similar to: How to avoid duplicate search results

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "How to avoid duplicate search results"

2005 Dec 02
Ferret 0.3.0 released
Hi folks, This latest release of Ferret has a lot of improvements. There have been substantial improvements to performance. Try it for yourself to see. I won''t be publishing any numbers just yet. I will say though that it''s still about 2-4 times slower than Lucene with the extension installed. There is also some performance improvements in the pure Ruby version if you
2005 Dec 02
How to get the count of matching documents
I''m trying to generate a rails pagination helper for some ferret search results, and I need to know how many total matches there are to my search query. I don''t see an obvious way of finding this. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Carl Youngblood
2005 Dec 02
Compile error on FreeBSD 4.10 gcc 2.95.4
FYI, I tried installing ferret on my freebsd virtual server and got this: retango# gem install ferret --include-dependencies Attempting local installation of ''ferret'' Local gem file not found: ferret*.gem Attempting remote installation of ''ferret'' Updating Gem source index for: Building native extensions. This could take a while...
2005 Dec 16
Ordering results by something other than relevance
Along with the contents of the documents in my index, I have stored the date they were added. I want to search for keywords in the index but have the results be sorted by their date rather than their relevance to the keywords. How would I do this in ferret? Thanks, Carl
2005 Dec 14
Query question
I have an index in which I want different records to be accessible to different users. I think I can do this by adding a "users" field to each record in the index and narrow down my queries to only those records matching the current user''s userid. I have the userids separated by commas. What would be the right way to query for a certain user? I have to make sure that I
2005 Nov 19
FULLTEXT search in MySQL on rails
I tried adding a FULLTEXT search index to a table of mine in MySQL, only to discover that the InnoDB table format doesn''t seem to support this feature. Switching to the MyISAM table type seemed to work, but I seem to have some recollection that ActiveRecord transactions aren''t fully atomic on MyISAM tables. Is this true or am I just remembering wrong? If so, does anyone have
2005 Dec 14
Is it possible to highlight search keywords in results?
I''m wondering if ferret has any built-in search/replace mechanism that I might be able to use to highlight the query data in each search result. The reason I think this would be a good idea is that I could end up having to practically duplicate the ferret query parser just to interpret the query so that I can figure out how to highlight the keywords in the search results. Just in case
2006 May 03
Is it safe to delete ferret-write.lck if it is stale?
I''m noticing that ferret-write.lck sometimes stays in my index directory and throws exceptions whenever someone tries to do a search. Apparently there are some cases where ferret doesn''t realize that the file is old and can be deleted. I''m wondering what the best way to recover from this error is. Am I safe just writing a cron job that deletes this file if it is over
2005 Dec 14
undefined method `add'' for Ferret::Search::BooleanQuery
Up to now in my ferret development I have been using simple single-word strings as my search queries. I just now am trying to increase the complexity of my queries. When I was passing a single word with no spaces in my index searches, like so: count = index.search_each(''testing'') do |d, s| ... end everything worked fine. But now when I do something like this: count =
2005 Dec 08
Confusing lock problem in rails
I have a model class in rails that has a class variable that is a ferret index. For some reason, the methods in my class that refer to the class variable are getting lock conflicts. Can anybody see any obvious reason why? I notice that it keeps leaving a lock file in the index directory. I thought auto_flush was supposed to remove the lock automatically after every operation. Is there
2005 Nov 30
Compilation of ferret C-extension under Windows.
Hi, David. I have recently fixed ferret C sources and successfully compile extension with MSVC.Net The problem was that MS compiler is more stricter that GCC and require that all variables were declared before using. There was ~30 such declaration. I have fixed them all. But I am not sure that it works because tests failed with following error both on clean and patched versions. So seems that it
2005 Nov 26
Get number of found documents
Hi David again. I would say that Ferret works great with Rails. And now I am trying to create pagination. Because site could have millions of documents I need to create on page link something like "Page #100". Rather usual situation. But to create this links I need to know how many documents Ferret found in index. For now I am doing it with following code index =
2005 Nov 26
Several questions about Ferret.
Hi. First of all I would like to say "thank you" to David for its really valuable work. Ferret is a great project and it have great future. Well now is my questions as beginner in Ferret. How to remove ALL documents from index. Remove files is not a solution. I am interesting in something like index.remove_index or something like this. What is a usual way of doing it?? What is the
2006 Feb 07
setting of :key to :id in cFerret
Hi Dave, I''ve been reading this post below back in December 2005. Is it possible to set :key to :id in cFerret like suggested below? Thanks, Mac On 12/3/05, Carl Youngblood <carl at <>> wrote: >* I seem to be getting the same document multiple times in my search *>* results. I''m wondering if
2006 Mar 06
C version of ferret?
Hey Dave, I understand you''ve been very busy lately, but I was really excited when you said before Christmas sometime that you were soon to release a fast C version of ferret. Is that still in the works? Do you have even a rough ETA? I have a rails site that would greatly benefit from it. Thanks, Carl -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2005 Dec 02
cFerret ETA?
I''m noticing some long delays when optimizing my index. I know this is terribly inefficient, but in order to make sure that my ActiveRecord model is in sync with my index, I''m optimizing after every new record that I store, like so: class Resume < ActiveRecord::Base include Ferret has_and_belongs_to_many :users SEARCH_INDEX = File.dirname(__FILE__) +
2006 Sep 06
Which analyzer to use
Lucene''s standard analyzer splits words separater with underscores. Ferret doesn''t do this. For example, if I create an index with only document ''test_case'' and search for ''case'' it doesn''t find anything. Lucene on the other hand finds it. The same story goes for words separated by colons. Which analyzer should I use to emulate
2005 Dec 09
Index returning ids that are one less than they should be
I''m saving records to an index like so: index << {:id => id, :email => email, :contents => contents, :date => found_on} In debugging my code, it appears that whatever I set a record''s id to, when I find that record in a search, it returns the id minus 1, so if the first record I store in my database has an id of one and I store its counterpart in my index,
2006 Apr 16
Error upgrading to 0.9.1 on freebsd
I got some errors when running gem update to update my version of ferret on freebsd: Attempting remote upgrade of ferret Attempting remote installation of ''ferret'' Building native extensions. This could take a while... In file included from /usr/include/sys/time.h:40, from /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/i386-freebsd4.10/missing.h:16, from
2005 Dec 19
Indexing so slow......
I am indexing over 10,000 rows of data, it is very slow when it is indexing the 100,1000,10000 row, and now it is over 1 hour passed on the row 10,000. how to make it faster? here is my code: ================== doc = doc <<"id",, Field::Store::YES, Field::Index::UNTOKENIZED) doc <<"title", t.title,