similar to: (no subject)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "(no subject)"

2011 Feb 21
(no subject)
What is How can I fix this data or add so it works? > library(maps) > library(splancs) > area = 6*4 > lambda = 1.5 > N = rpois(1,lambda*area) > u = runif(N,-2,4) > v = runif(N,0,4) > plot(u,v,asp=1) > h = chull(u,v) > h = c(h,h[1]) > plot(u[h],v[h],"1",asp=1) Error in plot.xy(xy, type, ...) : invalid plot type '1' >
2003 Dec 07
par(las = 1) not possible in polymap(), library(splancs)?
Dear all, I want my PhD thesis which I hand in tomorrow to look even nicer: Does polymap in the splancs library not allow horizontal plotting of y-labels? I have tried polymap(studyarea, xlab = "x (m)", ylab = "y (m)", las = 1) but it doesn't change the labels? Mayby some function in library(spatstat) support las? Thanks! Sincerely, Tord
2005 Sep 16
Question:manipulating spatial data using combination of Maptools and Splancs
Hi, I have a problem that concerns combination of the package Maptools and Splancs I have 2 shapefiles that i want to manipulate (one of type point and one polygon).I import them in R using Maptools but then i can't estimate a quartic Kernel using Splancs. The package doesn't recognize the shapes (invalid points and poly argument).I don't know if this is an easy task but i have
2012 Aug 13
Fine Tuning Country Map
Dear All, Please see the short script at the end of the email, which I assembled looking for bits and pieces on the web. It essentially does what I need: it plots several countries as a color-coded map. I just would like to fine-tune a bit the final image, in particular (1) Select my own colors for "painting" the countries (i.e. associate manually a color to every level) (2) Be
2009 Mar 30
Warning messages in Splancs package :: no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
Hi, I would need some help with the splans package in R. I am using a Shapefile (downloadable at) and the following execution code setwd("C:\\Documents and Settings\\Dejan\\Desktop\\GIS\\assignment6\\DataSet_Redlands_Crime\\Redlands_Crime") library(foreign) library(splancs) auto_xy<-read.dbf("Auto_theft_98.dbf")
2004 Jun 11
space-time k function problem
I am intersted in time-space clustering of local industry. I made the point file, polygons and time table then run 'stkhat' function in Splancs, but it generates only time k function. I noticed that it has only one ks value. ... Can anybody help me?. thanks in advance. countiespt <- read.table('d:/dissertation/dailynew/jun10/countiespt_ok.txt', sep=",")
2013 Nov 27
GADM Data Download
Dear All, Please consider the snippet at the end of the email. I often download some maps (in the R format) from However, when I run (typically more than once) a variation of the script below (based on ), I often get Error in load(url(paste("", fileName, "_adm", : cannot open the connection In
2001 Jun 02
inout() in splancs working properly?
I have a problem with function 'inout()' in package 'splancs' on CRAN-R Version 1.2.3 under FreeBSD4.3-STABLE. The following script produces and draws points and a polygon-surrounded area. Repeating the same script many times shows, that points on the polygon-line often, but not always, are outside of the polygon-area. library(splancs) # dataset with polygon (convex
2008 Aug 12
Geodata object border
Sorry, this is probably quite an easy question, but I'm new to R and couldn't find the answer anywhere. I'm using geoR and geoRglm, but can't figure out how to get a border in my geodata object. Does this need to be defined when I'm importing my data, or afterwards, and how do I go about doing this? Thanks -- View this message in context:
2001 Oct 16
Assignment of structures on a given environment
Hi, In order to avoid deep copies by passing large arguments to functions or returning values, I'm trying to do the assignment of variables in a given environment. The problem is when I try to assign a structure: a list for example. If I have: ind <- c("a","b") my idea is doing something like l <- alist() l[ind] <- as.list(c(20,40)) in a given
2003 Apr 28
sum(..., na.rm=TRUE) oddity
Hi all, I get two different results when using sum() and the switch na.rm. The result is correct when na.rm=FALSE. Linux Redhat 7.3, R version 1.6.1. I've had no luck searching the mail archives, so I was hoping somebody could explain/check this one for me. I will need to apply the function to missing data, simple as it is. Code: x<-matrix(runif(20,0,5)%/%1,4,5) # random matrix
2005 Dec 19
How to draw partial grid in plot for spatial-binomial experiment?
