un tibble
Buen día estimados Estoy tratando de hacer un tibble con los resultados de un apply que se muestran en la consola que me da R, no estoy seguro si eso se pueda hacer, pero me gustaría organizar los resultados de esa manera. mi código es: data("mtcars") Mtcars_matriz <- as.matrix(mtcars) apply(Mtcars_matriz, MARGIN =2, FUN = shapiro.test) DF2 <- tibble(Variable = NA, W = NA, Pvalue =
2020 Oct 18
Resultado de la consola como un tibble
Hola, Bueno, puedes hacer el cálculo de una forma mucho más compacta y rápida. Esta forma es especialmente recomendable cuando tienes muchas columnas y muchas filas. > library(data.table) > myDT <- > myDTlong <- melt(myDT, measure.vars=1:ncol(myDT)) > myDTlong[ , list(p_value = shapiro.test(value)$p.value, v_stat = shapiro.test(value)$statistic) , by
2013 Apr 29
How to "call" an object given a string?
Hello, This is very basic and very frustrating. Suppose this: >A=5 >B=5 >C=10 > ls() "A" "B" "C" I would like this >xpto() 5 5 10 How can I do xpto()? Thanks Rui [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2014 Mar 07
Identificar pares de valores en distintas filas
Hola Francisco y Carlos, Quizas lo siguiente funcione para 2, 3 o mas IDs con FECHA y VALOR comun (aqui el maximo es 3): d <- data.frame(ID = 1:8, FECHA = c("01/04/1965", "01/09/1988", "01/04/2004", "01/04/1965", "01/05/1992", "01/04/1965", "01/09/1988", "01/09/1988"), VALOR = c(25578, 23456, 76578, 25578, 33724,
2008 Apr 23
profiles migrate
Hy , my english is bad,bad sorry I need change a server pdc samba , and change too the domain name, so i can't export users and sid . Exist some tool to export and covert the old porfile to the new domain? thanks Maximo Monsalvo
2011 Oct 17
Foreach (doMC)
Hello, I am trying to run a small example with foreach, but I am having some problems. Here is the code: *library(doMC) registerDoMC() zappa = list() frank = list() foreach (i = 1:4) %dopar% { zappa[[i]] = kmeans (iris[-5],4) frank[[i]] = warnings() }* The code runs without error. However the zappa and frank will be empty lists. If I use regular *for *instead, the list will be filled up
2007 Oct 01
how to plot a graph with different pch
I am trying to plot a graph but the points on the graph should be different symbols and colors. It should represent what is in the legend. I tried using the points command but this does not work. Is there another command in R that would allow me to use different symbols and colors for the points? Thank you kindly. data(mtcars) plot(mtcars$wt,mtcars$mpg,xlab= "Weight(lbs/1000)",
2020 Apr 16
suggestion: "." in [lsv]apply()
Hi, I would like to make a suggestion for a small syntactic modification of FUN argument in the family of functions [lsv]apply(). The idea is to allow one-liner expressions without typing "function(item) {...}" to surround them. The argument to the anonymous function is simply referred as ".". Let take an example. With this new feature, the following call
2013 Apr 12
Why copying columns of a data.frame becomes numeric?
Dear list, I want the 1st, 2nd, 5th, and 6th columns of mtcars. After copying them, the columns become numeric class rather than data frame. But, when I copy rows, they data frame retains its class. Why is this? I don't see why copying rows vs columns is so different. > class(mtcars) [1] "data.frame" > head(mtcars) mpg cyl disp hp drat wt qsec vs
2012 Oct 18
Help with
Hi, I downloaded a dataset from UCI repositories named Bag of Words: The dataset is in a text file with the following structure: --- docID1 wordID1 count docID1 wordID2 count docID1 wordID3 count docID1 wordID4 count ... docID2 wordID2 count docID2 wordID5 count docID2 wordID6 count --- Where docIDx is an integer
2012 Mar 15
Ggplot barchart drops factor levels: how to show them with zero counts?
Hello, When plotting a barchart with ggplot it drops the levels of the factor for which no counts are available. For example: library(ggplot) mtcars$cyl<-factor(mtcars$cyl) ggplot(mtcars[!mtcars$cyl==4,], aes(cyl))+geom_bar() levels(mtcars[!mtcars$cyl==4,]) This shows my problem. Because no counts are available for factorlevel '4', the label 4 dissapears from the plot. However, I
2011 Dec 13
How to add points to two plots parallelly ?
I am looking for ways to add points to three different plots in parallel. I generate three scatter plots and name them as s3d1, s3d2 and s3d3 s3d1<-scatterplot3d(mtcars[,3],mtcars[,4],mtcars[,5],main="common",pch=20) s3d2<-scatterplot3d(mtcars[,3],mtcars[,4],mtcars[,5],main="common",pch=20)
2011 Jun 21
omitting columns from a data frame
Dear R People: I have a data frame, xm1, which has 12 rows and 4 columns. If I put is xm1[,-4], I get all rows, and columns 1 - 3, which is as it should be. Now, is there a way to use the names of the columns to omit them, please? Thanks so much in advance! Sincerely, Erin -- Erin Hodgess Associate Professor Department of Computer and Mathematical Sciences University of Houston - Downtown
2010 Aug 04
retrieve name of an object?
Dear all Is there an easier way to retrieve the name of an object? For example, > tmp <- 1:10 > as.character(quote(tmp)) [1] "tmp" > as.character(quote(mtcars$cyl)) [1] "$" "mtcars" "cyl" > as.character(quote(mtcars$cyl))[3] [1] "cyl" The last call more than anything seems a hack. Is there a better way? Thank you Liviu
2020 Apr 16
suggestion: "." in [lsv]apply()
I'm sure this exists elsewhere, but, as a trade-off, could you achieve what you want with a separate helper function F(expr) that constructs the function you want to pass to [lsv]apply()? Something that would allow you to write: sapply(split(mtcars, mtcars$cyl), F(summary(lm(mpg ~ wt,.))$r.squared)) Such an F() function would apply elsewhere too. /Henrik On Thu, Apr 16, 2020 at 9:30 AM