similar to: Calculate a mean for several months for several years

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Calculate a mean for several months for several years"

2012 Jan 31
testing for temperature differences between years and sites?
Hello! I have a dataset with monthly temperatures for 4 different years and I would like to test if they are significantly different between the years. As I collected the data for different sites I wondered if there were some possibility to perform the calculation at once or if I have to repeat it for each site. I tried like this: Model_Temp <- lmer(Temp ~Year +
2013 Apr 06
How to plot several years data with date information by months?
Hi, all I have a medium sized data, 6 years. Each observation is a case with a date variable, such as '2004-08-02'. Some of the months didn't occur a case. I want to plot the 6 years data by month, and the Y_axis is the freqency of cases for each month, meaning 12*6=72 bars or points in the figure. I though of a method, 1st, using the months function, then ploting. But I need to
2009 May 29
ggplot2 date help (minor gridlines months and major grid lines years in a readable format)
library(ggplot2) melt.updn <- (structure(list(date = structure(c(11808, 11869, 11961, 11992, 12084, 12173, 12265, 12418, 12600, 12631, 12753, 12996, 13057, 13149, 11808, 11869, 11961, 11992, 12084, 12173, 12265, 12418, 12600, 12631, 12753, 12996, 13057, 13149), class = "Date"), variable = structure(c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L,
2011 May 06
Extracting months and years from Dates while keeping order
Hello! I'd like to take Dates and extract from them months and years - but so that it sorts correctly. For example: x1<-seq(as.Date("2009-01-01"), length = 14, by = "month") (x1) order(x1) # produces correct order based on full dates # Of course, I could do "format" - but this way I am losing the "Date" quality of the data:
2009 Aug 20
expanding 1:12 months to Jan:Dec
Dear R users I would like to do some spreadsheet style expansion of dates. For example, I would need to obtain a vector of months. I approached in an obviously wrong way: > paste(01:12) [1] "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9" "10" "11" "12" > as.Date(paste(01:12),
2008 Jan 12
hist.Date() and cut.Date(): approximations used when using breaks = 'months' or 'years'
Hi all, I came across some curious behavior today in using hist.Date() and subsequently noted the same behavior in cut.Date(), both of which are using similar code when 'breaks = "months"' or 'breaks = "years"'. I was in the process of creating a histogram of subject enrollment in a clinical trial. The counts needed to be by month, so essentially used:
2008 Jul 14
aggregate months to years
Many thanks for the recent answers to my question about pattern recognition. The hint to "grep" and the "pattern" argument brought me a big deal forward. # Now, I have a data frame: DATE <- c("1930-01-01", "1930-01-01", "1930-02-01", "1931-01-01", "1931-02-01", "1931-03-01") # almost all months until
2008 Apr 25
Constructing dummy variables for months for a time series object
I have a TS of monthly observations. head(data4) 1991(1) 1991(2) 1991(3) 1991(4) 1991(5) 1991(6) 12.00864 11.94203 11.98386 12.01900 12.19226 12.15488 Now I want to make 11 dummy variables indicating months. Therefore I did followings : For Jan : rep(c(rep(0,0), 1, rep(0, 11)), 17) For Feb : rep(c(rep(0,1), 1, rep(0, 10)), 17) ........ and so on But my
2008 Oct 01
plotting several yearly/monthly time series on the same plotting several yearly/monthly time series on the same graph
I have searched the forums but I am having trouble trying accomplish two specific plots. I am not sure if this is a very basic task but I am having a lot of trouble Here is my data frame: date prod_daily price 1 2003-08-15 12050 4.83 2 2003-08-18 12050 4.94 3 2004-08-10 12300 5.78 4 2004-08-11 12300 5.64 5 2004-08-12 12300
2019 Nov 11
NUT 2.7.4 is several years ago - new stable release?
