similar to: Weighted box or violin plots in Lattice?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 700 matches similar to: "Weighted box or violin plots in Lattice?"

2009 Nov 16
violin - like plots for bivariate data
I'm attempting to produce something like a violin plot to display how y changes with x for members of different groups (My specific case is how floral area changes over time for several species of plants). I've looked at panel.violin (in lattice), which makes nice violin plots, but is really set up to work on a single variable - the area trace represents the frequency of each value of x
2011 Mar 24
Colour makes my life; but not my bwplot (panel.violin)
Using Trellis, am successfully setting up a number of panels (25) in which I have two box and violin plots. I would like to colour - one plot as RED and the other as BLUE (in each panel). I can do that with the box plots, but the violin density areas just take on one colour. My basic call is as follows: bwplot(rmsd ~ file | code, data=spread_data.filtered, panel = function(...,
2009 Apr 27
Changing color of points in violin plot
Hello, I am trying to graph a violin plot like the example in panel.violin(lattice) with the singer data - see below Does anyone know how to change the color of the boxplot on the graph from blue to green? I tried a number of changes, but to no avail. Thanks for your help, John bwplot(voice.part ~ height, singer, panel = function(..., box.ratio) {
2012 Nov 03
Violin plot of categorical/binned data
Hi, I'm trying to create a plot showing the density distribution of some shipping data. I like the look of violin plots, but my data is not continuous but rather binned and I want to make sure its binned nature (not smooth) is apparent in the final plot. So for example, I have the number of individuals per vessel, but rather than having the actual number of individuals I have data in the
2005 Oct 26
horizontal violin plots?
I am trying to make horizontal violin plots. I have tried both vioplot and simple.violinplot, but both of them seem to not be willing to take the horizontal option. Is this correct, or am I just bungling it somehow? For instance, for vioplot (from the example shown, with the horizontal modification): > vioplot(bimodal,uniform,normal, horizontal=TRUE) Error in median(data) : need numeric data
2017 Jul 24
Compare output of Violin plot from ggplot2 and vioplot . Need Explanation
Hi,? I have made violin plot with both ggplot2 and vioplot package with same data.? The results and code are as follows.? ################### ?Loading data? data.melt <- dget("") ################### ?Violin plot by library(vioplot) library(vioplot) data.use_11<- data.melt$value[data.melt$ident == 0]
2011 Mar 08
A plot similar to violin plot
Dear R Users, I would like to know is there any package to create a plot like this? X axis is categorical. And the positions of the points are corresponding to the frequency. (similar to violinplot) Thank you. Regards, CH -- CH Chan
2018 Mar 07
ggplot2: plot gruped/nested split violins
Hi, I posted this on StackOverflow also but did not get a response so I thought that I would also try luck here. The post is at: Basically, I have the following test example: --cut-and-paste-from-here-on df <- data.frame(dens = rnorm(5000), split = as.factor(sample(1:2, 5000, replace =
2010 Dec 23
Vioplot / list help
Hi, I have some data (lots of year,distance pairs), which I can straightforwardly boxplot: dists <- read.table("movedists.dat") with(dists,plot(as.factor(V1),V2)) If I want to plot these data as violin plots using vioplot, this approach doesn't work: > with(dists,vioplot(as.factor(V1),V2)) Error in Summary.factor(c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, : min not
2005 Nov 10
ltext - adding text to each panel from a matrix
Hi all (really probably just Deepayan): In the plot below I want to add text on either side of each violin plot that indicates the number of observations that are either positive or negative. I'm trying to do this with ltext() and I've also monkeyed about with panel.text(). The code below is generally what I want but my calls to ltext() are wrong and I'm not sure how to fix them.
2013 Mar 26
Increase font size in plots
Hi I am using violin plots (type of boxplots) and  I am trying to increase the font size in the plots. It looks like that the violin plots do not work as "normal" plots as the cex parameters are ignored. You can have a loot at the code below require('vioplot') data1<-rnorm(100) data2<-rnorm(10) data3<-rnorm(1000) vioplot(data1,data2,data3,cex.lab=2,cex.axis=2)
2000 Jul 28
XML Format Suggestion
Hi, I suggest using basic XML type tags for the file information, so a typical .ogg file would look like: <ogg> <author>Beethoven</author> <title>kreutzer violin</title> <oggaudio1.1>binary information here...</oggaudio1.1> </ogg> this would be make it easy to embed .ogg files in documents and format additions. Cheers, Enrique --
2003 Jul 09
Music on hold quality..
Hi, Does any one have any pointers on improving moh quality?? Symptoms are crackling and hissing as the sound comes and goes.. I installed mpg123 this morning.. I have tried various MP3's sampled at 160k, 128k, 32k and 8k and they all sounded terrible... The PC is a P4 so its got plenty of processing power.. I have tried a few different types of classical music (Piano, Violin and full
2013 Jan 31
A proposal to extend (create) a codified set of revisited and additional FLAC tags
Hello... For the last three years, several of us have been developing a FLAC-based digital music library for use at our radio station here in northern California. This was started first as an experimentwith the goal of understanding what it takes to make a useful library on a central network file server. In the process, we developed an improved and far more useful schema for tagging the
2010 Apr 24
left-to-right series of box and whisker plots from a csv file
Hi, I've got a csv file with scores like this: 40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,32,38,40,20,40,26,40,30,40,5,5,13,12,40,40,3,33,29,23,2,24,9,15,4,21,16,5,26,8,8,18 40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,32,40,40,30,40,40,37,34,40,36,13,40,13,40,5,40,8,29,5,15,34,5,22,14,20
2008 Jan 18
gboxplot (JMP Diamond plot in R?)
I am looking to replicate the functionality of the JMP diamond plot in R. I have found the following enhancement and no other references(see below). I have tried to contact the author via email and I have had no luck. Does any know if this functionality exists in R? If it does not does anyone know how to contact the author of the enhancement request? "Hi, I experimented with a set of S
2005 Mar 21
Violin plot for discrete variables.
Dear Rgurus, To my knowledge the best way to visualize the distribution of a discrete variable X is plot(table(X)) The problem which I have is the following. I have to discrete variables X and Y which distribution I would like to compare. To overlay the distribution of Y with lines(table(Y)) gives not satisfying results. This is the same in case of using density or histogram. Hence, I am
2010 Oct 19
Lattice: type="p" stopped working in panel.average
Hi, The behavior of panel.average has changed. In March 2010, I plotted the attached r_plotViolinOfAnnualE_old.eps. (I don't know the version of R). Today, I plotted the attached r_plotViolinOfAnnualE_new.eps using R version 2.12.0 (2010-10-15). Both figures were produced via the same script: ... plot <- bwplot(year ~ Eann, data=df, horizontal = T, xlab = "E / mSv", ylab =
2010 Jan 12
Placing eps files from R into Adobe InDesign documents: specifying fontfamily
This is a solution I am posting for a problem that others may have. If you want to: 1. Place lattice graphics from R into an Adobe InDesign document, and 2. Use the export as eps function in R to maximize resolution (it is much better than exporting as a metafile or bitmap), and 3. Use long strings of text in your titles or captions or to label your axes. Then you will have problems because:
2010 Dec 20
Time Series of Histograms
Dear List, I have a set of distributions recorded at an equal interval of time and I would like to plot them as series of horizontal histograms (with the x-axis representing time, and y-axis representing the bins) since the distribution shifts from unimodal to multimodal in several occasions. What I would like to see is something close to a violinplot, but I do not want a kernel density