similar to: Scaling Lattice Graphics for tikzDevice

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "Scaling Lattice Graphics for tikzDevice"

2012 Aug 07
Repeated Aggregation with data.table
I have been using ddply to do aggregation, and I frequently define a single aggregation function that I use to aggregate over different groups. For example, require(plyr) dat <- data.frame(x = sample(3, 100, replace=TRUE), y = sample(3, 100, replace = TRUE), z = rnorm(100)) f <- function(x) { data.frame(mean.z = mean(x$z), sd.z = sd(x$z)) } ddply(dat, "x", f) ddply(dat,
2012 Jul 31
Error Installing Package with Dependency on "Matrix"
I'm attempting to update to R 2.15.1, and I'm having trouble with a package that depends on the "Matrix" package. I've created a dummy package consisting only of a DESCRIPTION file that specifies the dependence on "Matrix", a NAMESPACE file, and an R directory, containing a single function, "square <- function(x) { return (x*x) }". When I try to
2012 Jul 30
Thinning Lattice Plot
Is there an easy way to "thin" a lattice plot? I often create plots from large data sets, and use the "pdf" command to save them to a file, but the resulting files can be huge, because every point in the underlying dataset is rendered in the plot, even though it isn't possible to see that much detail. For example: require(Hmisc) x <- rnorm(1e6)
2010 Nov 17
Multiple Line Plots with xyplot
I'm trying to make multiple line plots, each with a different color, using the xyplot command. Specifically, I have an NxK matrix Y and an Nx1 matrix x. I would like the plot to contain a line for each (x, Y[,i]), i=1:K. I know something like xyplot(Y[,1] + Y[,2] + Y[,3] ~ x, type='l') will work, but if Y is large, this notation can get very awkward. Is there a way to do something
2012 Jun 25
combineLimits and Dates
I'm having some trouble using the latticeExtra 'combineLimits' function with a Date x-variable: require(lattice) set.seed(12345) dates <- seq(as.Date("2011-01-01"), as.Date("2011-12-31"), "days") dat <- data.frame(d = rep(dates, 4), g = factor(rep(rep(c(1,2), each = length(dates)), 2)), h =
2011 May 06
Cumsum in Lattice Panel Function
I'm trying to create an xyplot with a "groups" argument where the y-variable is the cumsum of the values stored in the input data frame. I almost have it, but I can't get it to automatically adjust the y-axis scale. How do I get the y-axis to automatically scale as it would have if the cumsum values had been stored in the data frame? Here is the code I have so far:
2011 May 31
splom Tick Location
When using the 'splom' function of the 'lattice' packge, is it possible to get all the tick marks in the outer margins of the plot? X <-, 100, 10)) plot(X) ## Tick marks are in the outer margin splom(X) ## Tick marks are inside the on-diagonal panels Thanks. - Elliot [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2011 Feb 16
tikzDevice compiling problem
Hi guys. The tex file which compile the following graphic has many problems. I don't know what's happening. Any input would be really appreciated. # Cargo el prgrama que produce el c?digo en Latex require(tikzDevice) # Establezco directorio del programa setwd('/Users/fabiangarcia/Documents/R') # El siguiente programa produce el archivo tex tikz('CobbGRAF.tex',
2017 Oct 22
ggplot2 and tikzDevice : problems with accents
Hi all, I can't fathom why the accented "?" in the following ggplot2 graph makes R hangs when using tikzdevice,? whereas it works using simple pdf device. ###### library(tikzDevice) library(ggplot2) options(tikzDefaultEngine = "luatex") tikzLualatexPackages =c( ? "\\usepackage{tikz}\n", ? "\\usepackage[active, tightpage,psfixbb]{preview}\n", ?
