similar to: var:covariance matrix from glm using logit function

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 30000 matches similar to: "var:covariance matrix from glm using logit function"

2011 Jan 23
extract score vector and covariance matrix in glm package
Hello I am running a project but I encounter a problem . I would be happy to receive help : problem: I have a binary dependent variable and some covariates logit(y)=a+bx+cz . I want to estimate the score vectors and their covariance by the usage of logit function and so glm in R .The vlaue of one of the coefficient ( like b) is known previously and I want to extract a and c and covariance
2006 Dec 14
Syntax for getting covariance matrix
I am new at using R and was wondering if someone can give me the exact syntax for getting the covariance matrix. I used logit to generate the equation. Specifically the syntax was: glm(formula = Status ~ A + B + C + D + E, family = binomial(link = logit), data = logit) Do you know the syntax to get the covariance matrix? Thanks! [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 Jul 28
Variance-covariance matrix from GLM
Hello, Is there a way to obtain the variance-covariance matrix of the estimated parameters from GLM? my.glm<-glm(mat ~X,family = binomial, data =myDATA) out1<-predict(my.glm, = TRUE) std<-out1$ is for getting the standard errors of the estimated parameters (\betas). Is there a way to get the variance-covariance matrix of the estimated parameters? Many thanks,
2004 Jan 29
Calculating/understanding variance-covariance matrix of logistic regression (lrm $var)
Hallo! I want to understand / recalculate what is done to get the CI of the logistic regression evaluated with lrm. As far as I came back, my problem is the variance-covariance matrix fit$var of the fit (fit<-lrm(...), fit$var). Here what I found and where I stucked: ----------------- library(Design) # data D<-c(rep("a", 20), rep("b", 20)) V<-0.25*(1:40) V[1]<-25
2019 Feb 19
mle (stat4) crashing due to singular Hessian in covariance matrix calculation
Hi, R developers. when running mle inside a loop I found a nasty behavior. From time to time, my model had a degenerate minimum and the loop just crashed. I tracked it down to "vcov <- if (length(coef)) solve(oout$hessian)" line, being the hessian singular. Note that the minimum reached was good, it just did not make sense to calculate the covariance matrix as the inverse of a
2003 Sep 28
Logit reality check
Hello all: I've been given the following data and have been asked to run a logit model using glm(). The variable, Y, is a proportion ranging from 0 to 1, X is a covariate. Without a base number of observations from which Y is computed as a proportion, I believe there is not sufficient information. If I try the model below, R seems to grumble with a complaint. glm(cbind(Y,1-Y) ~ X,
2008 May 28
confidence interval for the logit - predict.glm
Hello all, I've come across an online posting that described how to get confidence intervals for predicted values from predict.glm. These instructions were meant for S-Plus. Yet, it generally seems to work with R too, but I am encountering some problems. I am explaining my procedure in the following and would be most
2011 Aug 26
How to find the accuracy of the predicted glm model with family = binomial (link = logit)
Hi All, When modeling with glm and family = binomial (link = logit) and response values of 0 and 1, I get the predicted probabilities of assigning to my class one, then I would like to compare it with my vector y which does have the original labels. How should I change the probabilities into values of zero and 1 and then compare it with my vector y to find out about the accuracy of my
2008 Aug 11
variance covariance matrix of parameter estimate using nlrq
In "lm" command, we can use "vcov" option to get variance-covariance matrix. Does anyone know how to get variance-covariance matrix in nlrq? Thanks, Kate [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2011 Sep 28
Robust covariance matrix with NeweyWest()
Dear R-users, I would like to compute a robust covariance matrix of two series of realizations of random variables: ###Begin Example### data <- cbind(rnorm(100), rnorm(100)) model <- lm(data ~ 1) vcov(model) library(sandwich) NeweyWest(model) #produces an error ###End Example### NeweyWest() produces an error but sandwich(), vcovHAC(), kernHAC, weave(),... do not produce any errors. It
2006 Oct 12
how to get the variance-covariance matrix/information of alpha and beta after fitting a GLMs?
