similar to: nlrob(...) returns error message

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "nlrob(...) returns error message"

2011 Jun 15
Escape sequence in eval ()
Hello, I am wondering how to get the quotation marks into a variable expression. I can't escape it with the backslash \ ... Example: I can access my data frame via TABLE$"2011-01-02"$columnD Now I want to do this automatically.. (with a for loop).. a <- TABLE b <- " \"2011-01-02\" " c <- "columnD" acessmytable <-
2011 May 24
Problem with visualization of power of t test
Dear R-User, I'm trying to visualize the results of the power calculation with the function power.t.test(). Therefore I want to plot the related t-distributions and shade the surfaces indicatingt the type I error, the type II error and the power. For sample sizes greater 30 I got results which are very satisfying. For small sample sizes I got stuck and did'nt find a mistake. To show you
2011 May 08
Rearranging variables in table in non-alphabetical (manually specified) order
Dear all, I'm trying to rearrange variables in a table in a custum order for using it with levelplot. So far I could only find examples showing how to sort alphabetically. Here is a short example:? a <- c("Anna","Anna","Michael","Klaus","Klaus","Anna","Fritz")? b <-
2011 Aug 24
Split data frame by date (POSIXlt)
Hello everyone, I want to split a data.frame by the column date . The data frame looks like this date time open close 02.01.2011 09:00:00 1000 1200 02.01.2011 09:05:02 1200 1203 ... 01.02.2011 10:01:21 1029 1110 ..... 30.03.2011 12:02:12 1231 1200
2011 Feb 27
stata.get labels glm()
Dear R community, I would like to import data saved with Stata and then run a Probit model using R. My data comes from the World Values Surveys and in the Probit model I want to control for countries. So far I figured out that I should put "convert.factors = FALSE" when using stata.get() in order to import numeric values instead of label mappings, which is what I want for most of the
2011 Aug 02
msdfs and %u
I tryed to use msdfs, but it doesn't work. Is it my fault, or is it a bug? log.snmd: smbd/msdfs.c:295(create_conn_struct) create_conn_struct: Can't ChDir to new conn path /mypath/host/%u. Error was No such file or directory Part of smb.conf: [global] ... host msdfs = yes ... [eb] path = /mypath/data/eb force group =smb valid users = @gruppeeb write list = @gruppeeb browseable = no
2011 Jul 27
fitting sine wave
Dear R-helpers ? I have 7 data points that I want to fit a continuous curve to, that should look similar to a sine wave My data points would mark the local minima and maxima respectively. This is what I?ve got so far. And I would keep doing so, but sadly nls() then says that it has reached the maximum number of Iterations? ?
2013 Mar 15
nlrob and robust nonlinear regression with upper and/or lower bounds on parameters
I have a question regarding robust nonlinear regression with nlrob. I would like to place lower bounds on the parameters, but when I call nlrob with limits it returns the following error: "Error in psi(resid/Scale, ...) : unused argument(s) (lower = list(Asym = 1, mid = 1, scal = 1))" After consulting the documentation I noticed that upper and lower are not listed as parameter in
2011 Sep 03
scp fails after sending command: scp -v -t
I encounter a strange problem with scp / sftp: I travel quite a bit. Normally I never have had any problems using ssh / scp / sftp to connect from my laptop to my computer at home / in the office. Currently (for the next 6 months, too long to ignore it) I'll stay in a place where scp / sftp seem to fail, while as usual I have no problems to establish an interactive ssh connection to these
2009 Aug 12
psi not functioning in nlrob?