2012 Dec 10
Ayuda tikzDevice
Buenos días; Aunque ya llevo un tiempo con LaTeX y R no he conseguido que me funcione la librería tikzdevice. El primer problema está con tikzDictionary que me da como error: cannot create lock file. He estado buscando información en Google pero sin éxito. No he conseguido solucionarlo indicando un archivo en RProfile con options(tikzMetricsDictionary = ''path/archivo''). Cuando
2010 Apr 27
TikzDevice and texi2dvi
Dear All, I am starting to use the tikzDevice package, but I am experiencing some (minor problems). If I try to run the script at the end of the email, I get the following error Error in tools::texi2dvi("normal.tex", pdf = T) : Running 'texi2dvi' on 'normal.tex' failed. Messages: sh: /usr/bin/texi2dvi: not found How do I install the missing texi2dvi? I found some
2011 Jan 31
Generic Functions and Dates
I'm trying to write a generic function that calls different methods depending on the structure of the argument, but not the exact type of its contents. For example, the function 'nan2last' below works for a numeric vector but not for a vector of Date objects. Is there any way to make it work on any vector? setGeneric("nan2last", function(x) {
2011 May 12
Errors and line numbers in scripts?
Is it possible to get R to report the line number of an error when a script is called with source()? I found the following post from 2009, but it's not clear to me if this ever made it into the release version: ws wrote: >* Is there a way to have R return the line number in a script when it errors out? *>* *>* I call my script like: *>* *>* $ R --vanilla < script.R >
2012 Aug 15
tikzDevice not available
Hello people! I just formatted my disk, and I have installed R 2.14 over. Now I am trying to restore my packages and all. I realized that tikzDevice, a crucial package for me is gone. Fortunately, I have kept my old, non-zipped, tikzDevice folder, but none of the commands I know seems to handle this [i.e. load() and install.packages()]. Thus the formulation is like this: how to install a
2010 Aug 10
tikzDevice 0.5.0 released to CRAN
# tikzDevice --- ## Description The tikzDevice package new graphics device for R which enables direct output of graphics in a LaTeX-friendly way. Plotting commands issued by R functions are transformed into LaTeX code blocks. These blocks are interpreted with the help of TikZ-- a graphics library for TeX and friends written by Till Tantau. The tikzDevice supports three main modes of output:
2010 Aug 10
tikzDevice 0.5.0 released to CRAN
# tikzDevice --- ## Description The tikzDevice package new graphics device for R which enables direct output of graphics in a LaTeX-friendly way. Plotting commands issued by R functions are transformed into LaTeX code blocks. These blocks are interpreted with the help of TikZ-- a graphics library for TeX and friends written by Till Tantau. The tikzDevice supports three main modes of output:
2012 Apr 27
Dear R'ers, I have trouble installing tikzDevice in Ubuntu.  When I use install.packages("tikzDevice"), it gives error message: ERROR: dependency ‘filehash’ is not available for package ‘tikzDevice’ * removing ‘/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/tikzDevice’ Then I tried filehash installation, I get the message: "package ‘filehash’ is not available (for R version 2.13.1)"
2016 May 13
Latex y gráfico
Estimado Freddy Omar López Quintero Muchas gracias. Probé de su sugerencia el ejemplo 3.4, pero me falla, copio y pego todo el código junto al error > library(tikzDevice) tikz(?figs/simpleEx.tex?,width=3.5,height=3.5) plot(1,main=?Hello World!?) Error: unexpected symbol in "library(tikzDevice) tikz" > Algo anda mal. Javier Rubén Marcuzzi De: Freddy Omar López
2011 Nov 18
tikzDevice 0.6.2
Version 0.6.2 of the tikzDevice was recently posted to CRAN and should be making its way to a local mirror. The tikzDevice package provides a graphics device that translates R graphics into TeX code suitable for inclusion in LaTeX documents. Version 0.6.2 is primarily a maintenance release that supports some new functionality in R 2.14.0. The latest version adds new functions that allow users to
2011 Nov 18
tikzDevice 0.6.2
Version 0.6.2 of the tikzDevice was recently posted to CRAN and should be making its way to a local mirror. The tikzDevice package provides a graphics device that translates R graphics into TeX code suitable for inclusion in LaTeX documents. Version 0.6.2 is primarily a maintenance release that supports some new functionality in R 2.14.0. The latest version adds new functions that allow users to