similar to: Urgent Help: How I can open (Business Objects 6.0) data file? Any ideas?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "Urgent Help: How I can open (Business Objects 6.0) data file? Any ideas?"

2011 Sep 15
Creating a map with central Asian countries
Dear all, I am trying to create a map for central asian countries(Kazakhstan, Uzbekstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenstan, and Tajikstan). I tried google for shapefiles and Rdata files of central asia, but I can't seem to find them. There is only a world map and individual maps for each countries. If I use individual maps to create this map, how do I put them on a same graphic with different colours?
2010 Jul 15
I can't figure out my plm model. Any ideas?
Dear R users, I am using plm packege in R to build my model, but from the result I can't quite figure out what it is... Can anyone tell me why? Am I missing something? R Results: *> ar1<-plm(formula=ADOP~lag(ADOP,1)+PE+WOR, + data=well, effect="time",model="within") > summary(ar1)* Oneway (time) effect Within Model Call: plm(formula = ADOP ~ lag(ADOP, 1) + PE
2018 Jan 05
dhcpd create lease error and unable to kinit for dynupdate on domain controller
Hi everyone following, on my samba dc i have installed the dhcp package and the samba-dhcpd-updateAUR package there are two unresolved errors that i cannot fix 1 -: Can't create new lease file: Permission denied 2 -: kinit for dynamic DNS failed can anyone offer any suggestions. #
2003 Apr 14
Analyzing Medical Data Using S-PLUS by Everitt and Rabe-Hasketh
Dear All, I have just read a glowing review (in the Int. Journal of Epidemiology) of "Analyzing Medical Data Using S-PLUS" by Everitt and Rabe-Hesketh and it sounds like the sort of thing I would like to get my hands on. Is anyone on this list familiar with this book, and in particular have a feel for how useful it will be with R? According to the review the emphasis is on the command
2004 Aug 06
Hello everybody, >> I have a project whereby it is required to multicast audio streams. >> I'm so much interested with icecast-2 , but it doesn't support >> multicast. The 'LiveCaster" application can multicast audio streams >> from icecast, but it can only multicast mp3 audio streams. So, it >> can't be used with icecast-2 as icecast-2 streams
2004 Apr 15
tapply() and barplot() help files for 1.8.1
Hi, I've just upgraded to 1.9.0 and one of my Sweave files that produces a number of barplots in a standard manner now produces them in a different way. I have made a couple of small changes to my code to get the back the output I was getting before upgrading and now (mostly out of curiosity) would like to understand what has changed. I *think* I've tracked it down to tapply() and/or
2003 Mar 06
[ R in your pocket on a Sharp Zaurus]
Ah, but the interesting thing is that they are coming out with a 'clam' version like the 5MX. Details are limited at the moment, but that could mean the combination of 5MX usability with a supported linux distro. I am drooling in anticipation. Sounds like a "I've finally finished my PhD and deserve a treat" situation to me :) Dave On Thu, Mar 06, 2003 at 09:17:20AM
2002 Jul 04
Attn: PRESIDENT/CEO. <p><p>REQUEST FOR URGENT BUSINESS RELATIONSHIP First, I must solicit your confidence in this transaction; this is by virtue of its nature as being utterly CONFIDENTIAL. I am Dr.ADAMS IBRU,the assistant Director (Banking and Treasury Operations) with the UNION BANK OF NIGEIRA PLC, (UBN) Lagos, Nigeria. I came to know of you in my private search for a reliable and
2005 Jan 06
IAX outgoing redundancy
Hello. I am having an issue where sometimes the cheapest provider for certain international destinations is not always reliable in completing calls. However, there is not problem once the call is made (i.e. no lag or echo or anything). The way I have it set up right now (for example) for Dar es Salaam, Tanzania is: exten => _925522XX.,1,Dial(IAX2/livevoip/011${EXTEN:1}) exten =>
2005 Jun 03
* found in Iraq!!