Hi all, I'm trying to fit a nonlinear regression by "nlrob": model3=nlrob(y~a1*x^a2,data=transient,psi=psi.bisquare, start=list(a1=0.02,a2=0.7),maxit=1000) However an error message keeps popping up saying that the function psi.bisquare doesn't exist. I also tried psi.huber, which is supposed to be the default for nlrob: model3=nlrob(y~a1*x^a2,data=transient,psi=psi.huber,
2011 Dec 19
nlrob problem
Dear all, I am not sure if this mail is for R-help or should be sent to R-devel instead, and therefore post to both. While using nlrob from package 'robustbase', I ran into the following problem: For psi-functions that can become zero (e.g. psi.bisquare), weights in the internal call to nls can become zero. Example: d <- data.frame(x=1:5,y=c(2,3,5,10,9)) d.nlrob <-
2010 Jun 10
nls model fitting errors
What am I failing to understand here? The script below works fine if the dataset being used is DNase1 <- DNase[ DNase$Run == 1, ] per the example given in help(nlrob). Obviously, I am trying to understand how to use nls and nlrob to fit curves to data using R. #package=DAAG attach(codling) plot(pobs~dose) #next command returns 'step factor reduced below min factor
2007 Sep 28
transparency of one layer in multiple wireframe plot
Sorry sending this again - is anyone familiar with multiple transparent wireframe plots? I already checked the ?wireframe, but with no examples and as newcommer its hard to find out a correct code. If we set drape=F in the example: g <- expand.grid(x = 1:10, y = 5:15, gr = 1:2) g$z <- log((g$x^g$g + g$y^2) * g$gr) wireframe(z ~ x * y, data = g, groups = gr, scales = list(arrows
2007 Nov 07
partially sum variable of a dataframe
Hello, A stupid question: I have an array with two columns, the first "a" acting as my index in 0.25 steps, the second one "b" the column of interest. How can i sum up "b" only for a specified window in "a" (as the window command for time series) a=seq(0,10,0.25) b=runif(41) c=data.frame(a,b) Sum up c if 3<a<5.25 How to do that? thanks marc --
2009 Apr 01
Invalid or corrupt kernel image
Hi there, I try to boot tiny core linux with PXE boot (pxelinux.0) over ethernet. But during the boot I get 2 times a - Invalid or corrupt kernel image - message. The third time the bzImage boots fine. Could someone help me? /agni ____________________________________________________________________ Psssst! Schon vom neuen WEB.DE MultiMessenger geh?rt? Der kann`s mit allen:
2007 Aug 04
Problems using "lm" in combination with "predict"
Hello everybody, I'm trying to predict a linear regression model but it does not work. My Model: y = Worktime + Vacation + Illnes + Bankholidays My modelmatrix is of dimension 28x4 Then I want to make use of the function predict because there confidence.intervals are include. My idea was: mod <- lm(y~Worktime+Vacation+Illnes+Bankholidays) newdate=data.frame(x=c(324,123,0.9,0.1))
2007 Oct 29
shading of curves with polygon
Hello again With the poylgon function it's possible to plot shaded areas under a curve. But somehow it connects the start and the endpoint of a line and fills whats between them. I would actually like to set the boarders of the shading by two min and max curves, but I failed. i tried stl like: polygon(min, max, border=0), where min and max are my curves plotet by plot(max) lines(min)
2007 Aug 16
use AnnBuilderSourceUrls with local path insted of ftp adress
Hallo everybody. I want to build my own GO package using the function GOPkgBuilder of AnnBuilder. It uses AnnBuilderSourceUrls to collect data from different ftp sites. These data are not complete for my organism, so I would like to change the ftp adresses to a local one. The changing itself is working but when I run the script I get the following Error: Error in
2009 Mar 04
Converting file system
Hi @all! I tested what happens with a file which is saved at a FAT32 partition and then this partition is converted to NTFS. So first I transfered the file with rsync from the FAT32 partition to my Linux /home folder. Then I converted the FAT32 partition to NTFS. After the convertation I transfered the file again to see what has changed (amount of data). I was surprised!!!! Nothing has changed!!!
2007 Sep 25
10- fold cross validation for naive bayes(e1071)
Hallo! I would need a code for 10-fold cross validation for the classifiers Naive Bayes and svm (e1071) package. Has there already been done something like that? I tried to do it myself by applying the tune function first: library(e1071) tune.control <- tune.control(random =F, nrepeat=1, repeat.aggregate=min.,sampling=c("cross"),sampling.aggregate=mean, cross=10, best.model=T,