similar to: specifying scales in lattice xyplot makes the lines disappear?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "specifying scales in lattice xyplot makes the lines disappear?"

2006 Sep 11
wireplot margins and additional z-axis
Dear R experts, it would be very kind if you could help me with two wireplot problems. First, when I make a wireplot and transform it into an .eps using the postscript function the eps-file leaves always a lot of space below the plot, as if it would leave space for a legend or something like that. How can i get the plot into the bottom corner without the space below? The space is not there when
2007 Apr 19
inconsistent output using 'round'
I am hoping for some advice regarding limiting decimal points to 3. 'Round' produces the desired results except for the 97.5% confidence interval. Any advice as to how I modify the code to obtain output to 3 decimal points for all ouput is appreciated, regards Bob Green mod.multgran <-multinom(offence ~ grandiose * violent.convictions, data = kc, na.action = na.omit)
2009 Jun 12
FBI Homicide data?
Dear all, do you know if it's available and where the "FBI Homicide" dataset? It has at least the following columns: "victim age", "homicide age". A scatterplot of this data is visible here: Thanks for your help! mario -- Ing. Mario Valle Data Analysis and Visualization Group |
2002 May 13
Spatio-temporal analysis of homicide rates
Dear R-listers, I would like to carry out a very basic descriptive analysis of homicides rates in Italy, taking into account both the spatial dimension (103 provinces) and the temporal dimension (10 years), but no covariates. In practice, what I would like to do is to describe spatio-temporal variation of homicide rates, identifying those combinations of province-year where the homicide rate
2020 Jul 15
On 2020-07-15 14:36, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote: > > G?ran, > > This is not an easy email to reply to because it _contains nothing > reproducible_. Thanks Dirk, Sorry about that, but my real question was (see below): "Is the problem that openblas uses C versions of blas?" That is, do I need to change F77_CALL(name)(...); to cblas_name(...); everywhere? And if so, is
2002 Oct 09
Multiple plots
Hi, I would love to make multiple histograms transposed one on another in order to show relation between the sets. I tried to write a function like this, but R tells me, that I cannot use add=FALSE in high-level commands. That's nice but I am supposed to do? rm(list=ls()) # what's wrong with underscore? #getwd("/home/matej/docs/skola/stat\_anal-cj3534/assign01/")
2007 May 25
xyplot: different scales accross rows, same scales within rows
Dear list members, I would like to set up a multiple panel in xyplots, with the same scale for all colunms in each row, but different accross rows. relation="free" would set up all x or y scales free... which is not what I want :-( Is this possible? Thank you in advance, Best wishes, Marta
2020 Jul 15
Hello, I thought that I should try openblas when building a CRAN package containing lots of old (twentieth century) C-code with frequent calls to blas and lapack routines. I have the following options on my Ubuntu 20.04 machine: Selection Path Priority Status ------------------------------------------------------------ * 0
2009 Jul 09
Lattice xyplot: same scales within one factor
I am using R 2.8.1 and lattice to produce xyplots conditioned on two factors. What I would like is to have the scales be free between values of one factor, but some within. Thus, in the example: xyplot(mpg ~ disp | factor(gear) + factor(cyl), mtcars, scales=list(x=list(relation="free"))) rather than having the x scales be free within a gear as well, I want it to be the same for
2009 Jul 31
xyplot with 2 panels and 2 different x-scales
Hi All, I have this data: type<-c("country","country","country","world","world","world") place<-c("A","B","C","A","B","C") rank<-c(1,3,5,512,420,320) df1<-data.frame(type,place,rank) and need to produce an xyplot with 2 panels, where the x-values are labelled:
2003 Jun 05
scales in xyplot doesn't seem to work for x axis
Hi I'm doing a xyplot and I wand to reduce the number of tick marks in the x axis. My x axis are month and I want to reduce the 12 tick marks to 4. I used the scales argument but it doesn't seem to work, althougth it works on y axis if I use scales=list(tick.number=4).
2007 Oct 09
lattice/xyplot: horizontal y-axis labels with scales(relation="free")
I would like to create an xyplot with varying y-axis limits and horizontal labels at the y-axis tickmarks. The following does not seem to work, although I think it should, going by the documentation for par. R version 2.5.1, Windows XP Prof. Thanks for a clue. Andreas Krause library(lattice) # axis labels for y-axis are horizontal xyplot(Sepal.Length ~ Sepal.Width | Species, data=iris) #
2007 Jan 08
finer control of scales in xyplot
When plotting over multiple pages in lattice, I'd like to be able to have "same" scales within a page, but "free" scales between pages. In other words, something like: z<-data.frame(x=1:100, y=runif(100), d=rep(1:2,50), p=rep(1:2,each=50)) plot<-xyplot(y~x|d*p, data=z,
2005 Apr 01
Ordering scales in xYplot.Hmisc
Dear R community, I am using xYplot() from the Hmisc package. The package works great to plot means + CI. But I am having issues handling the scales. I am plotting "Soil Clay content" vs "Soil depth" by "land use". Usually in this type of graphs it is better to place the variable "soil depth" in the y-axis and it should be ordered downward by depth (0-5
2007 Mar 26
fitted probabilities in multinomial logistic regression are identical for each level
I was hoping for some advice regarding possible explanations for the fitted probability values I obtained for a multinomial logistic regression. The analysis aims to predict whether Capgras delusions (present/absent) are associated with group (ABH, SV, homicide; values = 1,2,3,), controlling for previous violence. What has me puzzled is that for each combination the fitted probabilities are
2008 May 27
Fwd: Re: Seeking help with trellis: log scales on xyplot
Deepayan: Sorry for the additional email, but I'm concerned that I wasn't being clear. In the end, I would like a graphic that portrays my y-values on a log scale in their native data range. That is to say, I would prefer to see the axis labels as 1000 rather than 3 (log10 of 1000). Thank you for your kind assistance, Hobie Perry St. Paul, MN Hobie Perry <>
2012 Apr 08
xyplot() does not plot legends with "relation=free" scales
Hi all, I have this problem with lattice that xyplot() won't draw some of my axis labels if the type (i.e. the relation argument) of scales is set as free. For example, in the plot below, I would want it to also show: 1. the labels E1,...E6 below the 10th panel (i.e. 3rd row, 2 col)....just as it is now done below the 12th panel.... 2. as well as the labels (2,4,6,8) on the top of panels 1
2006 Jul 23
constructing a dataframe from a database of newspaper articles
I am hoping for some assistance with formatting a large text file which consists of a series of individual records. Each record includes specific labels/field names (a sample of 1 record (one of the longest ones) is below - at end of post. What I want to do is reformat the data, so that each individual record becomes a row (some cells will have a lot of text). For example, the column
2007 Jan 26
replicating the odds ratio from a published study- post # 2
Peter & Michael, I just came across the following on another mailing list and realized that my use (and the authors of the article use of the term 'odds ratio' ) is probably incorrect. I believe my interest is in the 'odds' of schizophrenia among the population of homicide, rather than a comparison of odds . "Yours seems a good idea, Kevin, if you are only interested
2011 Sep 15
Lattice xyplot log scale labels help!
I have a problem with lattice log scales that I could use some help with. I'm trying to print log y-axis scales without exponents in the labels. A similar thread with Deepayan' recommendation is here: For example, this code using xyplot produces a logged y-axis but the labels (e.g. "10^1.2") are not very