That's's a virus I tell you * is everywhere :) Viva la asterisk. Cheers, Dean > -----Original Message----- > From: [mailto:asterisk-users- >] On Behalf Of Mark Phillips > Sent: Friday, 3 June 2005 6:46 AM > To: Asterisk Users Mailing List - Non-Commercial Discussion > Subject:
2005 Jun 06
OT: WAS: * found in Iraq!! NOW: Asterisk bus iness sightings
So I go into a new Apple store on Sat to buy some stuff for my Mini, and I notice some Snom 360's on the sales counter. Venturing a question, I ask, are they using Asterisk? Guys says yes. Cool! I said: What kind of box are you using. He points to a Mini sitting on the counter! 2 X cool! He's using a SIP-FX0 converter. Plug: great store in Alberta. Anyone else
2003 Oct 10
length() of vector after using strptime()
Hi, I am trying to parse a date (that is read in as a factor) and add it to a dataframe. The length of the parsed date is shorter than the length of unparsed date and I therefore cannot add it to the dataframe: > x [1] 20030807 20030807 20030807 20030808 20030809 20030809 20030809 20030809 [9] 20030808 20030808 20030809 20030808 20030808 20030819 20030819 20030821 . .
2002 Jan 06
Passing names of variables to functions
Hi, I am still new to R and have a programming question. I have created a small function which takes a parameter. In the function I want to be able to refer to the names of the variables sent to the function (specifically I want to be able to use the name of the variable given to the function in an output table). For example, in the following (fictional) function I want some way of printing
2004 Aug 06
Hello ... >From the icecast website ( i found the following info > (i copy-pasted it): { Note that icecast-1 is deprecated and unsupported, and may possibly induce nausea in small children, hair loss in men, and estrogen fluctuations in women. If, for some reason, you absolutely must have ancient versions of icecast (possibly for historic preservation), download icecast
2003 Jun 12
SP? Re: Rounding problem R vs Excel
Hi again Sam, Sorry for not replying sooner. I have been ignoring everything for a while to work on the AMMP analysis tool and the continuing saga of migrating the legacy AMMP data. Our consultant has written some programs that take a VERY long time to run :( Anyway, I now know Java and a certain amount of JSP. I hope to be able to get around to this soon. It is all a bit hard now with our
2002 May 23
separating a digest into separate messages
Could someone suggest a mail reader that will parse a digest from r-help into separate messages? Preferably, this reader would allow replies or forwards of separate messages. I use pine on a Sun running SunOS 5.7. If there were an add-on to pine that would accomplish this task, that would be even better. Anne ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Anne E. York National Marine Mammal Laboratory
2002 Mar 13
How useful is iESS mode for emacs?
I would like some feedback about how useful is the iESS mode to run R in Xemacs/emacs? -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read Send "info", "help", or "[un]subscribe" (in the "body", not the subject !) To: r-help-request at
2003 Jan 29
calling sweave function from latex
System info: Mandrake 9.0 R Version 1.6.1 ESS 5.1.21 Emacs 21.2.1 ------------------- Colleagues I've been calling R-code embedded in my LaTex document using Sweave, but would like to make things more convenient. At present as I understand it you first process the R chunks of code using the Sweave function called from within R to process a "precursor file" e.g. foo.sw to get a
2003 Jan 29
calling sweave function from latex
System info: Mandrake 9.0 R Version 1.6.1 ESS 5.1.21 Emacs 21.2.1 ------------------- Colleagues I've been calling R-code embedded in my LaTex document using Sweave, but would like to make things more convenient. At present as I understand it you first process the R chunks of code using the Sweave function called from within R to process a "precursor file" e.g. foo.sw to get a
2003 Mar 07
Hello, I am trying to use 'R' for K-means simulatio, could you please advise me how I can read my data into a two dimesional array? Or is there any method which directly reads the excell file? Please let me know asap. Regards Skanda Kallur Cogito, Ergo Sum! Rene Descartes