Hi, The last stable release for NUT (version 2.7.4) was several years ago. Is there a reason for the long hiatus? The reason I ask is that all of the distros seem to package that version. I'm hitting issues with NUT, and a Redditor suggested it was due to my old version - but I'm just using the distro version:
2011 Mar 23
mean of runoff for several years
Hello everyone I have a dataframe with 4 colums (year, month, day, runoff) for 1993-2009. Now I like to calculate the average runoff for each day. Finally I like to plot the median runoff for all this years. I tried with some loops, but it didn't work. Do you have any Tips for my problem? Any help is greatly appreciated! Thank you very much. Dominique -- View this message in context:
2007 Nov 13
finding the annual maximun within several years
dear r-helpers i've got a table that in extracts looks like this: V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 1 01/01/1975 00:00:00 125.837 3.691 296.618 2 01/01/1975 01:00:00 124.799 3.679 281.307 3 01/01/1975 02:00:00 111.607 3.536 281.307 4 02/24/1976 11:00:00 21.602 2.555 93.893 5 02/24/1976 12:00:00 27.804 2.623 93.893 6 02/24/1976 13:00:00 26.105 2.604 114.716 7 10/18/1977
2004 Jun 07
Vectors of years, months, and days to dates?
The interface for dates in R is a little confusing to me. I want to create a vector of Date objects from vectors of years, months, and days. One solution I found is: years <- c(1991, 1992) months <- c(1, 10) days <- c(1, 2) dates <- as.Date(ISOdate(years, months, days)) But, in this solution the ISOdate function converts the vectors into characters, which can cause serious
2007 Oct 26
how do i find the annual maximun within several years?
dear kind helper, i would like to know how to find the annual maximun for a table that basicly looks like this: date time measurement1 measurement2 measurement3 mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss m1 m2 m3 there are about 9000 measurements for each year, which makes it quite large... i already tried to subset all rows for a year, to find the maximum within these choosen rows, y <-
2008 Sep 12
how to plot monthly mean data showing missing months
Dear R users, As per my attached script I am ploting monthly mean data which has missing months. But in the plot missing months are not shown (plot attached). Kindly help how to show complete plot (Jan-Dec) with missing months. Regards, Yogesh -------------- next part -------------- An embedded and charset-unspecified text was scrubbed... Name: script.txt URL:
2013 Feb 12
Changing the order of months within a year
I have data that looks like below and I would like to re-order the values within the "date" column. I would like to have each year organized like so: Sep-71 Oct-71 Nov-71 Dec-71 Jan-71 Feb-71 Mar-71 Apr-71 May-71 Jun-71 Jul-71 Aug-71 Sep-72 Oct-72 etc... Is there any way I can order the column in my own fashion and just move Sep-Dec to the beginning of each year? I am planning on doing
2011 Mar 15
Calculate monthly means
I am trying to calculate monthly means by year of phosphates and nitrates from a multi year data set. Can anybody help me out with the most effective way to do this? My data looks like this: Collection_Date                   Test.Name              Value 2000-01-24 17:00:00            Phosphate               0.108 2000-01-24 17:00:00            Nitrate                     0.037 2001-11-12
2006 Jul 07
calculate number of months difference between two dates
hi, Is there an easy way of calculating the difference in months between two dates in a controller. thanks -- Posted via
2007 Sep 24
Calculate difference between dates in years
Hello, I would like to be able to calculate the age of someone at a particular date. Both dates are date objects. Here is what I have come up with: floor(as.numeric(sampleInfo$Date.of.DIAGNOSIS-sampleInfo$Date.of.birth)/365.25) Is this the best approach? or is there an inbuilt function? I have looked at difftime but that does not seem to allow output in years. Many thanks Dan --
2011 Jan 28
Months in alphabetical order rather than chronological order in graph
Greetings Though I have months in chronological order in my data table, the data were sampled every other month (i.e., February, April, June, August, October, December), every time I try to plot them (on the x-axis) they are plotted in alphabetical order. What am I missing? Cheers Kurt *************************************************************** Kurt Lewis Helf, Ph.D. Ecologist EEO