Dear friends, After fitting a generalized linear models ,i hope to get the variance of alpha,variance of beta and their covariance, that is , the variance-covariance matrix/information of alpha and beta , suppose *B* is the object of GLMs, i use attributes(B) to look for the options ,but can't find it, anybody knows how to get it? > attributes(B) $names [1] "coefficients"
2012 Oct 17
function logit() vs logistic regression
Hello! When I am analyzing proportion data, I usually apply logistic regression using a glm model with binomial family. For example: m <- glm( cbind("not realized", "realized") ~ v1 + v2 , family="binomial") However, sometimes I don't have the number of cases (realized, not realized), but only the proportion and thus cannot compute the binomial model. I just
2007 Aug 10
half-logit and glm (again)
I know this has been dealt with before on this list, but the previous messages lacked detail, and I haven't figured it out yet. The model is: \x_{ij} = \mu + \alpha_i + \beta_j \alpha is a random effect (subjects), and \beta is a fixed effect (condition). I have a link function: p_{ij} = .5 + .5( 1 / (1 + exp{ -x_{ij} } ) ) Which is simply a logistic transformed to be between .5 and 1.
2012 Mar 19
glm: getting the confidence interval for an Odds Ratio, when using predict()
Say I fit a logistic model and want to calculate an odds ratio between 2 sets of predictors. It is easy to obtain the difference in the predicted logodds using the predict() function, and thus get a point-estimate OR. But I can't see how to obtain the confidence interval for such an OR. For example: model <- glm(chd + male + lowed, family=binomial(logit)) pred1 <-
2012 Jun 08
Testing relationships in logistic regression
I am interested in knowing whether and how I can test the significance of the relationship between my continuous predictor variable (a covariate) and my binary response variable according to two different groups, my categorical predictor variable, in a logistic regression model (glm). Specifically, can I determine whether the relationships are identical (the hypothesis of coincidence), or whether
2007 Mar 19
How to specify Variance Covariance matrix of residuals?
Hi guys! I have a problem regarding a binary logistic hierarchical model I am trying to use. The model contains various covariates that depend on the location the response was measured at but do not depend on time (year). I also have a spatial covariate that depends both on location and time. I have been trying to use the lme4 pack but the package only allows me to model variance covariance
2008 Jan 08
GAM, GLM, Logit, infinite or missing values in 'x'
Hi, I'm running gam (mgcv version 1.3-29) and glm (logit) (stats R 2.61) on the same models/data, and I got error messages for the gam() model and warnings for the glm() model. R-help suggested that the glm() warning messages are due to the model perfectly predicting binary output. Perhaps the model overfits the data? I inspected my data and it was not immediately obvious to me (though I
2012 Oct 05
glm (probit/logit) optimizer
Dear all, I am using glm function in order to estimate a logit model i.e. glm(Y ~ data[,2] + data[,3], family = binomial(link = "logit")). I also created a function that estimates logit model and I would like it to compare it with the glm function. So, does anyone know what optimizer or optimization method glm uses in order to derive the result? Thank you Dimitris -- View this
2006 Dec 27
proposal: allowing alternative variance estimators in glm/lm
There has been recent discussion about alternatives to the model-based standard error estimators for lm. While some people like the sandwich estimator and others don't, it is clear that neither estimator dominates the other for any sane loss function. It is also worth noting that the sandwich estimator is the default for t.test(). I think it would be useful for models using other
2010 Jan 07
LD50 and SE in GLMM (lmer)
Hi All! I am desperately needing some help figuring out how to calculate LD50 with a GLMM (probit link) or, more importantly, the standard error of the LD50. I conducted a cold temperature experiment and am trying to assess after how long 50% of the insects had died (I had 3 different instars (non significant fixed effect) and several different blocks (I did 4 replicates at a time)=