DeaR comRades: I have a 2D spatial binomial process as shown in the data and code below. I am plotting the number of trials and the number of successes in the spatial binomial experiments and would like to draw the spatial cells were the trials and successes were counted, i.e. a partial grid in the plot only for those cells where there is a number. The cells are 2x2 km cells. The count of Trials
2013 Jan 29
points rejected as lying outside the specified window
Hello, I am using the following code to create ppp files from csv data and map shape files, but I am getting some errors which I have been unable to fix by searching them online: library(spatstat) library(maps) library(maptools) NYC2<-readShapePoly("nybb.shp") # this is a map of the NYC boroughs without waterways and no census tract divisions (but it does include lines separating
2012 Jun 04
Plotting with Rgraphviz
Hi All, After a lengthy battle just to get the package installed, I am not able to actually use Rgraphviz to generate any plots. I tried just using the sample code in the documentation ( and I get the following: *> > library(Rgraphviz) > test.matrix<-matrix(rep(c(0,1,0,0), 9), ncol=6, nrow=6) >
2006 Apr 26
Polygon-like interactive selection of plotted points
[Please CC me for all replies, since I am not currently subscribed to the list.] Hi all, I have the following problem/question: Imagine you have a two- dimensional plot, and you want to select a number of points, around which you could draw a polygon. The points of the polygon are defined by clicking in the graphics window (locator()/identify()), all points inside the polygon are
2011 Jan 20
Generating time progressing line for Google Earth
Dear, I am trying to visualise a time-progressing line (it's supposed to represent spread patterns) using brew package and Google Earth. The idea is to have a function which takes start and end point geographic coordinates, as well as number of intervals to chop the path up, and returns the collection of points segmenting this line. Unfortunately my calculations fail for large distances,
2006 Jan 21
Bug in xy.coords() or documentation error?
Hi, I noticed the following problem with xy.coords() in R 2.2.1-patched (version info at the foot of this email) and R 2.3.0 unstable (subversion no: r37123): > xy.coords(x = matrix(1:20, ncol = 2)) Error in xy.coords(x = matrix(1:20, ncol = 2)) : argument "y" is missing, with no default > xy.coords(x = matrix(1:20, ncol = 2), y = NULL) $x [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
2001 Feb 17
Comments on R-1.2.1 builds (PR#851)
The R-1.2.1 builds have gone fairly smoothly on most of my UNIX architectures, but there were many warnings reported by the picky SGI compiler that could be eliminated in future releases. Generally, I have found the SGI compilers very helpful in ferreting out portability problems, unused and/or obsolete variables, unexpected datatype coercions, etc., and they compile faster than any other
2013 Apr 26
[newbie] how to find and combine geographic maps with particular features?
SUMMARY: Specific problem: I'm regridding biomass-burning emissions from a global/unprojected inventory to a regional projection (LCC over North America). I need to have boundaries for Canada, Mexico, and US (including US states), but also Caribbean and Atlantic nations (notably the Bahamas). I would also like to add Canadian provinces and Mexican states. How to put these together? General
2011 Dec 21
Gps fraction of degrees function
Dear all,   I have the following written example > coords <- "51°30'48.58\"N" > > as.integer(strsplit(coords, "°")[[1]][1]) [1] 51 > as.integer(strsplit(strsplit(coords, "°")[[1]][2], "'")[[1]][1]) [1] 30 > as.numeric(strsplit(strsplit(strsplit(coords, "°")[[1]][2], "'")[[1]][2],