similar to: unable to access index for repository

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "unable to access index for repository"

2005 May 02
RMySQL query: why result takes so much memory in R ?
Hi I just started with RMySQL. I have a database with roughly 12 millions rows/records and 8 columns/fields. From all 12 millions of records I want to import 3 fields only. The fields are specified as:id int(11), group char(15), measurement float(4,2). Why does this take > 1G RAM? I run R on suse linux, with 1G RAM and with the code below it even fills the whole 1G of swap. I just
2002 Sep 12
DBI / MySQL problems
Hi. I frequently use RMySQL package to interface R with MySQL databases. I was having a try with package DBI and I got the following error: > library(RMySQL) > library(DBI) > drv <- dbDriver("MySQL") > ch <- dbConnect(drv, dbname="mydb", user="myuser", password="mypasswd") > ibm <- dbGetQuery(ch,"select * from table where
2009 Jan 10
Hi all- I am stumped. The code in A. returns errors at lines 14 and 15 and fails to load series1 and series2. However, in B., if temp1 and temp2 are called again (which returns a "Table exists" error; see lines 14-17 in B.) series1 and series2 load correctly. Any ideas? Also-I am open to any suggestions to improve the code as I am a horrific programmer. Thanks A. 1 >
2009 Jan 19
[Win] Hangup RGui with RMySQL (PR#13453)
Full_Name: Apfel Schmied Version: 2.8.1 (2008-12-22) OS: WinXP SP2 Submission from: (NULL) ( RMySQL Version: 0.7-2 DBI Version: 0.2-4 MySQL Version: 5.1.30 (Enviroment Variable MYSQL_HOME is set) Updated R from 2.60 to 2.8.1. Now Gui.exe hangs up (100% CPU Useage) when requesting data from a mysql database. Example Code:
2007 Jul 16
S4 coerce
(I am not sure if this is a bug or a request for a more understandable warning, or possible something obvious I should be posting on r-help.) I am trying to coerce an new class object to be a DBIConnection and it does not work the way I think it should: R version 2.5.1 (2007-06-27) ... > require("RMySQL") # or require("RSQLite") Loading required package: RMySQL Loading
2011 Apr 05
Pulling strings from a Flat file
Hi, I have a flat file that contains a bunch of strings that look like this. The file was originally in Unix and brought over into Windows: E123456E234567E345678E456789E567891E678910E. . . . Basically the string starts with E and is followed with 6 numbers. One string=E123456, length=7 characters. This file contains 10,000's of these strings. I want to separate them into one vector the
2005 Nov 17
Histogram over a Large Data Set (DB): How?
Hi! I'm new to R, and I have a question about how R works with large data sets --- in particular, data sets that come from databases. I'm using R 2.2.0 with the DBI package (0.1-9) and the RMySQL package (0.5-5). My get-my-feet-wet-with-R project is to make a histogram from a data set stored in a MySQL database. In particular, I have a table that describes some observed spam emails.
2009 Dec 30
seg-fault... but on what
I got the following after running succesfully through this loop 28 million times... the loop opens text files in a directory and inserts line by line into a database... *** caught segfault *** address 0xc0000010, cause 'memory not mapped' Traceback: 1: .getGeneric(f, where, package) 2: getGeneric("coerce", where = where) 3: as(obj, "integer") 4:
2010 Oct 13
Rmysql - dbWritetable
Dear Rusers, I am trying to feed my database with data from a file. But since my file (2010101000.txt) there`s no headers I am facing problem because the result data.frame is not separated my columns. How could I set variables names for each columns in *dbWriteTable*? I have tried the command below but I don`t know how to fill the *field.type*option. dbWriteTable(con, "b20101010",
2011 Feb 09
Insert variable in RMySQL-Statement
Dear list, I'm working with a MySQL-Table and would like to extract selected ids that are stored in a vector: Ids <- c(1,2,3) How do I insert this variable in a for loop like this: For (a in values) { Temp <- dbGetQuery(con, "select * from db Where id = <ID>";) } My problem is to split the select-statement and insert the current id. How can I handle this problem?
2011 Jan 31
SetInternet2, RCurl and proxy
Dear all, Using the SetInternet2(TRUE) option works wonders with R in my sealed down work-environment. However, I'd like to use RCurl and apparently the proxy settings are not carried over. Is it possible to figure out the proxy-IP and port number from R after invoking SetInternet2? //M
2006 Nov 07
have I an actual matrix?
Hi all! I do hope question from newcomers are wellcome here! Thanks in advance. Trying to catch up and to acquired the needed background to easily read R documents it is being a bit hard to me to get into the required concepts to deal with data. I am trying to get data from a MySQL database and plotting it with barplot. Here the code... library(RMySQL) con <- dbConnect(dbDriver
2002 Oct 16
Database newbee problem...
Hi all, This is a potentially very stupid question about MySQL <-> R interaction, but I have not been able to solve it. I'm just trying to connect R to my MySQL databse, and gets this: > library(RMySQL) Loading required package: methods > m <- dbDriver("MySQL") > con <- dbConnect(m,group="testdb") Process R segmentation fault at Wed Oct 16 07:04:30
2003 Apr 23
Dear laurent, > But there are lots of commands I found in R docs which are "not found", > such as getTable. Deprecated (I successfully used dbListTables) or do I > simply miss a package ? >From RMySQL\NEWS: * added (almost) trivial convenience RS-DBI functions getTable(), assignTable(), existsTable(), and removeTable(). They all mimic the corresponding R/S get(),
2012 Mar 30
RMySQL and german umlaute
Hi list, I have some trouble to setup RMySQL correctly to work with german umlaute: > library(RMySQL) Loading required package: DBI > pg <- dbDriver("MySQL") > con <- dbConnect(pg, username="dummy", host="localhost", password="", dbname="ga1prosp") > dbGetQuery(con, statement="SELECT * FROM K?rperma?e;") Error in
2011 May 03
na.omit - Is it working properly?
I have a work around for this, but can someone explain why the first example does not work properly? I believed it worked in the previous version of R, by selecting just the rows=200525 and omitting the na's. I just upgraded to 2.13. I am also concern with the row numbers being different in the selections, should I be worried? FYI, I just selected the first few rows for demonstration, please
2007 Nov 02
RMySQL inserting data problem
Hello, I am trying to insert data in a data.frame into a database table using the RMySQL package m <- dbDriver("MySQL") con <- dbConnect(m, host = "blah", user = "blah", password = "blah", dbname = "blah") proid <- dbGetQuery(con, "select max(processed_data_id)+1 from processed_data") spot <-
2007 Mar 20
RMySQL load error
I'm having trouble getting RMySQL to load. I was able to build it and install it (RMySQL_0.5-11.tar.gz). I was also able to build and install mysql-5.0.37. I've read many postings about this but have not found a mention of my particular problem (some closely related). I get the "unable to load shared library, no such file" error, but all the files do exist, and
2009 Dec 24
How to dbReadTable() only a limited number of rows? (RMySQL)
I only want to load a limited number of rows by dbReadTable(). I don't see an option in the help. Is there an option to do so?
2005 Mar 09
RMySQL installed but not availalable
I don't use MySQL but I have seen messages like this before. They often have replies which indicate that you need to follow the instructions more closely. I suggest you search the list for these previous posts as I'm sure there is help there, somewhere! Tom > -----Original Message----- > From: Adriano von Sydow [mailto:pdasilva at] > Sent: Thursday, 10 March 2005 5:13